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Saturday, December 2, 2006
......I get to go to a birthday party tomorrow... ^^

Yup yup... ^^ Kayren's turning 13...tomorrow.... ^^ YEAY! ^^
s see, today i got bored, and decided to play one of my dad's games for MY PS2...... Syphon filter Omega Strain..... anyways, It's kind of irritating, then mom got me on a "What video games taht i've beaten would i be willing to seel so that i could buy FFVII" mental state, and i strated playing a few of my other games to try and finish them.....
I don't think anyone will want me to be a cop in real life... My dad was playing his Max Payne 2 game, and i was helping him... When i had the controler, there was no mercy, and I liked throwing the stuff that catches the enemy on fire at them, jsut because it was amusing.... I saw them twitch, i shot them again.... I snuck up on one guy, and shot him in the butt...LOL... I jsut love watching the bad guys go flying in the air when a grenade hits them... it's so funny.... ^^
I think i've started to see what other people see in those games where you do nothing but shoot at people...LOL
I aheva feeling i know what my Christmas present is... My dad slipped, and said that I didn't have to buy inuyasha season 3 cuz i was watchign inuyasha, Had he been thinking, he would haev said season 2..... either that, or that was a deliberate slip..... Hmmm..... another thing is, I'm working on gettign them to buy me a copy of FFVII off Ebay, but they're beign slow about it.....
I want to paly somethign new now.... I want to rent a game from hollywood video or Blockbuster... But what would i rent?.... I dunno..... I'd have to decide when i got my chance.... *amused look*
I'm going to show up at kayren's birthday party in my most gothic looking clothes, i want to see what happens to me..... LOL.....
well, i'd better go, i want to get up early enough to get ready for the party real well, i still haev to wrap Kayren's present and i'm lettign one of my other friends who'll be there borrow some books... so yeah..... TTYL!
yesterday's answer: A) Constable
Winners:Shisu-Dono and Doose-Doe
todays clue:
"Whoa I'll never give in
Whoa I'll never give up
Whoa I'll never give in
And I just wanna be, wanna be loved
Whoa I'll never give in
Whoa I'll never give up
Whoa I'll never give in
And I just wanna be, wanna be loved"
good luck... ^^
PS: ......Yeay for Three Days Grace.... They're playing Pain on the radio right now... ^w^
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Friday, December 1, 2006
I'm a bum......

I can't believe it's been nearly a week since i posted....
Well, let's see.... I never managed to finish writing and posting my stories.... which sucks....
umm.... I have been very boring lately.
I went ot a play that Reaper12 was in tonight, she played a constable, and her slight British accent (Which has no reason for being in existance) helped her sound cool... ^^
I spent a few hours at Shelby's afterward, and got dragged home at 11 cuz i didn't know it was 11.... shelby got a bunny... ^^ I helped her name it.... her naem is Holly... ^^
Well, I'm jsut trying to not be irritated by my computer.... cuz i got a bunch of wall papers that i love, but my screen saver program might not like them.... -_-
I'm glad i don't have school until next wednesday, Though i'm going to go to a birthday party on saturday, but that's okay with me... ^^...
I've finally gotten to where i can at least say hi to Dylan outside school. heh heh.... I'm a loser... not.... I'm just anti-social and I haev a harder time trusting people when i'm nto at school... LOL
Hey... every time i have a strong urge not to go to school... Dylan is absent... how weird is that?
I've decided on my new hobby, It will be collecting posters that i like, and when i run out of room on my walls, I'm going to experiment a bit with different ways to stick poster to my textured ceiling, and i'm going to use the hall way.... ^^
well, i'd better go, i'm not sure whether or not i'll ahev a new back ground and a new DP and a new beginning picture by tomorrow.... we'll see....
Last time's answer: Welcome To The Black Parade by My Chemical Romance
winners: Shisu-dono
yeay1 ^^
Trivia: What part Did Reaper 12 play in the play?
A) a constable
B) a police man
C) both
well, until next time!
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Saturday, November 25, 2006
fanfiction weekend... YEAY!

yup yup.... too bad i have a TON of homework... so i haev to write all my updates today...
I've decided to delete some of my stories, and rewrite yet another one. I'm also writing the ending to all the stories that will survive before i go any further into them.
I have a lto of writing to do, and little time, So i'll se you later...
last time's answer: B) Goth
Winner(s): Elvenninja, Shisu-Dono, & Littleinugirl
Today's clue:
"I'm not okay
I'm not okay
I'm not okay
You wear me out"
.... I had this one saved to my computer, because i love it......LOL
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Wednesday, November 22, 2006
hey everybody....

