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Sunday, October 22, 2006

....not much to say about yesterday.....and no, Doose-doe, i don't have school on saturday....I was reporting on my friday...
anyways, when i said there wasn't much to report, I lied....Let's see.... i had to go get a blood test... I hate blood time the guy who took the test thought he found a vein on my right arm, and then couldn't get any blood, so he dug around a bit, then he switched to my other arm, got blood out of it, and my other arm (the one he got blood out of) Got bruised....-_-
Then i went to the most wonderful place that my mom camn drive to in less than half an hour... ^^ Albany! Yep, they have a costco store there, and they were celebrating their fifth year of being was fun... i got a ballon, and i named him Fred....LOL...I'm such a ditz....LOL
then i went to the library, i got like...........15 books...........and made mom stay there until 3:30, cuz i wanted to go to an anime club, whihc was a new thing.... and it maybe have been hard to get a word in, but it was a lot of fun, i'm going to bring Shelby and Ty and Reaper12 next time...^^ Which is going to be Nov. 18th. or at least i'll bring them if they can come...LOL....I felt small and inexperienced compared to the others.... half the time i didn't know what they were talking about....but there are somethings that i knew that most of them didn't, like the fact that they're gonna turn TOS into an anime...^^....then again, there were only 2 TOS player there.... me and some other guy....
and that was yesterday....
oh, did i tell you guys that on friday when Shelby came over and stole my computer, she gave me late birthday present, and i gave her her late b-day present. The gift she gave me was a Dream Catcher.... and i had jsut gotten one in the mail the other day, and she gave me one for christmas last year (though the X-mas one was made by her, herself), so i now have 3 dream catchers hagin' from my ceiling.
well, i have to go with my dad to pick up lunch, ttyl!
PS: my dad's new phone is a camera phone, and he's getting pics of me... i know how you feel Shisu....
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Saturday, October 21, 2006
.....Volley ball deserves to die a long and painful death....-_-

.....yes... a very long, VERY painful death......
let's see... since i'm writing at 9:30 Am on well... today... yesterday was....very...mentally.... tiring and painful....
The usual torture(In order by class)....Scarlet Pimpernel, boring movie, density, "string art" (embroidery with paper), Volley ball....and... a test... which i'm sure i did fine in....I hope....
ok... the one thing i have to say about today....and it involves Volley ball....In class, we were playing Volley Ball....which menas i was getting yelled at for listening to my instincts....I have deep ingrained volley ball instincts that tell me to DUCK.... not hit the ball....Especially when the balls comin' straight at my head....-_-....I shoulda let it hit me....I might have gotten out of PE.... I should get injured in PE, and have my parent's sue the school....Get my payback....I still think mom had some legal ground to sue the school when her car got injured on school property....-_-
so... after school, I got dragged out of my house to deliver papers, and then we went to pick up mom's car (which, i might add, looks brand new again), and we got dinner, since both of us didn't feel like cooking....
Dad came home late, and we found out that he killed his cell phone.... I just found out this morning that he cancelled his plan, and got a new one, and didn't get mom and me phones....-_-.... ok... i just found out i'm gonna have to wait another 2 years before i can get one....T_T
shelby spent the night, and was on my computer all night... I'm tired of it... from now on i'm turning off my computer when she comes over...wait... i can password my computer so that when the screen saver activates you have to put in the password... that'd work.....
I have to go, I'll Talk to you all later!
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Friday, October 20, 2006
Welcome To The Black Parade

Another random title.... Then again... it probably is caused by my sudden obsession for My Chemical Romance...^^...
Well... I woke up this morning and did NOT want to go to school.... I swear, If i have to endure that that....BOOK! one more day, I'm gonna die....
And then in S.S., we're studying Lewis and Clark....Lemme think.... so far... I've learned absolutely nothing in that class, except the preamble.... and i already knew the first part....-_-....9th grade class? I think not.....
In science, we're learning density... that's so 2 years ago.... so.... yeah....
Art.... the only class that i'm actually not learning something all over agin....and i hate it.... how ironic? It's not the class, it's the teacher.....she wrote on ym progress report (whihc had 3 b's on it.... great....-_-) "Has artistic ability" Not the best description of my "talent" "a pleasure to have in class" That's probably only because i'm alwaysquiet, and i help ohter students who are having trouble.... and then she put "Grade is A plus" which is no where near grammatically correct....Funny thing is, I'm pulling a B in Math, and my teacher wrote "Grade Is A Plus" LOL....
In PE, it's the smae old Crap, Mr. Burt being his normal full of himself, every-one-can-run-for-three-minutes self....and i'm not participating.... and probably still gettign credit for participating.... amazingly....
In math, we're re-learning stuff i learned in the 4th grade.... and it's supposed to be a 10th grade class....-_-....
(My school district's run by retards....)
After school, I delivered papers...amazingly.... (as if....-_-)....and it tried to rain... and it seemed like all of the people on this one street (except 3) conspired to be outside when i delivered their paper....just wonderful...-_-....I also found out that i deliver the paper of one of the 6th grade teachers at my school....I don't know his name, I never had him, but i know he's a my school....
yeah... I came home, and had a few hours of peace... and no home work... (Yes! ^^).... which i think i spent watching TV.... btu i'm not sure... I definitely know i checked my site a few times...
Oh! I now hav 30 GB entries...^^ I feel oh so very popular...^^
ok... sorry for going all random again, but i so saw the #3 song for Fuse celebrity Playlist "Jet" episode... It seems like everytime i see the show, they always have this song..."London Calling" by The Clash... or something like that....
once again... I haev to go random... I have chocolate scneted lip balm, and when ever Reaper12 comes over, she alwas asks if she can eat it...*shakes head in bewilderment*....She's crazy.....
ok... i'm done...ummm... so...yeah....
They're always complainin,
Always complainin
If money is such a problem,
Well they got mansions,
Think we should rob them?"
I love this too...^^
Trivia:What's my least favorite teacher's name?
A) Mr. Burt
B) Mrs. Novik
C) Mrs. Bowen
If you've read most of my last posts, you'd know...0.o
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Thursday, October 19, 2006

... today at school, we had a "half day" other words, we got out of school 1 hour and 11 minutes early.... the loosers....they should let us out after lunch....-_-.... and that'd still be only 2 hours early...
Oh! Did i tell you guys that the school's trying to create a false sense of control for itself? they're now trying to make us 8th graders behave better.... that's nto gonna happen... i mean come on... we out number the people in charge during lunch 20 to one at least.... not that i'm planning revolt or anything... I just Need to get my hand on a copy of the Scarlet Pimpernel, so that i can burn it in effigy, and i'll be happy....LOL
umm...ahh...I had to deliver all the routes after school, with the assistance of my mom, and i saw some people from school.... and since i'm The most anti-social person i know when i'm nto in school, I made a quick retreat before they even saw me...LOL
yeah... that was pretty much today... I'm almost done with my yeah.....only 1 problem left...
I finally finished the book that ym dad was supposed to take back with him the other day... He didn't take it back cuz he had a job somewhere that was an hour and a half away...
well, c ya! ^^
Yesterday's answer: The Killers; Mr. Brightside
The winner: No one... once again....
Yesterday's trivia answer: B) Three Day's Grace; One-X
The winner:....I guess this was pretty unfair, huh? after that, I May jsut wait for the next Green day CD to come out.... I've heard they've started on it already....*moves away fromt eh computer to start celebrating, shouting the words "yes!" and such....* heh heh.... I know... I'm odd... but aren't we all?
excuse ym "wandering," but my friends are odd... Kayren won't talk to anyone except her friedns, not even the teachers (then again, I avoid talkign to teacher as much as possible... but oh well...))....Shelby is violent, destined to teach at her dance studio for the rest of her life, and highly inclined to be jsut like her mom....Kira is a clean-aholic (as Shisu-Dono so hilariously puts it), obssessed with Ramen, is annoyed by my tendancy to jsut buy the next volume that i haven't read in a manga rather than buy all of them....(I don't have that much money....) LOL.....Tykat92 is "anti-social"....random, and a spazz...but she ahs a lot of manga....heh heh... so... yeah.... anways... sorry....i got off on a random track... this is like the first time this month...
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Wednesday, October 18, 2006
...Greenday poster....T-T

sorry.. hte title was just a whim... but did i mention that a few days ago when i bought Shelby's b-day present, They didn't have any greenday posters?....
today = boring....
yep... that's pretty much it....I was cold at school... not a good sign....i guess i'd better track down an even warmer jacket...LOL
well, since today's nto gonna take up much room, I'll let you guiys read Mom's Email to Mr. Pheyffer...^^
oh, and due to my cafulness over the internet, it has been edited to exclude any names....aside from mr.Pheyffer's....
From the Parent of Squeaker 1
Dear Mr. Pheyffer,
Thank you for your interest in my daughter’s education. However, I am sure you know more about how to reach my daughter than I do at this age in her life. When my husband and I were blessed with this angel 14 years ago I was sure I knew just how she would turn out. She would excel far beyond her peers, especially at being a scholar. Well, needless to say, I have been the one who needed the education about molding the perfect child into the Jeopardy champion she was meant to be.
I was introduced to the concept of being the parent of a teen just before I became one a couple years ago. I attended a PTA meeting at Cascades elementary school just before my child started attending middle school, and they (most everyone who talked) more or less said that middle school isn’t for learning, but for developing “socially”. Well, I thought to myself, “Yeah, they are just using that as an excuse not to teach the kids anything.” However, my child changed overnight that summer and refused to learn anything since. It’s like she was possessed by an alien who was absolutely sure that she already knew everything that was necessary in life to know. So, I have high regards for any teacher who can survive these aliens and the utmost respect to any who can actually teach them anything! I am hoping there will be another metamorphosis change back to the pursuit of knowledge someday, hopefully before my daughter gets old and grey.
As far as what I expect from you, I hope you can inspire all the kids to want to learn. Science is probably the most important subject in their education as our earth is in such jeopardy today. Science is the only aspect of human existence that pursues the truth. Everything else has a spin. Most people seem to be quite ignorant and they really don’t know what is going on especially those who don’t have backgrounds in science. They can’t think for themselves, they refuse to listen to opposing views, they don’t research anything. They only know the spin and that is from where they form their opinions.
By the way, where are the textbooks? Maybe I am now being the ignorant one, but I figure the school system is so poor that they think they can’t afford textbooks. If you ask me that should be expense number one. Or is it some study has decided that the kids won’t read them anyway, especially after school, so they don’t each need one? Maybe with alien teens that is true, I don’t know. Please enlighten me.
Thank you for you interest and your efforts."
yeah, that's it...if you knew my mom, you'd find it much funnier... but this is something a large number of parents must take it into consideration....heh heh...
well, i have "homework" so i'll see you guys later....
today's clue: "Now I'm falling asleep
And she's calling a cab
While he's having a smoke
And she's taking a drag
Now they're going to bed
And my stomach is sick
And it's all in my head
But she's touching his chest now
He takes off her dress now
Let me go
And I just can't look
It's killing me
And taking control"
one of my fav songs...^^
today's trivia: whihc CD do i plan to buy next?
A) Greenday; American Idiot
B) Three Day's Grace; One X
c) Panic! At The Disco; A Fever You Can't Sweat Out
D) Greenday; Bullet In A Bible
E) All of the above
good luck....I gotta go now.... c ya' all later...^^
^^^ <------ It's a tri-clops...LOL
^ <------Cyclops...^^
]=_=[ <----squinty/glaring person........heh heh......
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Tuesday, October 17, 2006
Back to school... again...I hate monday....and Volley ball

