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Monday, October 2, 2006
well, today was...boring...

once again, i had a very boring day...
Not much to report... I watched TV most of the day, and managed to not remember most of the day...
I do know that m' friend in AZ called... and of course i talked to her... (though if i had had my way, I wouldn't have had to...) It really sucks that the only way for us to communicate is via phone...
Ummm...Dragon chan came back... thank god her family's back from portland, and she's not staying here...
It's really weird that the longer i know someone, the more antisocial i become...especially towards that one person... and definitely if they are ALWAYS coming over to my house... and only coming over half the time so that they can escape from their mother...and the whole time they're here they steal my computer...(I'm glad DC can't read this... because this describes her...) I love my friends... But i really need my alone time... (my alone time is preferably 8 hours long...) (in other words... I don't mind having people over for 2 hours of my free time...)
Believe me... I can't spend more than 4 hours with a person before nearly everything they do gets on my nerves... I'm able to tolerate it... My father is an example of me "tolerating" it for 14 years...but I begin to plot a way to kick them out of my house with out them gettign hurt emotionally... (the plots usually involve my mom... or my dad...)
A short announcement... I haev 300+ total visits..Woohoo! ^^ Yay for me! ^^ In you face Reaper12... eh heh heh... sorry...I'm competitive over the strangest things... (like the # of GB entires we both have... BTW, i have twice as many total visits and GB entries as her...)
well, I have school in the mornin', so i'm gonna go to bed now.
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Sunday, October 1, 2006
Yay! ^^ Halloween coming up! ^^

Isn't that pic cute? (it's the Furuba gang dressed up as the inuyasha gang! ^^)
well, According to my post yesterday, i was GONNA play Castlevania.... but i never got to it... I ended up watchign tv most of the day... and reading...
Well, I had a good day... apparently one of my friend's b-days was today... that makes...i have no idea how many... people that i know that were born in teh same month as me... ^^
my birthday is in... 9 days! ^^
Well, I know what i am probably gettign for Christmas... either that, or as a late birthday present... considering it won't arrive until at least 2 weeks from now...-_-... but anyways, I'm gettign 2 black inuyasha t-shirts... one featuring sesshy, and the other featuring the Inuyasha logo ont eh front, and Sesshy and Inuyasha back-to-back ont eh back...^^ Yay! ^^
Well, I'm gonna go, so c ya all around! ^^

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Saturday, September 30, 2006
OMG! Today was kinda exciting...^^
Yeah... Let's gett tha "bad news" over with, shall we?
I didn't win the election... nope... VP was won by Colin... oh well... I'm fine w/ it...
Now that that's over with, today was an awesome day...
after school Book worm came over to my house for the first time ever...and i figured the most disturbing part of my room would have been the pink walls... not true... It was the posters... I have 3 pokemon poster's on ym wall...They're really small, and they're really only there to take up space... and have a few yu-gi-oh posters as well... which are there for teh same reason...
Anyways, yeah... she stayed till 6pm... Then after she left, i watched The Lake House with my parents... It was good... and i was able to figure out the 2 most possible endings about an hour into the movie...
I didn't have ANY homework over the weekend... YEAY! ^^ That's just mean i can concentrate on reading, playing Castlevania: Lament of Innocence... and recovering after the sleep deprivation caused by a certain dragon....LOL...
I'm borrowing a book from BW (Book Worm), it's called: The Fire Within I think i'll like it, but it might not get read too quickly... I have library books... Come to think of it... I finished off a trilogy today during health class... The Pit Dragon Chronicles (it's still a trilogy... though i coulda sworn i saw a 4th book...) and i started a book by T.A.Barron... The Great Tree of Avalon (or something like that...) Which is the first book in a ...trilogy?...that is a sequel (sort of) to my Fav. Epic... ( the lost years of merlin A seven book series... come to think of it... i shoudl try to read them again...)
As i was laying on the couch reading tonight... I thought of something...If My dad had succeeded in giving my cat away... A gift from the gods would have been lost forever... (did i jsut say that? 0.o) My cat came to us, we didn't chose her, she was abandoned on us... someone left her at my house, and i found her, and at first my parents didn't want her, but then when we couldn't give her away, we decided to keep her... And she really is likea gift... The perfect cat if i ever seen one... she hasn't got a tail to step on... She's sweet only to a select few people... and she stays within the yard when she's outside... nto to mention that, but she's scared of nearly everythign that moves when she's outside...
There's a reason why i don;t like dogs that much...(ok, so i like them a lot... but there's a reason why i like cats more) Dogs taht i own, and i don't mix very well... either the dog is too lazy, or TOO energetic... either that, or the dog has a one track mind... that track being "must chase anything"...yes... I know not all dogs are like this... jsut like i know not all pitbulls are evil... and not all German Sheapards are named Neasie...(LOL) but I seem to end up with the worst dog for me...-_-...
