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Monday, November 13, 2006
....i have good/bad news......

ok, first thing's first, is my cute little Sephiroth(???) cursor still working!?!?
now, back to the news.....LOL
I went to walmart, with the VERY unlikely hope to find FF:VII (I told my dad that i wasn't gonna find it, it's nine years old...) And of course, i didn't find it....LOL....but i did find a copy of Naruto: Clash of Ninja.....and i bought it.... now i hope kira's reading, cuz she's probably gonna kill me..... A) because she doesn't aheva game cube, and B) because she is "the official" Naruto collector in our group....
lemme think.... So far, it's way easier than Tekken 3.... (Whihc i need to start playing again..... my stupid memory card got erased.... and now my file with all the characters unlocked has been deleted....-_-)... but anyway, i'm in the dark about how i'm supposed to completely finish it...LOL
let's see, in my area we're having (some) flooding, up to 80 MPH winds, and lots of rain....
funny thing is, until this morning, I left my window open last night so that i could hear the wind, i wasn't a bit cold..... that is until this morning when the wind wasn't blowing. LOL
Wind never makes me cold...^^.... maybe it's because i get so happy when the wind is blowing...^^
well, I have to go, today being a school day and all.... TTYL!
Yesterday's answer: Higschool Never Ends by Bowling For Soup
the winner: NONE
Today's clue:
"Pain, without love
Paint, I can't get enough
Pain, I like rough
'Cause I'd rather feel pain than nothing at all
Pain, without love
Pain, I can't get enough
Pain, I like rough
'Cause I'd rather feel pain than nothing at all"
yesterday's trivia answer: Either D or C, though if you're my friend Tarrin, A works too...LOL
Winner: Shisu-Dono ^^
todays question: What speed are the winds in my area?
A) 80 MPH +
B) 50 MPH +
C) up to 80 MPH
good luck...^^
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Sunday, November 12, 2006
....*sighs* god, i've been awake so long, it feel like it should be 3 am.....

I had to deliver papers this morning, because dad had to work...So A) I only got 3 hours of sleep last night, and B) I've been awake since 6 am.....
And yet i'm nto in the least bit tired.....
well, As you can see, my site has under gone some changes, I think i'm gonna try to mess around with it so that i have a miniature of my GB pic at the end of my posts...^^ after all, the best part about a BG pic is being able to see it....LOL
i couldn't find any fall/autumn/thanksgiving BG's or anythin' that i liked, so this month is just a cool pic from my collection...^^
back to the black and red motif (SP?).....I jsut like those colors so much.... Sometimes i wonder if my sense of color got mixed up with someone else's personality.... maybe there's a goth out there that likes every color except black and red? LOL (No offense....0.o)
If you'll also notice, I made my own site banner! ^^ I'm so proud of myself....^^ ((Of course i used a generator, but it's better than nothing...))
I'm gonna move on to another game.....FFT has lost it's charm now that i've beaten it....
I'm gonna look into maybe getting some ((begins rocking out as a Greenday song comes on on the radio... which i listen to religiously)) cool effects for my site.... maybe fallign snow or something..... we'll have to see what i can find....
I read a lot of the fanmanga on the otaku.... some of them weren't so good (The artists style was tto distracting) and in the case of one, it went from the middle of chapter 2 to the beginnign of chapter 6....fine by me.... as long as they put the rest of it up sooner of later....^^ ((And if you're reading, you know who you are...LOL))
I read a really funny Kingdomhearts/FFVII one... It was soo cute...^^ and really funny...^^
ok... umm....lemme think.... I've decided to write 1-5 final fantasy Fics. Recounting the lives of my main fighting group. I'm also Hyping up a ton of stuff..... Like the creatures living in the world... I'm adding elves and faeries/fairies.....and a plague....((Then again... there might have been only recounted in the game anyway......)) so... yeah....
I'm disappointed in Reaper12.....She hasn't read Shelby' s Fic yet... I find it hilarious that both shelby and i have begun stories with the smashing of an alarm clock...^^.... The enemy of all sleep-lovers......
Both me and Ty have been having troubles with our computers all day, and my com's finally being nice...LOL.... but we've still been RPing all day... th
That's all for today.....I have nothing more ot say....o.0?
yesterday's answer: "Welcome to the blakc Parade by My chemical Romance
Winner: Shisu-Dono (And Al beat her here too....LOL)
Today's clue:
"The whole damn world is just as obsessed
With who‘s the best dressed and who‘s having sex,
Who‘s got the money, who gets the honeys,
Who‘s kinda cute and who‘s just a mess
And you still don’t have the right look
And you don’t have the right friends
Nothing changes but the faces, the names, and the trends
High school never ends"
yesterday's trivia anser: D) Icefox94
winner: Shisu-Dono
todays question: What is my what is the worst enemy to sleep lovers, excluding mothers?
A) Dogs
B) Rats
C) Alarm clocks
D) Clock sterios
New Trivia polocy: The question'll be over something that's easy to find on my site....usually over something in the post.....
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Saturday, November 11, 2006
I can't believe this!

