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Saturday, June 9, 2007
Sesshoumaru may explode without warning | M EXPLOSIVE |
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How to make a Sesshoumaru |
1 part anger
5 parts silliness
3 parts instinct |
Method: Blend at a low speed for 30 seconds. Top it off with a sprinkle of emotion and enjoy! |
Personality cocktailFrom
not exactly right.... o.0
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Wednesday, June 6, 2007
The last few days have been rather enjoyable.
On sunday i went up to my aunt's for a party for my mom and dad's b-days (the 2 and the 9th). We ahd a texas hold'em tournament, and guess who won!?!?
Come on already! guess!
Fine, i'll tell you, it was me.... i won $20 for coming in first place!!!!!!! (in case you haven't noticed, i'm REALLY happy about this))
With that money, i bought... *trumpets sounds* two cds! ^^ ((A Beautiful Lie by 30 Seconds To Mars; and Don't You Fake It by The Red Jump Suit Apparatus))
And then yesterday was the first day that mrs.bowen was gone to DC.
And i got to skip school and go to portland today, because i ahd an appointment up there....
On the way back, I begged my parents into letting me get a CD at Best Buy. ((Three Cheers For Sweet Revenge by My Chemical Romance)) I'm so HAPPY!!!!!!!!!! I've been tryign to get my paws on a copy of it for AGES.
g2g, TTYL!~

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Friday, June 1, 2007
Well, My grade on the Inquiry Project is Questionable, since I did not know we were supposed to have a back cover. I HATE MRS. BOWEN! JESUS CHRIST MOTHER OF GOD!!!!!! *string of curses flies out of my mouth* heh heh…. Anyways…. I didn’t have a back cover…
I will be attending the Strawberry Festival this year ( it’s tomorrow).
We have a NEW project in Mrs. Bowen’s class *mental string of curses at the thought of her* she’s seriously starting to tick me off. What with her “it has to be colorful” idea, and what not. >=(
As you can see, the theme for June is .hack//sign.
I bought two games, not sure whether I’ve said this already of not, but they’re Devil May Cry 2 and .hack//infection ((I think)) .
I’m gonna go now, TTYL!
Word at the village’s small high school was that Anne Astley had sold her soul to the Devil in a pagan ritual or something. It was just a laugh, based on how she acted. Her face was always still and empty, clear as a lake of ice water in the mountains, untouched by man.
Anne wasn’t one to display her herself with a face like a blinking green neon sign. She was silent, said things matter of factly. But she wasn’t removed from life. She was just quiet in it.
Anne’s mother, Del Astley, said she took after Anne’s maternal great grandfather.
Anne didn’t argue with that. She saw the white and black photographs, aged a fine old yellow. His face was more discreet then the other family gathered around him.
When Anne spoke, she wasn’t monotonous, but her voice was solid and possessed a grounded tone, level and calm.
When she was little, she was never demanding or aggravating. She was a quiet content baby. Easier to deal with then her parents’ first born, Cadi. Now she was the stereotypical teenage girl. All mouth, spontaneous actions, and few thoughts.
But Anne was like anyone else, just with her volume forever tuned to low. She wasn’t emo, and enjoyed wearing light earth tones. No dyed hair or piercings. She preferred to use her eyes. Piercing looks was what she used to get across her point, no matter the situation and despite her constant voice tone.
So when Cadi and Anne’s father died, shortly after their brother Collen was born, people who didn’t know her very well shared the looks and muttered slander. Didn’t she care her father was gone? Wasn’t she sad? But they didn’t know her. They couldn’t talk….
It rained softly, a constant sweep of water onto the smooth green grass of the village cemetery. The air seemed grey, reflecting the sky’s mood. Anne stood before the new headstone laid into the ground, the most recent addition to the bone yard.
She was very comfortable, the rain and darkness surrounding her. Her father’s name,
was set into the polished grey granite.
The funeral had been that morning, and she had worn a black summer dress. Now she was changed. She had slipped out of her house after her family had feasted on the food the friends and family had brought over. Gentle shrouds of rain melted into the fabric of her beige hoodie and blue jeans. It dripped from her hair and nose, but felt good, and the feeling of it gently meeting her body enthralled her senses. Her fervent hooded green eyes drilled into the headstone, reading the words again and again without noticing them.
Anne paid no mind to the array of potted plants and flowers, and bouquets guarding it, leaves and petals now speckled with drops of water.
Anne’s heart sighed, and she knelt down, the pants around her knee immediately forming a dark water spot.
Anne put her hands on the wet stone, rubbing the water around. She was content, the grey atmosphere and rain shutting her in a calm isolated silent world.
A shadow to her left caught her eye and she turned her head. She peered through the curtain of falling rain, the older upright headstones and marble angels, but saw nothing. She glanced back at her father’s tomb, and leaned over and gently kissed the wet stone, over the words DEL ASTLEY. The rain slicked her lips and slipped into her mouth. Anne licked her lips and swallowed. It was refreshing.
Anne slowly got up. She walked away, heading for the delicate iron fence that surrounded the old village’s graveyard.
Just because he was curious, he slid over to where the girl had been kneeling. He reviewed the tombstone. Lots of flowers… New arrival? Welcome to the club, Derrin Astley, he though dryly. He heard the gate clang lightly shut. He turned gracefully and ran lightly to the fence that faced the small dirt road. He perched comfortably on the black iron, watching the girl walk away, her head tipped back, savoring the peaceful weather.

