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Thursday, August 2, 2007
Well, Not much to say today. I got a bunch fo forms and stuff from the high school in the mail today. Filled out everything i could, cuz i'm independant that way.
I've been reading a lot of manga in teh past two days. mostly Get Backers, Love hina, and W Juliet. I borrowed a game from tyler, Trace Memory, and i beat it in one day.
I think i'll go see tyler tomorrow. but i might not, depends on how i feel.
I found out that my friend Marissa is back. I'm happy, she may have made some bad choices, but she's still my friend. She cut her hair, and i noticed that she looks much better now.
well, I'm kinda gettin tired of summer, and can't wait for my cousin's to come. ^^ They're comin in like... two weeks. i can't wait.
jeeze, tyler's like, the only person who's NOT online right now.... -.-
Well, i'm gonna go now, TTYL!
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Monday, July 30, 2007
I've got a head ache....
Yeah, i should probably do something about it, but it doesn't hurt that much as long as i don't change my head's elevation.... I officially have 43 e-cards up... somebody got realyl mad at the newest one. >> ... something about an insult to star wars...."come to the dark side, we have cookies" maybe be making fun of star wars, but i like star wars, and i still use it. LOL
I ask that you please go see my ecards when you have time, some of them are quite amusing. there's a link up there *points to my intro* to them.
I changed my theme a day early, cuz i figured i wouldn't gave the motivation to do it tomorrow. LOL I'll probably be too sleepy.
Oh, and about my last post, i was staying up because i wanted to, not because i couldn't sleep. ^^;;
I tried to watch The Ring again last night, because Wes was at an all night party or something. I still haven't finished it.
well, I'm gonna go now, maybe take some aspirin or tylenol, or something, TTYL!
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Saturday, July 28, 2007
I probably shouldn't have put that title... LOL. I might jynx myself. I'm trying to stay up until i just practically pass out from sleep later today, since i'm trying to correct ym sleep patterns. Not taht i should evne be trying until closer to the end of vacation. LOL. I still have over a month until school starts. WHOOT!
Well, I've been staying up WAY later than i should, every night for the past... oh wow... it's only been like... 3 days... LOL. Mostly i've been talkin to Wes (who is the only person on, and one of the only... 4-5 people i'll talk to willingly), listening to VH1 , or fuse, dancing when the mood takes me (I really like dancing to "love Stoned" LOL), and trying to write.
well, since i don't think there's really much to talk about, I'll leave you guys with some questions, but please, do TRY to comment on something aside from the questions....
1) what's the longest you've stayed up so far this summer?
2) what's your favorite band?
heh... surveyor's block. LOL
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Thursday, July 26, 2007
One of my E-cards got featured. 0.0
 Hosted By
I can't believe it....0.0.... but it's true....
I've been making a lot of e-cards, so far only 11 have been accepted, but I know I've submitted at least ten more since I woke up this afternoon. They're all pretty good, the redo I did of one of my olderones didn't get accepted, so I'll have to fix it again.
Well, I pulled an all nighter...but I went to sleep (un-intentionally, mind you) at like... 8 am. LOL.
Tyler is going to redmond for, like, a week. I'm gonna miss that little midget. >>
Well, I'll try to visit, can't make any guarentees, but I'll try, Talk to you all later!
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Tuesday, July 24, 2007
So irritating! -.-
Lindsay and Shelby are still fighting, and i'm sick and tired of it. Therefore, i'm gonna tell them, that unless they get over it, I don't want to be around either of them. -.-
I might lose two friends over this, but hey, it's no big loss for me. I prefer to be alone, besides, i've got plenty of other friends. Shelby has enough friends, ill admit they don't live as close as i do, but she'll survive, I doubt she wants to lose my friendship though. Lindsay's really only got one other friend aside from me, now, and so she definitely doesn't want to lose my friendship. Sadly for them both, i quite frankly don't care, if they're pig-headed and immature enough to still not get over it, they're not really worth being friends with. They shouldn't have dragged they parents into this to begin with, it was the biggest mistake of all in my opinion. Whatever, i'm forcing my way out from the middle of this, and that's that.
their little fight causes a problem with my anime club too. Ergo, until they get this sorted out (if they ever do) they're banned from the club. I'll lose some people over this, especially Kristina and possibly Jenny, but that's their problem.
Well, we'll see how things go, i'm gonna tell them on thursday, so yeah. i'm gonna go now. TTYL!
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Monday, July 23, 2007
Uhh....Lack of motivation?
Yeah, I bet you're all wondering why I was gone, without warning, for nearly two weeks. Well, it's mostly because I've had a lack of motivation.
Well, I've done a lot of gameplaying in the past two weeks. I've also been RPing with ty nearly every night until 2 am (or later). And I've been teasing Wes more than ever. It's addictive, and way more fun than it should be. lol
I've also ben reading some stories on Currently my two favorites are Dear Immagination by Loly Darko and 357 Things I Am Not Allowed To Do by breana. If you've got a LOT of free time, you should read them both.