How's it goin? I'm fine... nto much to say.... Other than my teeth hurt due to my braces, I got some cool arm warmers at claire's... (.....).... Dylan waved at me... and we weren't at school... (In your face Kayren....).... and I painted my Nails.... oh, and my mom thinks i'm gonna be goth...It took her this long? LOL.....
I'm really happy that Dylan waved at me, ^^ he gave me back my good mood for the day.... ^^
so yeah.... oh, and all of the projects i have are all due NEXT week now... Yeay! ^^
g2g, tired....
Last time's answer: Sieze the Day by Avenged Sevenfold
Winner: Shisu-Dono
today's trivia: what does my mom think i'm gonna be?
A) Emo
B) Goth
C) She didn't have a word for it
D) normal
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Sunday, November 19, 2006

.....*goes back to being Emo*.....I had fun today...
I got to shop, I got to partake in socialness, and i got to get books... ^^
We went to albany today... and so on... After doign some other thigns, my parent's dropped me off at the albany library with the library card, and they went and did stuff... Meanwhile, I got books, and i arrived early for Anime club... the other girl there, Jessica, was jealous, because i was wearing my inuyasha t-shirt....
Anime club was a blast... ^^ We talked about lots of stuff, and Aaron got in a mock fight with Shippo ((that's jsut what we call him))... then i got in a mock fight with Aaron, and drove off aaron invisible friend...I swear, It was so much fun.... Wish you guys could a been there... ^^ ....
After that, I went to the mall, and got Kayren's birthday present, a book i'd already read, And don't go saying she won't like books... she is a bookworm if i've ever met one.... ^^
then we came home, i made dinner, and we lived happily.... Did i mention that Dad hasn't gotten on ym nerves at ALL today? That right.... we have a first time.....peaceful day in the history of me posting on my site... ^^...LOL
Tomorrow i'm supposed to get up before ten so that we can get me a new bed... ^^....
well, that's it... ^^
Yesterday's answer: b) 5
Winner: Shisu-Dono
today's clue: "I see my vision burn, I feel my memories fade with time
But I'm too young to worry (a melody, a memory, or just one picture)
Seize the day or die regretting the time you lost
It's empty and cold without you here, too many people to ache over"
.... I can't remember the tune, but i like the song.... ^^
PS: Does anyone know where Arrekusu-Sensei's been for the past few posts!?!?
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Saturday, November 18, 2006
...................................I'm suddenly shivering.....

....so....I get to work with my LA arts group until the end of the trimester... Woohoo! The people in my group actually fall into categories. We have me, THE wanna-be goth; Dylan, The hot guy(LOL); Peri, the Perfectionist; and Sarah.... the dumb one.....(EVEN funnier....)..... so.. yeah....
...... we have 4 big projects due around the same time at school....T_T......
...I'm surprised... even the losers that live in my house didn't manage to ruin my perfectly happy mood for long...^^
....Guess what? I broke my own rule..... I hit the ball in volleyball..... That's against my "religion." LOL.... I did pretty well.... I served 5 times in a row.... which was cool... not that i cared...
pfft! We had yet another retarded assembly at school. The only good part.... Shorter classes, and about an hours worth of goofing off....LOL
I can't help but think My friend Lucas likes likes Kayren....LOL....He aaked me how much money he'd have to pay her to get a hug...how sad is that? LOL....
hmm... I seem to have run out of stuff to say... I'm STILL running off a MCR high... how long's it been? 3 weeks?
Hey... Me and Dylan are a lot the same.... The more we sleep, the more tired we feel (he told me this this morning); Orange, green, and yellow are all too bright; gothic stuff is awesome; we've even thought of things at the same time; The onyl problem...heh heh...Is...the fact that.... aside from when we talk during our few tiems being together on a project, and once in a while during math....we pretty much ignore eachother... LOL.... Kayren calls me crazy.... she doesn't ahev any interest in dating..... i don't know why...
Nwo how ironic is it that I've know Dylan since the fourth grade, and I only jsut started liking him? I dunno...
Dylan is friedns with KAyren's step brother, and i'm friends with Kayren... Whihc means that when Kayren gets on Jon's bad side...I'm automatically on his bad side...hmmm.... Maybe i should try being nice ot him? Pfft! He's like my dad... his mere presence irritates the hell outta me....LOl
...so... had enough of me blabbering on about pretty much random things? I thought so....
Yesterday's answer: Bat country by Avenged Seven Fold
winner: ....none.....
today's trivia: How amny serves did i hit in a row?
A) 6
B) 5
C) 7
well, My colds are hand.... er... i mean my hadns are cold, so i'm gonna go curl up in a blanket... TTYL!
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Friday, November 17, 2006
....dang it.....

