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Tuesday, December 19, 2006
12/18 - I think my theme song for this month....

Is welcome to the black parade, by MCR.
They buried Casie today, it was soooooooooo sad. There weren't amyn people there, only me, shelby, susan, troy, and shelby's uncle.
anyways, aside from that, today was pretty good. I haev school tomorrow. dang it! But i don't ahev to go on wednesday, because of an appointment, so yeah....
I was writing on a story yesterday, or at least i was fixing it. I had already started it, but i decided to change some stuff, so yeah.
i finally figured out when House was on on the local station. at least, i know when it's on for the next 3 days...LOL.... I missed half or tonights episode...damn....
i should be watching inuyasha right now, but i'm typing up my post instead, so yeah... i think i've seen tonights episode already anyway.
I'm reading a book called Tithe, which is pretty good so far, even though it uses strong language...LOL... with my dad around, i'm used to it, so yeah...LOL....
ty sent me a bunch of emails cuz she was bored, thsi was the funniest one:
BTW, they were all weird looking, with each letter beign a different size....LOL
umm... yeha.... so i guess i'll see you around....
yesterdays answer: All the I've Got, by The Used
triva: what show did i finally figure out the airing time of for the next three days?
1) inuyasha
2) FMA
3) house
4) Wha-?
good luck...^^
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Sunday, December 17, 2006

well, aside from wednesdays trouble, MY week has been as good as you can expect given the circumstances.....
i can't remember much, but we ahd a BIG wind storm (YES!^^) which knocked the power out...
so yeah...
I gues they're airing the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th inuyasha movies on Cartoon network. Lucky for me, i'm not gonna have to stay up all night to watch them.... LOl.... Owning the movies SO pays off...LOL
my mom and i went shopping, we picked up new bed sheets for my new bed, since the ones i have don't fit very well...LOL... and nail polish remover, because i need it....LOL
oh, and we had 6 comments on yesterday's post.... YES!
poll results: gosh... there were several i can't decide/hate them boths, and i cream soda... LOL
"I'll be just fine
Pretending I'm not
I'm far from lonely
And it's all that I've got"
I chose this,because the music video was palying on TV while i was finding a song...LOL
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Saturday, December 16, 2006
Hey, I don't feel like typing for a long time, so i'll tell you about what happened int eh past few days on tomorrows post, bust i figure that since this might take some space, I'm going to tell you about soemthign that is so terrible, i hate to think about it....
at 9:30 on wednesday, a life was extinguished, the cause? I'm nto exactly sure, the family isn't exactly sure, but we think it was the Chemo-therapy...
TO be exact, My Shelby's (My best friend) little sister died. This should never have happened. But it did, and i've accepted it. Casie was 10 years old, that's the saddest part. Shelby's family has taken this better than most would in my opinion. Susan (the mother) has stopped crying, and we're all glad that she no longer in pain.
This is why i dedicate this post to Casie, The strongest little girl i have ever known. I know that if it were me, i wouldn't have been quite as strong.
So, may casie be completely at peace, where ever she may be.
Hopefully she's an angel, watching over Shelby and Susan, and me and everyone else, laughing at our stupidity. LOL
well, sorry to unload all thsi sad stuff on you, in fact, I'm sorry i did for myself, i was happy until i posted...-_-....grr....
until tomorrow!
Excuse ym randomness, but i haev to do this....
I'm a Cat Demon! Bark Bark!
...heh heh.....
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Tuesday, December 12, 2006
.... ^^

good day, i have no hoemwork, no one's been bugging me, no papers, roleplaying, what's not to love?
today started out as usual, I was late to school, we read the X-mas carol, social studies book work, scientific stuff about the ocean, hemp necklaces, lunch, PE, helping DYlan in math, walkign home...
I went to kayren's for a few horus, and attempted to teach her ot IM, but it didnt' work out too well...
i came home, and pretty much spent the rest of the night RPing with ty... we've established exactly what we're doing, so yeah... that's good....
well, i dont' want to bore you, so i'll be going now.
yesterday's answer: A) Lira
winners: Arrekusu-sensei, and Shisu-Dono... ^^
poll: Which is better, rootbeer, or cream soda?
I-I can't decided....T-T......
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Monday, December 11, 2006