357 Things I Am Not Allowed To Do Is about a girl named Danny (short for Danniera) Cantle. She protested that one fo the top 10 school's in the world was an all-boys school, unfortunately for her, she has to go to that school so that the staff can observe how the boy would react with females in their midst (and it's either go, or look like an idiot). She drags her best friend Zach (short for Zachia) with her. There are some melodramatic spots, but it's mostly a laugh fest in my opinion. ((It's 36 fairly good sized chapter))
Dear immagination Is about Lillian, a girl in the tenth grade. She goes to an all girls catholic school, and is supposedly afraid of people. She writes death notes to her immagination, as a way to keep people from talking to her. When her new neighbors move in, everything changes. Sort of. This story is more addicting that funny, but it has it's moments. ((63 mid-length chapters.))
I've been watching Sailor Moon on youtube, since I got DSL last week. so now, it won't take quite as long for me to visit everyone. XD
I stayed at Ty's last night, along with Kristina, and Abby ((Impromptu slumber party)) It was supposed to be just me and ty.
I've been glued to my DS for a while now, first it was with leveling up my umbreon, flareon, glaceon, leafeon, and jolteon on my Pearl version, and then it was with my Leaf Green Version ((If you're wondering, I've turned intoa pokemon geek for the moment. XD)) I restarted it, and I got a female Charmander on the first try. ^o^
I'll just end up stealing everything to my pearl version anyways, but that's not my point. XD
I'm trying to write a new story, but it's not turning out so well. My character is inconsistant, and I don't want her to be completely angry at EVERYthing, because that get's irritating. I just want her mad at her dad, tolerable of her motormouth half sister, and friendly towards her odd neighbor. @.@ this is gonna be really hard to pull off. XD
What's the easist way to tell if someone is a pokemon nerd? Easy, they have a pokemon RP universe. XD
Well, I'm gonna go, TTYL!
BTW: I'm gonna TRY to visit you all. might take a while though.
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Tuesday, July 10, 2007
hmm... i think i'm gonna start something for my posts... it'll be funny, don't worry.. ^^
well, today went well enough. I'm tying to get back in the swing of things on here. ^^" *isn't trying as hard as she could* and i can explain. my OWN computer is on the fritz permanently. it work's only when it wants to...i've had to restart it three times so far today. And if i don't comment, it's probably because i didn't get around to visiting you, but sometimes it's because ym computer has to load everything before i can comment. and i get impatient... >>
I've recently (recently meaning about half an hour ago)) learned the stange addictivesness of j-rock. >> takes half an hour or less to load songs on Imeem, and i'm glad for it. XD
*begins dancing all silly like to "Tekesuta kousen" by An Cafe* ahem! anyways, yeah. strangely addicting...>>
hmm.... wesley hasn't been on... and i was gonna tease him some more. XD
hayley was on. she wasn't half bad to talk to today. Usually she won't shut up about guys. don't get me wrong, i like guys, but too much of her would be enough to make anyone like mne sick of guys. oh, and then there was abby and her "Chris" >> i had to tell him she loved him because her computer broke,a dn then he gave me this ushy gushy casanova crap to tell her... *tears streaming* i didn't like ANY guys for two months after that, i was so revolted. didn't even think anybody was cute or attractive. >______< and that's just not ME....
well, I'm STILL waiting on those banners... >> i knwot eh first one is done... so why must it take so long to get it to me? T_T
Shelby is back. We're on good terms again, so I'm once again not troubled at all. ^^
We're gettign the roofing replaced on our house. it's probably gonna be noisy. >_< Thank god for head phones!
I moved my room around. i have on of those closets with two folding doors, and the head of my bed is in my closet, to one side. i've moved my computer monitor on a small stand next to the bed so i can use my computer from the bed. ^o^
i'm gonna try something as soon as i can get some koolaid. I'm gonna use splenda instead of suger, see how much better or worse it tastes ((not taht i would know, haven't had koolaid since i was tiny)) but I need something flavored to drink and we're out of juice. >> And I'm almost out of creamer for making my own Iced coffee..... and don't tell me it'll stunt my growth, cuz i been drinking coffee since i was at least 11, and i'm five foot eight inches tall.
I've noticed taht my RPING characters tend to be a bit fickle about their love. Because at least three of her characters have had their hearts broken by three of my characters, and three of my characters ahve been label "girlfriend stealers". which is pretty good, given my track record with likeing Angst and death. ((BTW we ahve four different RPS, but our characters are partially the same in three of them))
I got an email from Kayren. it was one of those spam things, but it was funny.... it asked you to put you answer in the subject.
i had each month saying waht you did. and then the date was who you did it too, and the color of whirt you were wearing told you why.
I robbed (october) a super model(the 9th) because he stole my taco (white shirt).
that's what mine said. the stuff in parenthesis wasn't there BTW.