Well, i'm a gonna let you guys go, I'v been talking for like...EVER....
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Friday, September 29, 2006
...so bored it hurts....
... yep, very boring...
well, the last few days have been stressful... due to certain people... but i still lived through them... and what is it they always say? "If it doesn't kill you it only makes you stronger?" yeah... I feel stronger... but not much...
Due to sleep deprivation, I am glad i hand an orthodontist appointment today... two day with less than 3 hours of sleep a night is enough to make me tired at 9pm... that's why i didn't post until way late yesterday... yeah... anyways...
I'm in pain... my teeth hurt.... They say nothing comes for free... well they got it right... Even if we didn't have to pay a ton of money for this... My teeth would still be killing me...-_-
I ahd my speech for VP this afternoon... And i wasn't quite as nervouse as i could have been... I don't even care if i win... I was doing this mostly for the experience in public speaking... even though i may never need it...
I didn't even vote for myself... I consider it morally wrong to do so... SO i voted for Colin instead... I was running against 3 people...Colin, Chloe, and Taylor... I hate taylor with a passion, I don;t even know Chloe... and Colin is pretty cool...
Yeah... I came he and s in the worst mood ever... and I hated the world for no apparent reason...
I delivered papers... and then finished readin Heart's Blood, and moved on to A Sending Of Dragons then when i quite to make popcorn...Reaper12 showed up.... she's going on a trip to Utah... and won't be back till next tuesday... And she stole my Manga... WHihc i borrowed from the libray... and i was just about ready to move on from Fushigi yugi vol.8 to vol.10 (I couldn't get vol.9)...and she took it! along with vol.11 and vol.12! SO in my own spiteful way, i didn't let her borrow my 6 new mangas...Take that Reaper12!!!!!!!!
RIGHT after she arrived, DC arrived to get her stuff so that she could go live with her grandma until her grandpa gets back from his trip...THANK ANIME!^^ (LOL)
DC had to leave right away, and Reaper12 had to leave at dark... When Reaper12 left, I sat d and finished Fushigi Yugi vol. 8... and since i couldn't read vol.10 thanx to a certain reaper... -_-... I did my homework... and I am very happy that today's homework didn't require that i use a compass... THANK ANIME.... I'm terribel with a compass... I can't use one very well when i need to... btu when i don't i'm just fine... weird, huh?
Then i finished my science homework... I asked mom what science was, I asked Cheryl, and i had cheryl ask her sister... that was my science homework... he'd better give us harder homework on monday...^^
I had lemon ice tea (home made)... we had a whole gallon of tea left fromt eh last time my father made sun tea, so i poured a glass of that, and added lemon juice...^^
Hmm... thsi appears to be the longest post i've written in a very long time...sorry...Well, this means i should go, c ya all aorund! ^^
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Thursday, September 28, 2006
sooooo.... grr...
i'm angry.... with the world... for no apparent reason....weird, huh?
well, you'll hear about today tomorrow, k?
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Wednesday, September 27, 2006
... I am sooooo tired of this!
I know i shouldn't be, since she's only been staying here for less than 2 days... but I have so many pet peeves about my computer... all of which she is breaking....
well, le't s at least start fromt eh beginning, shall we?
monday night, Dragon Chan stayed up till 3 in the morning reading fanfiction.... I have no problem with that.... ok... that's a complete and total lie.... I have a BIG problme with that... but it seems like every time i TRY to enforce my own rules, Dc either gets ticked off at me, or I don;t have the will power to back it up...-_-...
anyways, we had a substitute in science... so yeah...
ummm... of... I ofund out that i need a better protractor... or at least i need a new pencil point for mine...-_-....
After school, I walked home... like normal... but I got to walk home with Josh, and we stopped at our friend crystal's house cuz she was sick that day and we wanted to make sure she was ok...
we ended up staying for 20 min. Then we walked the rest of the way home. I got home around 3:30...
I didn't have to do any papers today! ^^ (The only really good thing aside from walking w/ josh...)
After papers i ahd an hour of peace...,. AN HOUR! Shelby came back over from her house after that hour... and that pretty much bring me to the here and now where i ahev stolen time on the internet from her by waiting until after she was finished calling her father, and connecting before she finished reading the chapter of a fanfiction she is reading. Of course i'm on the not-so-forbidden computer.... but that's nto the point... I don;t like the fact that i get ignored, and she takes advantage of MY computer...-_-... It almost as if she only come over to use my computer any more.... I HATE it!...She checks her email... that would be alright if i didn't ahev to sign back into the yahoo toolbar, and i have to re-type my user name... which is ok... but it irritates me...
she log onto her fanfiction account... which is less irritateing than when she log onto her yahoo account... but still... and i have no ability to say no when she wants my computer.... I don't want to hurt her feelings....