well, i don't know how it came to be late at night, and late enough to post, but it did....
i woke up this morning to the sounds of my dad infiltrating my room....-_-... he wanted to see my MP3 player... I wish tehy'd jsut buy me and ipod or somethign and get it over with..... I can only put like.... 67 songs on my current mp3 player, and it's gettign irritating....
then i don't knwo what happened, but soon i was watchign superman.... jsut goes to show how bored i was.... i don't even like superman..... -_-.....
Ty and i roleplayed for a while, and we've decided that we're going to skip a few years in our story type things time line, 3 year to be exact, and we are going to have most of our emo sect (including the daughter of the leaders) kidnapped by a sect that Taka and Lira (the leaders) replaced as council members. THE leaders fo the other sect (Jordan and Jason) will be holding everyone prisoner, and terribly hard to defeat. I'm thinking maybe we shoudl ahev some deaths, injuries are indefinite. I just thought of having maybe lira killed, and though some of my characters can bring the dead back, i'll make it so that she can't be brought back. so sad..... T-T.....
well, i updated a few of my stories, and i got a review on one of the ones that NEVER get reviewed... -_-.... i'm happy about the review, but mad at the people who don't review....LOL
I watched the last Escaflowne tape that the Albany library has that i haven't seen, how ironic is it that it was the first one? LOl.... I also read the manga i borrowed...
Kira came, got the naruto comic she had on order, and her present and left.... her parent's won't let her have any time for friends anymore.... -_-..... it's irritating.....then again, they never really let her have time for friends in teh first place...
*sighs*..... I'm bored now.... we're up to 36 GB entries... YES! ^^ I'm happy about that... ^^
...I odn't want to go to school tomorrow, but i need ot get soemthign back from Josh, i klet him trade me armwarmers on friday, and i'm jsut so worried that i'll never see my left red and black rock armwarmer again.... even though i knwo where he lives... Besides, the armwarmer he let me borrow in exchange smells funny.... -_-... then again, my scent is kind of minty because i live with cats, josh's scent is kind of a mix between old person smell, and second hand smoke smell... -_-....
I think i'm going to go back to talkign about RPing now... ^^....
as it is now, our EMo sect has at least 44 members, in the rping world we have, being emo is just like being goth, so yeah, we use the word emo because it sounds better with words like amte and sect than goth does.... LOL.... except we kind of take it to the extreme, our emos like causing trouble, and they won't hesitate to crash a preps birthday party...LOL
well, i think i'll go now, TTYL!
yesterday's answer: Ghost Of You by MCR
winners: none
trivia: which character am i planning to kill off?
A) Lira
B) Taka
C) Jordan
D) Jason
well good luck, talk to you all later!
HUGS! ^^
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Sunday, December 10, 2006
yeay! ^^

I got to go to albany today... ^^....
yeah, I woke up, and me and my mom had a nice long talk, about what we're gonna do about our money problems.
first off, my dad can't get health insurance, so if he gets injured, we have to pay for it, and if he gets injured in one of those injuries where it cost hudreds of thousands of dollars to save him, mom'll be liable, so they have to get divorced... but they'll still be living like they were married. i'm okay with it strangely. LOl... I guess it's just the fact that things won't change much when it happens.
my father is like a big black hole that only works on food and money. he spends money like it grows on trees, even though he knows better.
but i'm not going any farther into that, don't want to bore you.... heh heh.....
anyways, I went to walden books, and the library today.... sadly, i couldn't get the newest Tamora Pierce book at either, mom wouldn't let me buy Terrier.... -_-..... but i did get ym christmas present for Shelby, Kira, and Kayren, and mom and dad picked up a little somethign for my littel cousin.... she's 6 i think.... and cute, yet strangely irritating at the same time... LOL... i guess most little kids are that way...
but i did manage to borrow DNAngel vol.98 from teh albany library... and i know the third book in a trilogy i was reading is actually written... ^^ ...
I've decided that i'm goth, even though i have brown blonde hair..... Mom won't let me dye it.... so.... yeah.... thanks to..... i think it was ELven ninja who had the little banner on her site.... i dunno...
I got a new pair of arm warmers at Claire's, they're red with a fancy black design runnign down them... ^w^
I HAVE to stay up until 3 am, because i want to watch the 2 hour long episode of No. 1 Countdown on Fuse.... It's the rock genre one, so it's gonna be good! ^w^
I have christmas lights runnign down my hall way near the ceiling on both sides, and i hung up one of my fancy garlands around mom's TV... ^^.... I'm thinking of putting my pretty white one in my room... ^^
The albany library FINALLY got in the next book in a series i was reading; THe Keys To The Kingdom By Garth Nix
I finally get to read Sir Thursday, I know it sounds strange, and the series is REALLY strange, but it's awesome, just like his trilogy .... Sabriel, Lirael, Abhorsen...
but enough about books... i've been told i read too much.... LOL.... my room is a mess... I'm gonna have to clean it tomorrow.... -_-..... good thing it's mostly blankets from when kira and shelby stayed the night....
anyways, i'm gonna go watch Paranoia Agent, so i'll see you later! ^^
results: zelda: 2 Final Fantasy: 1
huh.... Well, I like final fantasy because it leaves me with lots of questions even though i've only truely beaten Tactics...LOL... ((BTW: I'm listening to the Welcome to the black parade music video from my intro as we speak.... it's on another window though...i think i could hear that song 300 million times, and still not tire of it...LOL...))
Today's clue:
"At the end of the world
Or the last thing I see
You are
Never coming home
Never coming home
Could I?
Should I?
And all the things that you never ever told me
And all the smiles that are ever gonna haunt me
Never coming home
Never coming home
Could I?
Should I?
And all the wounds that are ever gonna scar me
For all the ghosts that are never gonna catch me"
huh... ind of a long one, huh? well, It's a pretty good song anyways... ^^
PS: i watch bleach, and it went by like that! *snaps fingers* ..... but it was SO awesome! *sparkle sparkle, happy happy.....LOL* anyways, c ya!
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Saturday, December 9, 2006
YEAY! ^^

