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One Piece, