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Thursday, October 12, 2006
i hate School.... (very bad temperment for me...^^)

ok, I officially HATE mrs. Novik... The most evil creature in the whole entire world now has a surname... and it's Novik...
Ok, so today went fairly well... I still have to endure 200+ pages of that evil book in language arts... We ahve to memorize the preamble of the constitution in S.S. and in science i was... MOVED AGAIN! My revenge on the jerk via cat hair was ruined! (he's allergicto cats... and i had a crush on him at one point too... Waht can i say? I was younger, and WAY NIAVE!) anyways, In mrs. novik's class, i found out that i had to sacrifice my lunch period to mantain my A grade... Damn her....-_-
In helath, I once again had to play the TV person... I had to fast forward a video, and so on...
ummm.... in 6th period, I finished my homework quickly enough... but i was prevented from walking w/ Kayren because jsoh made me walk with him... not that i put up too much of a fight...^^ heh heh......
Oh! Reaper12 has a crush on a junior! OMG! I'm surprised.. she stikes me as the kind of person who doesn't develope crushes... she strikes me as the kind of person who mates for life...LOL his name is scott... and they get along great...^^
I think Shelby's still up in portland with her sister... (Shelby and dragon chan are the same person) I don;t think i ever told you guys she was in portland... did i?
Well, I have science homework, so yeah... c ya!
Yesterday's answer (song riddle): Panic! at the Disco; there's a good reason the tables are numbered honey, you just haven't thought of it yet
yesterday's winner...no one....
Today's clue:
"in the memory you'll find me
Eye's burning up
The darkness holding me tightly
until the sun rises up"
good luck! ^^
yesterday's trivia answer: the answer was C) American Idiot
winner: Shisu-Dono, good guess my friend! ^^
today's trivia: whihc one of my friend's can't stop cleaning?
Good luck...^^
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Wednesday, October 11, 2006
.... I don;t wanna go back to school.....T-T

but sadly, It is time for me to return to the 6 1/2 hour long prison... at least i only have to endure 2 days of it this week instead of five....
well, today was.... good.... I slept till 11:45....lol....
I played FFX all day long... and jsut an hour or so ago, I went on to try to defeat the boss.... I lost... for the fifth time.... There's a reason why i was training... now i have to train up Yuna, and train Tidus and Auron up a lot more....*sighs* i don't think i'll be able to beat it for a while....
I had to deliver papers today, and i got half way done with them before i figured out that my MP3 player's battery was ready to die... don't let me forget to change it before i go to *shudders* school.
I feel much better today, though the onyl thing that's giving it away is my energy...yesterday i felt like a zombie... I didn't want to do anything but die....LOL
Well, That's today... nwo if you don;t mind, i think i MIGHT want to get started on my absent math homework, which i only have cuz i emailed ym math teacher....I also have all until next monday to turn it in... so there...
Yesterday's answer: AFI; Miss Murder
yesterday's winner: no one...T-T So we'll jsut say i won....LOL
Today's clue:
"I'm the new cancer, never looked better. You can't stand it.
Because you say so under your breath.
You're reading lips, When did he get all confident?
Haven't you heard that I'm the new cancer? Never looked better.
And you can't stand it."
one of my fav. songs from this band, good luck you guys... i might start asking multiple guess trivia questions some time soon.... maybe i'll ask one tomorrow? Only i know...LOL
ok, ok, i'll ask one today:
Which Green Day album was a punk rock opera (opera....@-@)?
A) Dookie
B) Bullet in a Bible
C) American idiot
I've done my research on thsi one... you cannot fool me...^^
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Tuesday, October 10, 2006
I have the worst cold EVER! (and i feel like it'll never go away....)

I have been in agony all day... dammit! I really shouldn't miss any mroe school (as much as i want to) But i'm probably gonna feel twice as horrible tomorrow....It'll take me around a week to get fully back on my feet... and around 2-3 ddays in the middle to get through the worst of it....
Well, on the bright side, we finally have a dvd player that works...^^ And i can return to my room for my attempts to beat FFX *feels hopeless* Currently what i'm working on is gettign tidus into teh area where Auron starts out... i had a tip from Dylan... but anyways, i'm stuck ona boss really close to the end, so i'm just training until the boss is as easy as pie.... (what a cliche'd line...-_-)
I had to spend most of my time today in the living room and my dad's room, cuz my roomn's just too gloomy without my computer on (I've been to lazy to turn it on), and it's very sad when my whole entertainment system (excluding my sterio) is torn apart by my father...
ugh! i feel aweful... sorry for restating that....
well, I got a GB entry for my birthday...LOL...(the 9th)
I managed to finish 2 books today... The Great Tree of Avalon: Child of The Dark Prophecy, and Vampire Kisses (which was surprisingly good for a romance novel...LOL)
so that was today... oh, and my dad finally got my video games put back together....THANK THE GREAT LORD SESSHOMARU! eh heh heh.... (is a total Sesshy fangirl...LOL)
Yesterday's answer: Panic! At the Disco ; I write Sins Not Tragedies (it's either my first or third favorite P!ATD song...)
the winner(s): doose-doe
Today's clue:
"Hey Miss Murder can i?
Hey Miss Murder can I?
Make beauty stay if i
Take my life"
good luck everyone! ^^
Squeaker (feelign worse than ever)
PS: hugs for everyone... (dont' ask...)
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Monday, October 9, 2006
I have the worst cold EVER!

not only is the inside of my throat all swollen, i havea head ache, I can barely walk, and it's my birthday...-_-.....*has a strong urge to kill something....*
well, yesterday went as follows, I woke up, and had to wait for forever for my dad to finish "hiding" my birthday presents.... we celebrated yesterday cuz my birthday is today....
When he finally did get them hidden, I had to follow his stupidly easy riddle to find them.... *sighs* anyways, I got a new DVD player, which didn't work with my TV, so they got another one, which also didn't work... hopefully the new one will work.... a new hair clip.... a new hair brush.... (it'll never be the same as my current one, i know it!!!)....and a new pair of head phones! YES!!!!! ExACTLY WHAT I WAS HOPING FOR!
anyway, I had to rush over to Kayren's so we could finish our project, which (surprisingly) didn't take to long...^^
I got home, and spent the rest fo the day feeling aweful, and reading....
when it got around the time to update, i felt so horrible that i just didn't....
Yesterday's answer: 30 seconds to mars; The Kill
Yesterday's winner: Shisu-Dono! ^^
Today's clue: "I'd chime in with a, "Haven't you people ever heard of
closing the goddamn door? No?"
It's much better to face these kind of things
with a sense of poise and rationality."
good luck every one! ^^
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Sunday, October 8, 2006
....*yawns* today was kind boring... until just a few minutes ago...^^

Yep... Today was boring...oh well, what's new about that? I watched TV most of today, and played Castlevania for the rest of the day...^^
I taught my dad a cheat that makes the game really easy...and showed him how to beat the first boss... ain't i nice? (Of course it is HIS game in the first place... but that's beside the point...LOL)
Anyways, yeah... so today went by quickly... I'm going over to Kayren's to finish our social studies project tomorrow.... i hope we finish anyways...*almost has a panic attack* Kayren would KILL me if we got a bad grade...0.o....help..........
Ok, so i now officially have a new game to add to my (very short) list of games that i have beaten...Castlevania! ^^ Woohoo! ^^ I love the ending... and the final boss is a bit hard.... considerign teh rest fo the boss's (aside from walter) were total pansy's...0.0.... mazing...isn't it?
Ok, the next game i'm gonna add to my list is.....FInal fantasy X.... I'm so close yet so far to being done with it...*sighs* i'm doomed...
After that, I'm gonna TRY to get 100% on final fantasy X-2........................*once again feels hopeless...*..........oh well, at least i love the games! ^^
here's a qute from Reaper12's site: "On Wednesday, October 5, 2006, Reaper12 crashed on her bike when a bug flew into her face, unnerving her. She is the friend of Squeaker1, who she was accompanying on her daily paper route after school that day. Her ego suffered minor bruises and abrasions, while her pride had to be rushed to the hospital."
Yesterday's answer: Lost Prophets; Rooftops
the winner:................we had none.........o.0
Today's clue: “Kill
Break me down
Bury me, bury me
I am finished with you”
I love this song!....and i love the music video even more! ^^
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Saturday, October 7, 2006

Ok, Today was GREAT.... for the most part...heh heh...
Oh yeah.... I figured out why i can;t concentrate on the project for social studies.... And His name is Dyllan... How is it that a guy can do this to me!?!? -_-..... oh well....
We didn't manage to figure out what to do...so Kayren ad i are going to haev to work on it over the weekend...
Today was the last day of PE for a week! ^^ ((Did i ever tell you guys that I have friday the 13th off!?!? LOL))
hmmm.... Mrs. Novick is pure evil.... She must have been born in the bad place...LOL.... She is my least favorite teacher, and art is my least favorite subject...it's hard for me to believe that anyhting can be worse than PE, but Art is....0.o
after school, KAyren's mom gave me a ride home...yeay! ^^ her mom is awesome...^^
I delivered papers, deliberately going backwards on teh route cuz i was supposed to go to kayren's... which i did.... (not to mention the fact that I wanted to ride my bike through my old paper route...and....coincidently.... Dyllan lives right on the route...heh heh... i'm not a stalker i remind you...I knew where he lived BEFORE i liked him...Ha!)
It was kayren's little brother's birthday, so I got pizza and cake...^^ (boht of whihc are EXTREMELY EXTREMELY rare in my house.......-_-....)
hmmm... I got home around 7:30... Kayren's step dad insisted on driving me to my house... even though i would have been FINE on my bike without a headlight in the dark.... I have excellent night vision...(and yes, i know it's illegal to ride a bike at night with out a head light... I don;t care...)....and i'm the best bike rider in THE WHOLE ENTIRE TOWN! I have crashed all of 2 times in teh past 6 years, and less than ten times my whole entire life... I got off training wheels at 3. .... anyways, I got home, and i grabbed a soda.... and checked my emails and stuff on the internet....then i went to my room, watch tv till nine, and now i'm here, typing up this post...^^
I plan to stay up till 3:30 am tonight... Pacific time.... which means 6:30 am eastern.... and so on.... I want to watch Power Fuse.... so yeah... ^^ (they show the best video on power fuse...and loaded...depending on the band...^^)
I plan to read manga at www.mangavolume.com and maybe play castlevania until....1 am...^^
Ok, I'm gonna go now...
Yesterday's answer: Three Day's Grace; Animal I Have Become
winner(s): Shiso-Dono
Today's clue:
“Standing on the rooftops, everybody scream your heart out!
Standing on the rooftops, everybody scream your heart out!
Standing on the rooftops, everybody scream your heart out!
This is all we got now, everybody scream your heart out...”
....Good luck ev'ry body..... Until next time! ^^ Have a good day! ^^
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Friday, October 6, 2006
T_T Save me....T_T

Today was fine.... sort of.... well.... I now officially hate beign absent from school.... it seems like every time i am, I either do get moved, or i almost get moved in science....-_-....
Well, all that aside.... Today was good other wise.... Dyllan was here today...FINALL!!!!!!! even if he is cute, that is no reason for him to miss the first 2 days of school for the week...-_-...
Anyways During LA we read The Scarlet Pimpernel ..... and so far.... I hate it, and the audio recording of it.... in the same time it took the recording to read chapter 2 (which was 7 pages long) I read chapter 1 and 1/2 of chapter 2...-_-....
In Social studies, My group (Which consists of The cute yet absent for 2 days in a row, Dyllan; the quiet towards everyone but me (and she has good hand writing), Kayren; the good artist, yet really weird, Lucas; and the baka faker, Mike.....) took and hour to coem up witha good titile for our poster board...*sighs* It's sad, i know... But Dyllan and I were the only ones who were thinking up titles.... and kayren wouldn't talk... I was distracted a lot too... and i had a weird moment where Dyllan and i thought exactly the same thing at the same time....*would shudder if it had been Josh*... Kayren knows that i like Dyllan...so she was probably very amused during class....LOL
ok, the rest oft he day went great.... We had pictures... (The school can go to hell for those thank you....-_-....) and during PE we didn't haev to dress down (THANK.........INUYASHA!)
after school, i stopped by Kayren's and she gave me my birthday present... 4 days early...^^
and when i got home, kira came over really soon after that....Reaper12 came over! ^^ I'm askign her to draw me a picture of Sesshomaru as a general in teh american revolutionary war, and Inuyasha as a yankee...^o^
ummm.... whiel she was here, Lindsay *shudders* came over.... and she didn't leave till 9:15....T_T... Luckily she was occupied by my video games..... THANK VIDEO GAMES!
Ok, that's today.... i still have homework, so i need to go... bye! ^^
Answer for yesterday's song: either: A) Linkin Park- Numb, or B) Linkin park, feat, and Jay-Z; Numb/Encore
I like the second one better... but they're both good! ^^
the winners: Shisu-Dono.... the only person to guess...^^
Today's clue:
“So what if you can see the darkest side of me?
No one would ever change this animal I have become
Help me believe it's not the real me
Somebody help me tame this animal
(This animal, this animal)”
good luck everyone.... Jsut so you know, I want you to guess the song, and the artist... that's all! ^^
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Thursday, October 5, 2006

I officially have a cold or something....-_-....But at least mom let me stay home from school today....^^
Oh, i forgot to tell you what the too much of a god thing was.... Reaper12's cleaning is driving me crazy.... I couldn't find my favorite t-shirt for a week cuz she "put it away"....-_-... I specifically ask her to leave the area i call "not on the floor" Alone... and she doesn't..... Last tiem i told her NOT TO CLEAN and she cleaned any way.... Grr....
ok, now back to today.... I spent the first few hours of ebign sick talkig with my mom, cuz we felt like talking with eachother....
I spent the last several hours playing CastleVania Lament of Innocence.... I'm this ( ---- <---- that) close to being farther than my cousin...^^
my dad had to work in lincoln city, so he's not coming home today.... and he might not come home tomorrow...^^ THANK THE GREAT LORD SESSHOUMARU! (LOL....)
I've been Role playing with Tykat92 for the past few hours...^^ Ummm... I know it's might be a little much to ask, but could you guys maybe visit her site? Thanxs....
Ok, let's see.... no one got yesterday's song.... Apparently nobody's seent he music video... or heard the song...^^ Oh well, I like it...
Answer: Snakes On A Plane Bring it, By Cobra Starship... heh heh.... Thank god for Fuse....^^
Today's clue:
“I've become so numb I can't feel you there
I've become so tired so much more aware
I'm becoming this all I want to do
Is be more like me and be less like you”
Good luck everyone....BTW, there's 2 answeres, either one will do...^^
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Wednesday, October 4, 2006
Is too much of a good thing bad? OF COURSE!

I shall reveal the reasoning behind my statment in a few moments...
this morning i COULD have missed school...possibly... my mom had a doctor appointment, and had to leave by 7:30... so if i hadn't have been ready by 7:20,one of 2 things would have happened:
a) I stayed home, because the onyl other way i would haev to get to school would be to walk... and it would take an hour...
b) get taken to school unprepared, possibly without my homework... and most definitely with out having ym contacts in, or my hair brushed...
knowing my dad... (who left right before we did...) He would have made me go to school... btu as i said, he left right before 7:00... so he would have ahd no say int he matter...
anyways, i did go to school...and i dreamed of the outside world during all 6 and 1/2 hours of being in that conformative prison...
...I got moved in Science class... now i have to sit next to the BIGGEST idiot in class...if he thinks i'm going to help him with his homework, he's got another thing comin'... especially after attempting to stick me with the other idiot... so that he and his "Friend" could talk...while we were supposed to be working! The nerve!
I found out that the distance from the tip of my pinkie to the tip of my thumbe is 22cm... or roughly 8 1/2 inches... ^^ and that makes DaVinci right... I'm 68 1/2 inches tall... and 8 1/2 times 8 is 68... so...yeah...^^
ok...in social studies we're doing group projects on the revolution.... (BORING! it's review for me)...and today we still had oen person from our group absent...
now i must say, our group is VERY odd.... but at least i like all of them as friends...excpet Dylan... He's too cute....^^ And he's NOT a jerk... unlike the cute guys from my previous experiences...-_-... *mutters incoherently* Blake...-_-....
ANYWAYS.... Dylan was absent... and he'd better be at school tomorrow, or i'm gonna.... I don;t know what i'm gonna do... but it won;t be pretty...LOL
After school, I didn't have to do papers... THANK ANIME! but i did end up watching TV all night... (I did my homework in front of the TV)
Oh, and Reaper12 came over.... I couldn't help but inform her of the fact i mentioned yesterday...my 300+ total visits, and my 25 GB entries....
We had fun...^^
ummm... I'm gonna start randomly selecting songs and giving you the chorus to them... if you can figure it out... You're smart... this starts tonight...
Oh, and I am gettign sick and tired of people telling me what they think i should do with my hair... My beautiful, slightly-curly, long, blonde-brown hair will stay the way it is until i die! ....or until I DECIDE to get it cut or straightened... or dyed... WITHOUT beign told by other people that i should do so....
ok... since that's over.... the most embarresign part of my day.... PE The evil one known as Mr.Burt.... made us do the flex arm hang... ANd i haven't got the strongest upper body strength...
AND he made an example out of me because i "stayed in the game" (Even though i was jsut staying out on teh field because i was trying not to fail the class completely) when other people...(i shan't tell you that a certain prep...scratch that...bratty prep...quite because no oen threw the ball at her....) quite because they weren't gettign the ball.... Me on the other hand... I was AVOIDING the ball...LOL
ok... that's it for today...
Today's song quote:
"So kiss me goodbye
Honey i'm gonna make it out alive
Kiss me goodbye
I can see the venom in their eyes."
So please guess... I wanna see how many people know this...
Good luck everybody! ^^
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Tuesday, October 3, 2006
...not a good day.....

Have you ever had oen of those days where EVERYTHING seemed to be workign against you?
fortunately this wasn't the case for today.. but it wasn't a good day....
This morning we had a firedrill, and my class had to go out in front of the school and wait on the curb that border a slope down into a ditch... well, Carria (my stalker) pushed me down the slope... i'm alright... i caught myself halfway down... but my jeans became muddy, and i was totally embaressed... -_-
then the rest of the day sucked because a) in art we HAVE to make a "cartoon" and i don;t want to, and i can't... my characters don't even look right....
b) in science we had to finish up workign witht he Madagascar Hissign cockroaches...and i was bored for over half the class period...
c) i've been kinda dizzy for the past few days... which has caused a balance problem... which is what led to me being pushed down the slope...
and finally D) My knee hurts... I banged it just before PE and Mr. Burt still made me run....
on teh bright side, my birthday is next monday1 ^^ WooHoo! ^^ and Another friend of mine's b-day is tomorrow ((october 3rd... which for you people is today...))...Bwahahahaha!
oh, and i mangaed to play some castlevania... and i didn't get much further...
ummm.... I found out that they're going to make a castlvania movie... (or somethign like that)
Oh, and i also found out that they are going to release a remake of Tales of Destiny for the PS2 on the 10nth... and i plan to buy Tales of Phantasia for the Gameboy advance, and then use my game cube game boy player...^^
well, i'm gonna go now... c ya aorund!
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