I had a lot of fun today... but best to begin correctly...
This morning, i had a strong urge to stay home, and then i got to school, and Dylan wasn't there... weird huh?
in science, Mark was gone, (Not too surprising really, i figure mark and Dylan might have been skipping...) so i had ot sit next to Connor, and he wouldn't stop bugging me the whole time.... -_-..... I hate him!
art was ok.... health was okay as well, and math was so-so.... math is a lot less likable when Dylan isn't there... I kept expecting to see Dylan in the halls all day.... LOL....
I temporarily lost my glasses this morning, so i had to wear my contacts. I think i'm gonna start wearing them all the time agian.....
anyways, i didn't have to do any papers, and i went to marissa's Birthday party, and had a blast... ^^
I kept bugging Connor (a different one, this connor is nice, i'll refer to the other one as Stupid head...LOL) because when i ahd my 3 inch heels on i was taller than him. And i had a lot of fun, we didn't really do anythign but hang out, but it was still a lot of fun.... Who knew socializing outside school could be so much fun? LOL
Sadly, at the end Cassie felt left out, and was all sad...it sucked, but she kind of steal the attention all the time anyways, so ... yeah....
as it stands now, i'm typing up my post, and my dad is in my room, playing Castlevania: Lament of innocence, He still hasn't beaten it...LOL.....
so yeah... I plan to stay up really late and watch Power Fuse, but i don't know if i'll be able to maintain my awakness for another 4 and 1/2 hours..... LOL....
Mom woke me up last night in the middle of the night, because apparently i fell asleep with my lgiht on, the TV on, and my glasses on, which is why i couldn't find them this morning.... -_-.....
I asked my parents to get em the CD's, but they're all like "can't you dowload the songs off Itunes?" and i was all like "If the computer crashes again, I won't have them anymore.....-_-" Not to mention the fact that i WANT the cds, not just the songs, i want the cds.... T-T
well, g2g, TTYL!
Yesterday's answer: C
today's poll: Which is better? the FInal Fantasy series, or the Legend of Zelda series?
my vote: Final fantasy.... ^^ ((I used to be a nintendo lover, but i've switched my devotion to PlayStation...LOL))
PS: I saw Josh again today... ^^
PSS: Hugs for everyone! ^^
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Friday, December 8, 2006
...OMG! OMG!