....How could the game be over already? I was stuck earlier, and then i got unstuck... It's 1:39 am pacific time, and i just beat the game.... and now my feelings are mixed up, i have the satisifaction of beatin the game, but that's mixed with the emptyness of knowing that I know what happens....-_-.... and i still want to learn more about Ramza....-_-....
....well, That makes about.....2 maybe three games that i've ever truely beaten....I don't count FFX-2, cuz i have yet to beat it with 100%...I don't count any pokemon games....they're too easy...
That reminds me.....I have yet to beat luigi's mansion.....I only have the last boss to go, and i'm done, but i've been stuck for a year or so...LOL
well, I'm about 1/4th of the way through The Great Tree Of Avalon: Book 2 (By T.A.Barron...^^
...the greatest guy author that i've read the works of so far...LOL(was that confusing?)), and so far, all i want to do is sit down and read it until i finish, but then life gets in the way.... LOL
...life is cruel by the way....I had to deliver papers yesterday, right? well, It was raining, it was cold, i was soaked before i even delivered my first paper, and i couldn't feel my hands very much when i got home... I blame my mom....I kept expecting her to come help me, but Noooo.... she was at home being warm...-_-...
...I just remembered something....I haven't truely beat FF:T yet....I still have to go ALL the way through an optional dungeon...^^ Woohoo! ^^ ...and to think i was so Emo last night over the papers...LOL
...I can't think of anythign else to tell you guys, I'll inform you when i've decided on my next "victim(the next video game i'm gonna beat)."
....COOLNESS! (has just checked her email) Shelby Chan finally posted a story! ^^ ....I wonder how many typos and grammar errors and....(begins muttering incoherently)...well either way, if you want to read it, click here! ^^
yesterday's answer: Undone/ the sweater song by (none other than) Weezer
today's clue:
"We'll carry on,
We'll carry on
And though you're dead and gone believe me
Your memory will carry on
We'll carry on
And in my heart I can't contain it
The anthem won't explain it."
I love this song to death! ^^ *begins singing the song to self again for the fifth time*
yesterday's trivia answer: I think it was "D" ....yep... it was D....
the winners: Shisu-Dono answered correctly first, so she wins...^^ (Sorry Al)
the trivia for today: What is Shelby-Chan's Fanfiction penname?
A) Demonic War Goddes
B) IceKitsune
C) Dracona Dragon Baby
D) Icefox94
Good luck...^^
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Friday, November 10, 2006
....yeay! 4 day weekend! starting yesterday.....LOL
Yeppers.....well, lemme think.....life is boring around my town, that's probably a good thing, but still...
I've been training like crazy on FF: Tactics, But I'm still stuck....-_-.....I'll have to work more....
...i finished another book yesterday, and i'm working on a new one now....LOL
I have to deliver papers in a bit....damn....LOL
Today's clue: "If you want to destroy my sweater (woah-woah-woah)
Pull this thread as I walk away (as I walk away)
Watch me unravel, I'll soon be naked (lying on the floor)
Lying on the floor (lying on the floor)
I've come undone"
one of the stranger songs i've used for a clue......LOL
trivia: I use my pet's name, what type of animal is my pet?
A) A Tailess flee cat
b) a dog (o.0)
c) a cat
d) A,E, and C
E) a manx kitty
somehow i think i made that too easy.....oh well...^^
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Tuesday, November 7, 2006
I can't believe i've been gone for a week.....
It's true....and i don't know why....I guess i've just been busy....tehn again, i'm having a hard time remembering anything that happened on the first....and anything that wasn't school on thursday and friday.....aside from me starting up final fantasy tactics.....Which i haven't put down since, except for school and papers....and homework.....
Last night I went over to shelby's, and when i had to come home it was raining, and casie was all like "take an umbrella! I don't want you to get sick!" i didn't, cuz A) I know that the only reason people get sick from walking in the rain is the fact that they often enough associate with sick people afterwards. B) It wasn't raining very hard, and it's only 2 blocks from her house to mine, and C) It wouldn't have mattered, I enjoy walking through deep puddles for some odd reason...LOL
I stayed up till 1 Am again last night, playing FF: Tactics....heh heh....the first final fantasy game i ever bought, and the first one i will truly beat....^^ LOL
oh, and don't ask me why i chose yellow font, I didn't feel like using red. LOL I gotta go! TTYL!
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Wednesday, November 1, 2006
Well, I'm happy.......sort of......
Yep.....I'm happy cuz i'm no longer feeling terrible....^^
Unfortunately i have a project due on Friday, so i can't goof off anymore....-_-......LOL
Happy Late Halloween!
Last night i was bored to death as i handed out candy to little kids...Tehy were so cute....
well, TTYL! (I got School)
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Monday, October 30, 2006
I'm Back! ......at least for now.....