My happy mood was destroyed....
Not much to report... aside form the fact that i was super happy during L. A. and had been happy until about when my dad got home from work....LOL
Why? Because Dylan's in my Language Arts group! ^^
That reminds me... I need to get a trench coat,..... I heard that my Other inuyasha T-Shirt finally shipped... it shoudl be here in a few days....^^
I didn't have to delive too many papers today... and i finished another book....LOL
today's clue: "Can't you help me as I'm startin' to burn (all alone).
Too many doses and I'm starting to get an attraction.
My confidence is leaving me on my own (all alone).
No one can save me and you know I don't want the attention."
The more i sing this song, the more i like it....^^
Yesterday's answer: D) Both B and C
I hid in three suits of armor (Al Elric begin the biggest one...LOL), and behind 7 feet of solid steel, and she didn't do anyhtign but drool.... Not the reaction i was hopeing for when i bought it.....LOL
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Thursday, November 16, 2006
.....i want to shoot something....

Not literally mind you....
well, life's been....ok... since last time.... I wore my greiving outfit, and got looks because i looked goth (The people around here have NO tolerance....)... anyways, yeah...
that was well the day before the post's date... for me it was yesterday....
today i had an appointment in albany, so i didnt' ahevt o go to school, (YEAY) ..... I didn't haev to deliver papers either....(YEAY).....
I spent most of tonight watching TV, RPing with Ty, and Writing.
What was i writing? you ask? The ending to that story from yesterday. This way i know exactly where the story's going.... now i sut have to write an epilogue, and the rest of the story. LOL
I laugh when i reflect upon my RPing with ty... One of her characters was pregnant.... We stuck her in a time bubble, and then she got out early and went into labor.... It was then that all the women who were likely to be pregnant were found to be that way, adn stuck into time bubbles.... leaving an apprentice to help Ty's character.....LOL....
ok... end of the post i say....^^ TTYL!
yesterday's answer: Land of Confusion, By Disturbed
Winner: .....None.....
new clue tomorrow....
trivia answer: either A or C
winner:......I dunno....
Today's trivia: What happened when i informed Reaper12 of my recent puchase of Naruto: Clash of Ninja?
A) She killed me
B) She began drooling
C) I hide behind a 7 foot deep steel wall for nothing.
D) Both B and C
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Tuesday, November 14, 2006
......*glares at a nearby car* *then begins crying*