first off, I'm sorry fer not posting yesterday.... I'm sure you all were disappointed.... LOL....
next, a recapp of yesterdays events..... ((Please ignore any random stuff like this, they're playing Loaded: Greenday on fuse..... LOL...))
...lemme see.... I got a new seat in..... 4 of my classes.... LA, social studies, Science, and MATH!
In LA and Social studies..... teh only difference is that Dylan now sits closer to me! ^^ YEAY! XD
In science, i'm now in the front row... -_-... it's an ok spot... except i have to sit near two preps.... and almost got stuck sitting next to my tormentor..... -_-
In math, ((NOW the best class of my day again)), I'm sitting right next to DYlan again... ^^..... I love MATH...
... AND to top all the happiness off, Dylan waved at me again yesterday... ^^..... hey... i forgot to tell kayren.... don't let me forget.. ^^
Now for today... it was a boring day.... but I still was in a VERY good mood at the end of it all...
Interestingly enough, there are still WWII veterans alive... I know, because one of them gave a presentation type thing to EVERY socail studies class in teh school.... He's supposedly been doing this for nine years, I must have been absent on Pearl Harbor day last year.... hmm.... so yeah....
I got to see one of those Purple heart things up close..... pretty cool...
in science, Dylan's friend Mark, ((HE'S a "flirt"..... though i refer to him as a perv....)) anyways, since he sits next to me, i noticed, he's got very good handwriting, ((Did i ever tell you that i have never met a guy with better hand writing then mine? and mine's pretty bad... or at least i didn't know i had ever met one)) his only problem with school is that he never finishes anything..... -_-..... I shall annoy that out of him if i have to... he was one of my best friends a few years ago... *shudders* anyways, I knwo where he lives, so i can safely make that threat.... ((Every time he's moved, he's moved a block away....-_-..... the good part.... Dylan has to walk past MY house to go to marks....LOL))
but, by the end of math class, i had smiled genuinly 3 times because of Dylan... ^^... and managed to help him with his homework....LOL
i only had to deliver 13 papers today... and they were alll near my house, how cool is that? of course i always look my best when i'm deliveing around my house..... too many people that i know...
I got Marissa's birthday present... ^^.... the party's actually tomorrow.... i'm gonna have SO much fun..... Marissa is way fun to be around...^^
Kira managed to find a naruto AMV to the song Welcoem TO The BLack Parade by MCR ((as you probably already know...LOL)) and as soon as i'm done posting it, i'm gonna put it on my intro.... so i have to say my funny line, i jsut have to....
Back by not-so-popular demand, the AMV!
ok... i'm done now.....
one more thing, I'm going to ask my parents if they might trouble themselves to get me MCR-The black parade ((THe CD)) and ThreeDay's Grace- One X for christmas... i really want those CDs.... T-T... I also want 30 Seconds TO Mars- A Beautiful Lie ...... ^^
well, i'm gonna go now.... i still ahev homework.... *sighs irritatedly* ..... mrs. SNow gives us too much homework.... -_-....
In fact, that's why i work on my homework while she talks on and on about the lesson...
anyways, goodbye! ^^
answer: Wasteland By 10 Years
trivia: .... what 2 cds am i asking my parents to get me for X-mas?
a) The Black Parade (MCR) and A Beautiful Lie
b) One-X and A beautiful lie
c) The Black Parade and One-X
good luck! ^^
PS: Hugs for everyone! ^^........now, i'm gonna go back to hiding my emotions like a diplomat...LOL
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Wednesday, December 6, 2006
...... coolness..... ^^

yup yup.... coolness.....
on the post for 12/4, excluding my own, we got 7 comments.... I am shocked...... In a good way... ^^......Can we try to keep it up? LOL......
Other good news.... We have 35 GB entries.... and 400+ hits... ^^
lemme see.... I finished another book today...It was really good... A little bit more adult than most of the stuff i've read, but nothing i couldn't handle... LOL....
Umm...I'm also borrowing three cd's from Shelby..... Evanesence - The Open Door, Linkin Park - Hybrid Theory, and .....NOW 18...... just because it was in ym CD player when she left, and it's the best NOW CD she has...(I mean com'on, it has Three Days Grace and Good Charlotte on it...other than that.....)
I spent all my spare time reading today..... that rarely happens....o.0...that and me cooking...
You know what? Since i have school in the morning... I hope i can get to sleep before 1 AM..... LOL... I cannot hold to a strict sleepign schedule during vacation....I always wake up before 10... (unless i was up until...say....4 am the night before)......I even keep a bad sleeping schedule on weekends..... I call it catching up on the sleep i lose during the week.....((In the summer it's called catching up on the sleep i lost during the school year))
Sadly.... The more i sleep, The more tired i feel.... so i stay up late on school nights anyways....LOL
well, Ithink it's almost time for inuyasha, so i'm gonna go... TTYL!
poll results: 4 vote rock lee, and 1 vote Haku.... ((Kira already told me she thinks Rock Lee would win....and i Think Haku would win.... Just because i do....))
so i guess that puts the crowds favor in Lee.......poor Haku....
Today's CLue:
"Change my attempt good intentions
Should I, could I
Here we are with your obsession
Should I, could I"
Good luck everyone! ^^
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Monday, December 4, 2006
..... well.... Shelby and Kira are stayin the night tonight.

Yep... ^^..... guess what kira did?
We went to get the Pizza, and Kira tried to get in the wrong Car, it was hilarious......
let's see... I spent all of today messing with a video game... LOL.... and yeah....
We went over to Shelby's for an hour so Kira could See the rabbit...
and right now shelby and Kira are being occupied by my naruto clash of ninja game... ^^
well, I need to get back to entertaining my friends, and i want to watch them fight over who gets the only sleeping bag mother is allowing us.... (Lucky for me, I get the bed... ^^...)
one more thing.... Have any of you ever played so late into the night that you left lights on, if you have glasses, forgot to take them off, and most of all, when you woke up, couldn't even remember how you had gotten to where you were? that happened to me last night..... don't ask me why, but was playing Pokemon Sapphire......heh heh... can't even remember how i got to the daycare center, but when i woke up, I was there.... I think my body might have gone on video game autopilot or something..... LOL.....
yesterday's answer:
To be loved By Papa Roach
winners: too lazy to look.... sorry....
today's trivia: NONE
Instead, we have a
POLL: If Haku hadn't died in Naruto, who do you think would win, Haku, or Rock Lee?
...c ya!
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