Please tell me you guys haven't been sick too..... If it wasn't bad enough being sick last monday and tuesday, I was also sick on friday, and have been sick all weekend. Don't ask me why i didn't post on thursday, I don't know... I know why i didn't post on Friday, Thursday night was hectic, I had a TON of homework due to my two sick days. Then i ended up being sick on Friday too.
I have a really bad sore throat. The last sore throat i had was the numbly painful type that was always there, the one i have this time is only noticable when i swallow, cough, and, in the mornings, when i breathe.
well, I did not manage to get all of my fanfics updated, but i did get most of them updated. I can't understand why I haven't gotten the email confirmation of the review on my rewritten story, but i don't really care as long as i know about the review. LOL
well, I think im gonna go now, I don't really want to go to sleep, but i'm gonna have to sooner or later.....-_-
The song from Wednesday: The Vincent Black Shadow; Metro
Winner: None
Last time's trivia answer: B) Greenday
Winner: None
well, I must say, I just hope i can get well enough to go back to school for more than one day REAL soon, cuz i don't want my grades to suffer. TTYL!
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Wednesday, October 25, 2006
Well, today was.... interesting.....

no school for sick people, which i'm techinically not anymore. which means.... school....-_-...
so, i updated one of my stories today, and almost decided to re-write the first several chapters of it, but i couldn't think of a better way to write them, so... yeah...LOL
I missed my chance to watch the end of the movie that i missed the end of the other night... again...-_-....oh well....I'll get my chance soon enough...after all, I could always catch it next year...LOL....
Lemme think... oh... when the papaers came, mom did the first 20 by herself, and it was rainig SO hard outside. I was scared for the computer, so i turned them off, and the sattelite tv became crappy, so i was bored for a while.....
Then, when she came home, it stopped raining completely, and didn't rain at all until like 7 pm...LOL.... The weather company (don't ask) decided to be nice to me today...LOL
as of right now, i'm watching an educational program on zombies.... and they are pretty much telling the world how today's pop-culture zombie came to be. And they mentioned some examples of movies and books and games involving many many zombies, and they didn't mention Resident Evil.... I'm appalled! it's the best zombie movie i've ever seen.
how stupid do you find this?
In Resident Evil, there is a virus that brings the dead back to life, and the only thing keeping the dead alive, is the need to feed.
In Resident Evil 2, the main character takes some people that she's "protecting" into a cementary. Inevitably, the dead rise up and try to eat them.....
*sighs* Soem people.....
well, ttyl!
todays clue:
"He said i'm crazy, I know.
He said i'm crazy, I know.
All I can Say is that the drugs don't work no more."
You wouldn't believe how many site i had to go through to find the lyrics to this song....-_-....But i do like the song....^^ The lyrics describe me....LOL.... not really....
today's trivia: Which band will ALWAYS hold the number three slot in my top ten favorite bands?
a) Three Days Grace
b) Greenday
c) AFI
d) Panic! At the Disco
good luck with that one.... it's pretty unfair, but i can tell you this.... I want a poster of the band.... ok....bye!
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Tuesday, October 24, 2006
3 ro 4 fanfics down, 6 or 7 to go.

yeah...I'm updating my stories next weekend, so i have to start working on the stories earlier...and i decided to re-write one fo my stories (Welcome To my Life) which will probably also undergo a title change. the reson it's being re-written, is because i just couldn't work with it the way it was anymore.
Some good advice: Never write a fanfiction about you best friend's life, use Sesshomaru in their place, and put your main sesshy pairing character in you place. It's very awkward, and weird...LOL
I'm still sick, though i haven't thrown up since sunday, but i'm still sick.
well, i'm staying home again today, I'm definitely going to school tomorrow, no matter how much i hate the place, missing three days in a row is a little much.
Don't you find it ironic that we the students always get penalized in the schools we're forced to attend, when we protect the general school population from gettign sick, and they can't get it through their thick skulls that it takes more than one or two day to get past the contageous stage of a cold/any sickness.
well, I'm gonan go now, I think i mith go take a nap or something.....
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Monday, October 23, 2006
one question.....

Why am i gettign sick so much lately? This time last year, i was one of the few people who wasn't absent because of sickness....-_-
yes... i'm sick again... I threw up last night...I missed the end of my movie because of it too...well... I did get to stay home because of it today.... not that that's really a good thing....
lemme think... yesterday i spent most of the day watching TV, reading, and writing...
well, we'll see how long it takes for me to get better...I have a head ache right now, so the keyboard is irritating in its loudness...ttyl!
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