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Saturday, May 26, 2007
I've decided that it's not worth it to leave my window open at night (even if it does have a screen) because I woke up this morning feeling TERRIBLE I think my allergies to pollen are worse this year, though I have yet to get watery eyes because of them.
I'm currently drinking coffee in an attempt to make me feel better. No success.
I've gained two new additions to my MP3 player, Avenged Sevenfold, and Korn. Unfortunately, I’ve decided that I like a song on my avenged sevenfold CD that won't fit on my MP3 player right now,.... so I’ll have to delete 1 or two other songs.
I'll probably get rid of some the Evanescence music, because I don't listen to it much, and I have the songs I do listen to on my computer. Not to mention that, but I have the Fallen Cod, and I have all of the songs on my computer (except Korn, they didn't get on my computer until afterwards) burned to a CD. (the sad part is that the CD only plays in my DVD player... strangely... and it's a CD not a DVD... o.0)
My stupid father just HAD to come in my room last night and stay for like... THREE HOURS!!!!!!!!!!! "I wanna watch CSI Miami!" that was his excuse. stupid A&E showing CSI right when my dad comes in to do somethign random. -_-...I might go steal his room and play Morrow wind some.... since he always plays castlevania: Curse Of Darkness now.... in fact, I think i will go do that now...
Oh, and I'm posting a poem I wrote for my inquiry project below, remember, the project is on Depression. ^^
Well, I’ll leave you now, TTYL!
My name is Jenny,
I am but fifteen.
My sister was kidnapped,
Since then she hasn’t been seen.
I’ve been feeling down,
Feeling oh so depressed.
I loved my sister,
Though her feelings were repressed.
We found out this morning,
That she was found dead.
My mother was horrified,
It explained my dread.
I went to the drawer,
Where father keeps his gun.
I’m sorry to say,
There will be blood when I’m done.
“Such a shame!” They’ll cry,
And mother will be heart broken.
Father would beat me,
If he knew my intention.
I’m in my room now,
I’m sorry, I must go.
This world has no meaning,
My heart tells me so.
As I write these final words,
I raise the gun to my head.
Knowing in my heart,
I’ll soon be dead.

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Sunday, May 20, 2007
Anime club was a lot of fun yesterday. I'm too lazy to go into details, but one person was cosplaying as Alucard (SP?) from Helsing. yeah, we ahd lot's of fun.
I bought Morrow Wind ((Xbox)) on friday, and i've gotten five new shirts and new pair of capris.
I hafta go, TTYL!