I'm looking into getting a wireless keyboard and mouse for my computer. They have a package that looks promising for thirty-five dollars at it has a keyboard and a mouse. so i'd be happy with it. MOM and dad are FINALLY getting around to trying to get us DSL.
Well, gotta go, TTYL!
things i am not allowed to do:
1) I'm am not allowed to tell people things will be funny when they aren't. It's lying.
2)I am not allowed to be impatient. It causes me to become frusterated.
3) I am not allowed to become addicted to foreign music. I can't understand it.
4) I am not allowed to tease Wesley about his attractiveness... it could be considered flirting...>>
5) i am not allowed to relay messages between abby and her internet BF it is disturbing and makes me dislike men for months.
6) i am not allowed to let Reaper12 leave for utah before finishing things taht i've asked her to do for me.
7)i am not allowed to dance on teh internet. It scars people.
8) I am not allowed to be mean to shelby
9)I am not allowed to leave my computer ona t night. There's no telling whether or not it might give me cancer.
10)I am not allowed to rob super models, even if they did steal my taco...>>
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Monday, July 9, 2007
this is so sad!!!!
this is really sad.
Her name was Auroura
She was only five
This is what happened
When she was alive
Her dad was a drunk
Her mom was an addict
Her parents kept her
Locked in an attic
Her only friend
was a little toy bear
It was old and worn out
And had patches of hair
She always talked to it
When no one's around
She lays there and hugs it
Not a peep of sound
Until her parents
unlock the door
Some more and more pain
She'll have to endore
A bruise on her leg
A scar on her face
Why would she be
In such a horrible place?
But she grabs her bear
And softly crys
She loves her parents
But they want her to die
She sits in the corner
Quiet but thinking,
" God, why? Why is
My life always sinking? "
Such a bad life
For a sad little kid
She'd get beaten and beaten
For anything she did
Then one night
Her mom came home high
The poor child was hit and slapped
As hours went by
Then her mom suddenly
Grabbed for a blade
It was sharp and pointy
One that she made
She thrusted the blade
Right in her chest,
" You deserve to die
You worthless pest! "
The mom walked out
Leaving the girl slowly dying
She grabbed her bear
And again started crying
Police showed up
At the small little house
They quickly barged in
Everything was as quiet as a mouse
One officer slowly
Opened a door
To find the sad little girl
Lying on the floor
It must have been bad
To go through so much harm
But at least she died
With her best friend in her arms
A child dies every day from child abuse. And if you have an ounce of pity in you for little Auroura and you hate child abuse with a passion you will repost this and help out those abused children and let them know that someone cared for them. If you don't then you should go to fucking hell, this is horrible what happened to these innocent children. It doesn't take that long to repost only about 10 seconds so please just do it. its worth it to let everyone see this.
some people are so cruel... this is terible but it hapens so much we cant ignore it.
a note from BlackMocassin15: Please don't report this for not being quizzes, we're just trying send send a message!
add ur name if u agree that this is getting bad...
1. eaklorgirl (tears coming down cheeks
2. vampiredemonperson
3. Savy5097.... Savannah
4. iluvmark99 aka nick(who is a girl! not a guy!!!)
5. hi2umoomoo
7. BlackMocassin15
8. Thena
15.Squeaker 1
(Please help the children live without pain and hate
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Hello everyone. ^^ I guess it's been a while since I've visited anyone, or posted for that matter, I'm sorry for it. I've been taking a break from MyO so that I could live life away from my computer ((and it's not working very well. XD))
Well, the trip to portland is on the 25th, i'm in the process of seeing if Tyler can come or not. >>
You know what! Life is not fair. Wesley is way too attractive for his own good... >> *twitches* and yes, I'm FINALLY over the WoW addict named Dylan. And Wes looks a lot like Dylan (i've seena pic of him) but they're way to different personality wise. it's a good thing i know Wesley too well to fall for him. cuz he's rather attractive... >> ... doesn't stop me from teasing him tough...>>...
I'm stuck painting a few walls in the front room for the next few days.. *angry scribble appears over my head* i'm gonna have paint all over in my hair by the end of this, i just know it... T_T
well, i'm gonna go now, TTYL!
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Friday, July 6, 2007
tyler is here. we stayed up till five am. I slept till 2 pm.
We have watermelon.
Tyler is a watermelon vampire. and Wes is a chicken-pansy-wetnoodle-emo-ham-ze"bra" hybrid.
I gotted a new poster yesterday, it ahs a motorcyclist on it, and it'sa skeleton, but it's got wings, a tail, and horns. It says:"heaven won't take me, Hell Is Afraid i'll take over, Independant to the Grave."
I gotted a new CD too. It's the 2007 warped tour compilation CD. It has fifty songs on 2 cds, and i paid $6 for it.
Tyler and i finished our map for our RPing world.
I think i JUST beat Yugioh Duelists of the roses. fun fun.
I shall go now. I have things to go, watermelons to eat. XD
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