today's lesson: "Always come through the front door when you come home...."
i woke up this morning to the sound of my mom... once again...I turned over and tried to put off gettign up as long as possible. Eventually i had to get up, there was no getting around i got up, and prepared for school, eating breakfast and all that, and finally leaving the house dressed in my spare black hoodie, a rarely worn halloween t-shirt, and jeans...
On the way to school, I listened to the radio... and heard no good music...
at school, I waited for 10 minutes for my mom's cr to get anywhere near the drop off area, the line moving slowly as usual.
During first period, I learned we ahd a substitute teacher... whihc meant that listening to my mp3 player during class was a trivial matter... I eventually decided against it, And nearly got my head bit off when i refused to recite the preamble for ym best friend... didn't help that i had no i dea what came between "we the people of the united states, in order to form a more perfect union..." and "...ensure the blessings of liberty..." and "...Do ordain and establish this constitution of the united states of america.)
Well, in tScience, i soon learned that Mr.Pheyffer has a strange definition of the word "homework." We got homework for our parents... the questions being :
1) "what information do you believe that i need in order to reach and teahc your child?"
2) "what would you most like me to do for your child?"
3) "may i call you, and will you call me to make sure these objectives are met?"
My first thought was: "great, now i'm going to have my mom go crazy over this....-_-"
in art, I played "teacher's assistant"... not really... I just wanted to keep the teacher FAR away from our table... so i helped my fellow tables mates out...not as easy as it sounds....
I soon found out that Kayren had forgotten her lunch... and was doomed to starvation... I would ahev shared, but she was allergic to almost everything in my lunch....V8 juice (tomatoes), a peach parfait (peaches) and apples (apples)....
During PE, we had to play volley ball....terrible sport in my opinion... I'm a tennis player, i'm used to lettign the ball bounce first, and i'm also used to have 2 feet of extra reach... nto to mention the fact that the ball is not "soccer ball sized" and i'm nto used to the pain that comes from "passing" a volleyball....
in math, I finished my homework by the end of class by working while the teacher was talking... It was mostly review anyways...
i got home, the internet was on, dad came home, i was just about to go out to do my routes...I got in trouble, he "grounded" meand left.
I tore out the front door when the meanign of what he said hit me and watched him leave...."you weren't even supposed to come home!" I yelled after him....then i noticed the strange car in front of my house...."And why the hell is there a van in front of my house!?!?" I shouted to no one in particular, kicking the fence next to the porch. Then it hit me... (does anyone remember the slight car injury my mom's car had a while back?) Mom's car was in the shop, and the insurance company had rented out a van for her... I quickly ran inside so I could get the key and check out the car.
Inside the car it was SO roomy... I was elated... I listened to the radio, and messed around with the controls...heh heh.... I loved every second of it... then i went back inside, back to my doom and gloom...
i was summoned out of my room once again to find that i had to help my father fetch "dinner and a movie" so i did....we got the pink panther, because dady didn't want to ewatch a horror flick... the idiot...i wanted to get silent hill.... of course had they had the FMA movie... I would have forced him into gettign em that...^^
I returened to my little chunk of doom and gloom, and got online... but was soon forced to go to my roomed cuz my mom got ticked off, and accused me of jacking up my computer... AS IF! It's never worked right! always coming up with programs that are performing in illegal operation and such....*is tempted to shoot my computer* I'm half tempted to steal mom's hard drive in the middle of the night....or rather switch out hard drives if i can...
And then i got summoned out to here to discover why mom wanted the internet at 7pm... turns out, she was going to email my science teacher... she wasn't able to answer the questions...i was amazed.... I read her email, and not only aggreed, but added a few words...LOL
Maybe i'll post it sometime...^^ and that pretty much brings us to right here and now...^^
have a good day everybody! ^^
Yesterday's answer: AFI; Love Like Winter
winner: none...
Trivia answer: C) California
the winner: None... I can understand people answering a, since they are probably more popular in England, and their Billet in a Bible tour was in England... I think....
well, g2g! ^^
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Monday, October 16, 2006
*yawns* I think the otaku was all jacked up for a while...oh well...

Yep, it's true... Teh otaku was all jacked u for a while today... oh well... It's working again...
hmm... I went shopping today... I bought Shelby's B-day present... I ahev yet to give it to her... as today's her B-day... I got her a tinkerbell poster... don't worry, no chance of her seeign my post... she hasn't got any internet... they really do live under a rock over there...LOL
Of course thsi was at walmart... (we ahev a walmart super center) And i lost my dad twice in the huge store... I also bought yself a poster, 2 bandana's, and a pack of gum...LOL... I still can't believe i lost him twice....You know, i still don't know why i buy bandanas, i cna't wear them to school....*mutters incoherently* Stupid school dress code....-_- *end incoherent muttering*
I also got dragged all over town so that we could buy food...-_-... oh well, I got a 44 oz. orange cream soda outta it...((soda fountain...LOL))^^
umm... I half read a book taht ym dad's taking back tomorrow, since it's overdue...T-T.... no!
I did my homework, and helped cook dinner...^^ And i think i'm gonna go sneak into the peanut butter soon....LOL....i'm RPing with Ty... Fun Fun...yeah...I'm gonna go now...^^
ANNOUNCEMENT: today is the question day, tomorrow is answer day, we shall keep to this new schedule...^^
Today's Clue: "It's in the blood,
It's in the flood.
I met my love before I was born.
He wanted love,
I taste the flood.
He bit my lip, and drank my warmth,
From years before, from years before."
good luck....^^
trivia: What state is Greenday from?
A) no state, they're from england
B) Somewhere in canada
C) California
D) new york
...I know some of you dont' listen to greenday, but you can at least guess...^^
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Sunday, October 15, 2006
how boring....