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Thursday, May 17, 2007
I just found out yesterday that i have ANOTHER week to finish teh inquiry project. 0.o And i ahev a whole BUNCH of TV that i have to watch on saturday.... in fact, i jsut found out yesterday that i get a channel that is showing Samurai 7 at around 5 am on saturday... i am determined to get up to watch it...XD
In PE we're learning to line dance.... er... not learning, but re-learning. And we have to come up with our own line dance as part of it. i have one word for it: LAME
anyways, i've already come up with it, and i've decided the song we're dancing to. the song is REALLY repetitive in that (i just looked up the lyrics) it repeats the same 11 words OVER and OVER again. but it's fun to dance to... XD
Tomorrow i have a field trip.... we're going maybe.... half a mile away from the school, so as to attend a civil war re-enactment.
On saturday i have anime club, i'm supposed to go shopping, and I'm gonna try to go to the local library so that i can check to see if tehy have Harlem Beat vol.2 ..... i bet they don't, but i really wanna read it because i'm hooked on teh Harlem Beat/Rebound manga series. tehy were originally the same series in japan, but tokyopop only published vol. 1-9 under teh Harlem Beat name, then they will publish vol. 12-29 under rebound. vol.10 and 11 are lost completely because tehy weren't a good palce to begin the "new series."
well, i ahfta go, TTYL!
Goddesses: chapter 4; part 2
“You know what Genie? My last wish, I’m going to set you free.” Aladdin said after a few minutes of silence.
“Really?” Genie asked. He couldn’t believe it. “Thanks Al!”
So, they arrived in the town plaza and went to the palace gates. They found Jafar and Jasmine there. They jumped down from the ledge they were on and Jafar did what he did best, be a real pain in the butt.
“Setting your sights a little high, aren’t you boy?” Jafar sneered at Aladdin. “Leave the princess alone. I will be taking her to more suitable company then a street rat and his pet monkey.”
“Jasmine” Aladdin cried.
“I’m so sorry, Aladdin.” Jasmine tried to get to Aladdin but Jafar wouldn’t let her.
“Genie, save Jasmine. Please.” Aladdin whispered as he rubbed the lamp behind his back.
“One more wish left!” Genie said as he picked Jasmine up. “You making this really easy, you know.”
“Oh, I’m so sorry boy. I’m afraid your second wish has been denied.” Jafar smirked as Iago carried Genie’s lamp over top him.
“I’m sorry Al.” Genie said as he disappeared into the lamp, Jasmine falling into a pot spider.
“Now I bid you all farewell. Attack!” Jafar disappeared as a pot centipede appeared behind them.
“I hate these, too.” Ellie muttered as she got out a pair of sais to fight the Heartless with. They beat the Heartless and discovered Jasmine was kidnapped so they go out to the desert to get her back.

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Wednesday, May 16, 2007
i got tagged by Elven Ninja, so i'll take care of that first.
1) Music is my heart and soul, i cna't live without it.
2) I collect Posters
3) I have over 500 dollars worth of anime stuff.
4) I have about 7 rose bushes in my gardens.
5) I have over 50 role playing characters.
6) I have read every book that Tamora Pierce has written by herself.
I tag Dark Desires, Doose Doe, Rei-Syn, Reaper12, Tykat92, and Keiichero
well.... I hafta go, TTYL!
“Boy am I glad to be back on solid ground!” said Breanna happily, on the verge of kissing the ground but stopped before she actually did. They were in the middle of a clearing type thing with rocks surrounding them in the middle of the desert. In the middle of this was Aladdin in a pit of quicksand. There were Heartless everywhere.
“OK, let’s get to work.” Ellie said and everyone got ready to fight. They killed a lot of Heartless and when they where gone Sora pulled Aladdin out of the quicksand. But then more Heartless showed up.
“Not again.” Said Goofy and everyone got ready to fight again when Aladdin took out this old lamp and said.
“Genie, get rid of these guys!” Then a blue mist and sparks came out of the lamp and out came Genie. He made all the Heartless poof away.
“Thanks for the help.” Sora said as Genie went off about how you get any 3 wishes except making anyone fall in love, killing someone, and bringing someone back from the dead.
“No problem, my name is Aladdin by the way, and this is Abu and Genie.” Aladdin said.
“He has a funny hat.” Said Breanna. Ellie elbowed her and told her to shut up.
“ My name is Sora, and these are my friends Riku, Leon, Ellie, Breanna, Goofy, and Donald.” Sora introduced them.
“Nice to meet you.” Genie stopped his talk about the wishes and asked Aladdin.
“So, what do you want your next wish to be?” Aladdin thought for a moment.
“How about a fabulously wealthy prince?” Aladdin finally said.
“You got it! A hundred camels, a hundred elephants, lots of money and fancy clothing. Just ask the question and it’s yours!” Genie was excited.
“Hmmm, I think I’ll wait until we get to Agrabah to make the wish.” Aladdin thought.
“Why do you want to be a prince?” asked the ever curious Sora.
“Because there is this girl. I love her, but she can only marry a prince. She would never fall for some street rat.”
“Princess?” asked Riku.
“You mean Princess Jasmine?” That was Ellie, who was clinging to Leon.
“Yes, you know” Aladdin was curious to know.
“Oh yeah! Aladdin, Princess Jasmine is in trouble!” Sora told him.
“What!?!? Then let’s get to Agrabah as soon as possible!” So they got on Carpet and flew to Agrabah.
NOTE: once again, written by shelby.