....I really hate to be a sad person.... but i'm in greiving. I lost a loved one today. Saw him die out of the corner of my eye i did. I had no buisness lovin' him. He wasn't my cat. Yes, cat, his naem was Tiger, and he was the oldest, sweetest, strongest, smartest outdoor cat i'd ever met.
back to happy? maybe...I still ahev homework, so i need to go. Please read my story below, I knwo it leaves you hanging, but if you guys like it, I'll have motivation to continue it.
yesterday's answer: Pain, by Three Days Grace
winner: Shisu-Dono
today's clue:
"This is the world we live in
And these are the hands we're given
Use them and let's start trying
To make it a place worth living in"
I have to wonder if teh CD this song's from is the one Shelby's want's to buy, but is hesitant to buy....LOL
yesterday trvia answer: C) up to 80 MPH
winner(s): Shisu-Dono and Arrekusu-Sensei
today's question: Will you read the story?
A) Yes
B) no
C) I already did
......................hmmm............I haev one thing to say...Ilovetalesofsymphonia....doyouneedmetoslowdown?
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I thought up an idea while i was watching fuse, and here's the result.
I don't mean to be offensive to anyone, this is not completely my point of view....well, actually, most of it is....but i'm not criticizing anyone.....or any people....
The main character in what i'm calling the prologue, is a "demon" or hybrid named Tigra. She recounts the history of her creation... why am i tellign you this? you can read that.
Her mate, Merlin, was killed 700 year before the story begins, saving Tigra in the process.
now, onto the story, I implore you to read it, it's only 900 words long....
They call us demons. The humans. They don’t see anything past our exteriors. Or at least, most of them don’t. I don’t blame them. Most of us are only here because we fought to survive. Humans are becoming a dying race, in their place will rise the creatures with nature’s advantage. There’s just one problem. Nature had no part in our creation. Humans, with their silly ideals, attempted to create the ultimate fighter, and, through genetic engineering, and a few hundred billion dollars, the U.S. created the first 100 of us. I was one of them. That was their first mistake, using real, living organisms. We have minds of our own, we aren’t driven by a “need to kill,” we are driven by nothing more than instinct. Following my creation, other countries created their own “demons,’ and then they didn’t know what to do with them.
In their process of creating us, the humans used animal DNA to enhance typical human DNA, making us hybrids. They removed most of their weaknesses, and added a ton of strengths. Most of us look like humans, with minute, minor differences, but some of us, truly look like the demons of old. Me? I’m a cat hybrid. I have black cat ears, a sharp contrast to my normally blonde hair. I have sharp nails, nothing out of the ordinary for my kind. What’s the thing that separates me from my kind? Well, I have more compassion than most. I don’t fight to survive, I fight for what’s right, and I just survive.
The reputation of being a hero during the Demon Wars is, well, irritating. I didn’t do anything more heroic than the others in my squadron. I was the leader, that’s all. They followed orders. Sure, I might have done some infiltrating, and helped to ensure the victory of the demons, but I only did that because they were holding us prison. The Demon Wars lasted over 200 years, believe it or not.
At the end of The Demon Wars, only three of my squadron remained. There were originally 12 of us, and all of us were from the first 100. Said to be the strongest of all the demons created, we were hailed, and praised by our peers. If we were so strong, how did the humans manage to kill us with their filthy weapons? Guns disgust me; they allow the ones who are afraid to fight a chance to kill. True courage, if you ask me, is up close and personal, one-on-one, sword fighting. Guns allow you to kill your opponent with little effort, little skill, and little danger of being killed first. I hold nothing against any of the weapons from 3000 years ago, bows, arrows, swords, daggers even, they’re all more sophisticated, and require much more skill to use.
I hold many things against the humans, but I don’t kill because of it. Earth, Terra, the third rock from the slowly fading sun, it is dying. The humans have rendered this world useless. I’m truly surprised they lasted until the year 3700, 1700 years after they realized they had a problem. The moon (oh how I miss it so) has been gone for 200 years. Yes, I’m really old. What is that old saying, 22 going on 1500?
Population, another human caused problem. Their silly religions, their silly ideas, all of them are a problem. Whimsical creatures, they are. Bright? No. I can’t say they were any smarter in the Stone Age, but at least they weren’t as confusing. How do I know this? That’s a different story, my friend.
When they created their religions, they created many opportunities for war, perpetual poverty, and many other problems. How many wars have been caused by religion? More than any one should have to know.
Where are my manners? I never properly introduced myself. My name, such as it is, is 79, or at least it was, before the revolt. Now I go by Tigra Jameson. I’m sorry if I’ve offended you with my rambling. I may look 22 years old, but I’m really 1500. I’ve started dying my hair, red the shade of fresh blood, I wear only black. Some would call me “Goth” or “Emo,” but they’ve never had to kill, nor have they ever had to watch their best friends die, but what happens to very few people, is watching your mate die. I’ll never forget him, my tabby boy. A cat hybrid like me, he was on a mission with me, in order to save my life, he shielded me with his body. I didn’t escape unscathed, but I was alive. I felt dead inside though, the humans didn’t live very long after killing him. Powers I didn’t know I had emerged, and they were killed within seconds. I was alive, but he was dead, I nearly killed myself. The shock of losing your mate is one thing a human can NEVER understand. I’ll never get over him, he was my only love, and he always will be. My twins were born just before his death. My daughter, she’s just like me. Her brother, on the other hand, is just like his father. It may seem like a cliché, but it’s true. Sierra and Aaron, they are destined for greatness. I often wondered, what greatness are they destined for?
One thing you need to know, this story isn’t about me. I’m just the one who is documenting it all. No, this story is the story of my children. They are the ones who will make the world change. They will make life better for both races. This is their story......
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