And then there's tha fact that she ignores me... which is fair treatment,... but now that my computer's in my room i've stopped tuning things out when i'm online...
welll, all i can say is i'm glad that i finally got my homework done...
her brother's in the 5th grade, and he's already taking pre-algebra (she's in teh 9th grade, and she has algebra 1...LOL)... maybe that family doesn't breed unsmart people after all?... i know that's not nice... but i'm not happy right now, and I want to tell her to get the hell offa my com, but i'm TOO NICE...
i g2g, being all secretive about thsi is making me nervous...c ya!
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Tuesday, September 26, 2006
...bad day....
Oh yeah... the worst day i've had in a LONG time!
to start off with, I didn't want ot get up this morning...((you'll see a whole lot more of this as the year progresses...)) when i got to school, I missed 15 points on a project because of a lack of color in mrs. bowen's class... AND THERE WAS A TON OF COLOR! GOD!!!!!!!!!!!
nextly... (ok... thsi is good...) In science, Andrew (if you remeber, he's stalker #1) was moved...^^ Yes! Thankyou Mr. Pheyffer! ^^
ok, then everything went well until...well, after school.... I was SUPPOSED to help my mom with the papers... btu she didn't tell me that...
After that, Dragon Chan came over and we had fun fun fun till she had to go home! ^^ (DOn't mind the partial quote from my 50 year old father's music... it was stuck in my head....)
I went over ot her house, and quickly found out that Dragon Chan's sister has a fever of 100.9 , so she had to go up to portland (for those of you who don't know, She has leukimia)... WHich means Draogn Chan has to spend the night here...
This is my main reason for not believeing in a higher being... What self respecting, all-merciful diety would allow this to happen to little children!?!? (Dragon Chan's sister is only 10, and Lindsay was six when she had it!)
Anyways, DC (Dragon Chan) is spending the night over here, and I'm rather happy about that... but i know i shouldn't be...
well, g2g!
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Monday, September 25, 2006
I'm having so much fun RP-ing
very much so... I checked my emails this morning, and found i had 4 new emails on my yahoo account... which meant i had...REVIEWS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! yeay!
yep, well, after that, i got offline agian, and read Warriors Book 6... I'm satisfied with the ending... adni can't wait to read the first book in the next series involving the cat's of Thunder clan... ((don't ask))
I got back on after finishing it so that i could Reserve it online... ((I still need to do that...)) and found out that Tykat92 was on, so we've been RPing the whole time...
So far my 2 character's: Jessie and Sierra
and her character: Sean
Have decided to go on a journey... We met three of my other character's at a cafe, and She made up another character... ((my 2 character: Trey and Zelda and Risa)) her's : Kate
Then our wolves reported that there was a monster attacking a small girl, so we went to fight the monster... Sean and Jessie couldn't see it... and Trey was alte gettign there, for a few minutes it looked as if we couldn't win... but when trey showed up, he took it down in one blow...
And now we're talkign to the girl ((I made Ty have her as one of her characters)) whose name is Karin, and she's decided to join our group.
I forgot to mention the my reading was interrupted by a phone call from AZ (Both the state and the person ((hte perosn being my friend Julianna)))
now i'm gonna go,
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Sunday, September 24, 2006
I hate corn!
Yeah... I've been busy all day....
First off, right after i woke up, i had to go out and pick corn from my mom's garden... and more corn... and more corn.... and we picked out....25 to 40 ears of corn, and then we Blanched it, and then we froze it...^^
after we were done with that, i played some Castlevania, Lament of Innocence.
Then i finished reading one of my new Mangas... after that i can't remember until about...6 pm when i got online and began writing, adn iming with Ty... and then i updated all but one of my stories... and i plan to update the last one tomorrow i hope...I'm suffering froma lack of motivation on that one... and my plot is totally messed up... I need to straighten it out...
well, I'll see you guys around, Bye!
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Saturday, September 23, 2006
Well... this is weird....
Yeah, wierd day...T_T... well, to start off with, today was NORMAL until about......6pm.... when shelby brought Lindsay over, and then had to leave so she could go to a foot ball game...-_-... you'll never catch me at a football game, EVER.... I just don't like the sport...
After that she had to go to a homecoming dance... so I "got" to entertain Lindsay until she had to go home...
Man! Lindsay is extremely weird... she's 14, btu if you look at her, and the way she acts, you'd think she was like...12...0.0 yeah... and she get's hyper easily....
I don;t get it... I went over to her house for about an hour... and Her dad must have sensitive hearing or something...0.0... I'd much rather have my parents and go to public school, than have her parents and get home schooled.
Don't get me wrong, Lindsay is totally awesome, but i'm not sure i want her near my computer anymore...LOL...She's even more of a spazz than Reaper12...LOL...
Well, tomorrow is writing/updating day for my fanfics... i only have 2 stories to finish typing up the next chapter of... so... yeah.... I was gonna try and finish writing up chapter 7 of Stupid Cat, but I din't around to it....
Well, i'd better go, I have manga to read! ^^
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