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Tuesday, May 15, 2007
I got anime club this weekend, a field trip on friday, and tomorrow is a short day at school. ^^... Makes me happy.
I need everyone to take a survey for me, please. It's for my school project thinger-mer-bobby... heh heh
Please answer each question based on what you think or know.
1) How serious is Depression?
a] it's no big problem! People who are depressed just need to GET OVER IT.
b] It's not a really big problem
c] It's really serious, life threatening even.
2)What causes depression?
a] Genetics
b] stress or personal circumstances
c]Chemical imbalances in the brain
d] a mixture of all of the above
3) how should you help a depressed person?
a] tell them to get over it
b]ignore the problem
c]tell them they need help
d]get them help. (therapy, ect.)
4) How many People do you know who Seem Depressed?
Thankyou! I really appreciate anyone who participates... ^^
Goddesses: chapter 3; part 2
“Jafar’s after me, and I-“ Jasmine began, looking towards the sky. She was interrupted when she caught sight of Jafar. Before everyone could act, he had kidnapped Jasmine, and disappeared though a gate nearby.
“We must go after them!” Breanna cried, climbing up to where Jafar had disappeared. She tried to fit thought the bars of the gate, but she was just not going fit. This made her angry, and she began kicking the evil gate of doom. Finding that this didn’t, work, she turned around, and shoved Riku, who she’d dragged up there with her, out of the way, and poked at a giant keyhole. “Sora-Chan, lemme have your Key Blade!”
“But-“ He said, before tossing it up to her. Breanna unlocked the keyhole, and tossed it back to Sora.
“It didn’t’ open the right one!” Breanna said, as the others, who had been previously uninterested in coming to help climbed up to the large space. “I think I know where it opened though,” Breanna said, as she began jumping along some board things on the wall. She Arrived at the other side, and found an arch, which had previously been closed. She went through and found herself above the street they had entered on. She saw a pole thing across the street, and quickly devised a way to get there, just as the others arrived at her location. “Okay guys, this is how we get there-“ Breanna said, before she was interrupted as the others began jumping across, just the way she had devised. “W-wait up!”
“Hurry up, then!” Elli shouted back at her.
Breanna rushed along the rooftops, and arrived at the pole, where everyone else had already begun climbing. She climbed the pole, and arrived just as the others were releasing a moving carpet from its imprisonment under a piece of furniture.
“I think we should follow it,” Elli said decisively. Everyone agreed, so they went out into the desert, after sliding down another pole, and rushing past a watermelon stand. In the nearby distance (.... ok then...) they found the afore-mentioned carpet, and it allowed them to ride on it as it flew across the desert.

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Monday, May 14, 2007
How are you all? I'm fine. I went shopping yesterday. =D
My parents bought me some clothes to go with a pair of shoes I bought, since I had nothing to wear with them... XD
Well, yesterday was interesting. I had about 6 people in one conversation on MSN, at one point. It was fun. Misa finally got MSN, so that makes me happy.
I gotta go, School is in twenty minutes TTYL!
Godesses: chapter 3; part 1
“I don’t like the desert, too much sand,” Breanna muttered when they landed on the world of Aladdin. They had already decided that the gummi ship was too small; sadly, they needed a lot more money to get a new one. Cid and the others had decided to stay, including Leon. Leon had no choice though, as Elli wouldn’t let go of his arm when they left, so he ended up having to come too.
“Well, it’s not like you can just go home,” Elli said, hugging Leon.
“Meh, I want to go to the coliseum, maybe we’ll meet cloud,” Breanna said, getting all starry-eyed. Cloud had not shown his face yet on their journey, though they did have Riku.
“Why exactly are we here?” Leon asked.
“This is where the next princess is,” Elli answered, as they walked in on Jafar and his evil plotting.
“Lookie! He’s got a funny looked beard thing!” Breanna cried, going over and tugging on his beard.
“What do you want little girl, I suggest you get out of my way, and leave my beard alone before I am forced to dispose of you,” The vizier of the kingdom said.
Elli ran towards Jafar, and performed a sort of “kick” thing that made Jafar fly away into the distance.
Out of the corner of Breanna’s eye, she saw a light-blue flash of clothing, and Breanna dragged Riku along after it. “Elli! She went this way!”
“Why are you dragging me with you?” Riku asked, alarmed.
“Because I don’t have my Cloud!” Breanna answered, smirking.
“Hello?” a voice called from behind a bunch of barrels. A black haired girl in poofey pants stepped out from her hiding place.
“Jasmine?” Breanna asked.
“Breanna! Wait up!” Elli called as she caught up, dragging Leon along. Following them were Sora, Goofy, and Donald, who were all a little bit slower.
“I founded the princess of this world!” Breanna said, hugging Riku. Riku just looked at her.
“Why were you hiding?” Sora asked.

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