Is it jsut me, or is my life completely boring? well, today i did nothing but watch TV, and read...LOL then I IMed with Reaper12 and Paine1 for a bit...^^
I've been writing for the past hour...i finished typing up the update for one of my stories, and i just started on another one...
anyways, yeah.... I'm gonna get hell for Shelby next time i see her... I told her i'd go to her birthday party, and then i didn't... Of course i didn't want to go anyway... I needed some space... but I'm also sicks, and her sister can't be around sick people, so it's either lie and risk her gettign sick, or nto even go... As you can read, i chose the former....
Dad bought 3 goldfish today... We ahev 4 gold fish left out in our fish pond, so we need to grow some more...LOL.... We also found some frogs out by the pond...YEAY...^^
that was yeah....
yesterday's answer: Evanescence; Call Me When You're Sober
the winner: I don't think we had one.... oh well
i'm skipping it today... too lazy...^^
The trivia answer: A) Reaper12
the winner(s):Shisu-Dono got it first, and Arrekusu-Sensei got it second..^^
Nto gonna have one today... We'll haev on tomorrow...kk?
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Saturday, October 14, 2006
I love my mom....

yeah... i love my mom... she bought ice cream for me....^^
Aside from beign woken up by stuffed animals in the face,(i'll have you note... they had plastic eyes at least) and leaving ebfore i could be tortured any more by shelby and her over emotional sister... my day was... really crappy...^^
I did get the managa's i borrowed from Ty read... ^^ and i'm getting close to finishing another book....
I watched CSI for 3 hours today.... Two episodes of CSI: miami and 1 episode of the original CSI (Which is the best CSI that i've seen so far...LOL) fun fun... and i jsut tried to convince my mom to watch CSI: Miami with me... but she won't...oh well....
umm....I've been online for the past hour and a half... IMing with Paine1 and reading manga online... hey Ty just signed in...^^
yeah... that was today... oh... and Shelby Tried to come over earlier... but mom wasn't home, it was the time of day for Papers, and I didn't answer the door...^^ heh heh.....
Well, Ty's in washington...which means that (aside from me) Shelby won't have 2 of her originally planed three-million guests at her birthday party...And Ty's aunt got a new puppy... his name's toby...^^
hmmm... that's about all there i guess i'll c ya all around...^^
yesterday's answer: Bring me to Life by Evanescence
the winner: Shisu-Dono
today's clue:
"Don't cry to me
If you loved me
You would be here with me
You want me, come find me
Make up your mind"
good luck! ^^
yesterday's Trivia answer: E) A,B,& C
the winnah: Shisu-Dono
trivia: "My elf ear bring all teh boys to the yard, and they're all like- they're better than yours!" Is a direct quote from who?
A) Reaper12
B) Tykat92
C) Me
D) Shelby
ok...this one is also on the yeah....good luck...
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Friday, October 13, 2006
.... foot ball.... grr.... sort of....

well, to start off with... yesterday was surprisingly good... Kayren had everything that the evil art teacher had graded (whihc included the two drawings i had yet to finish...) in her binder, so i mangaged to finish my art "homework" before art class.... while we were supposed to be reading the most boring book on earth.... I think the teachers make us read boring books cuz they know we won't read them on our own. :P
After school I went home, and invited tykat92 over.... It was her first time... she is one of the only 1 people that got to see my cat, Squeaker, the first time she came over... that's saying something.... Then again... ty got lost... and couldn't find the front door...LOl
I went to a foot ball game with ty.... And (don't have any hearyt attacks) It was fun... my throat is SO sore right now... and i havea cough... and i've been sneezing all morning....
I spent the night at Shelby's house last night... and i woke up this morning to find..... STUFFED ANIMALS BEING THROWN AT MY HEAD! grr.....
I came home early cduz i felt terrible, and had ramen and tea.... ^.^
Yeah... I had no fun at shelby's... we didnt' get to hang out for very long before we both fell asleep...oh well.....
Anyways, i'm gonna go read some manga i'm borrowing from ty... see ya! ^^
Yesterday's answer (song): Linkin Park; Forgotten
The winner: Shinigoneyes93
Today's clue: (i guess it's nto a chorus today...LOL)
"How can you see into my eyes like open doors,
Leading you down into my core, where I've become so numb.
Without a soul, my spirit's sleeping somewhere cold,
Until you find it there and lead it back home."
good luck m' friends...^^
Yesterday's trivia answer: A) Reaper12
the winner: Shisu-Dono
Reaper12 is definitely a cleanaholic...LOL
Today's question: i hardly ever read which genre(s) of book for pleasure?
A) Romance
B) Vampire books
C) non-fiction
D) Fantasy
E) A,B,& C
Good luck.... you shouldn't need it.... the answere's already somewhere on my website...^^LOL
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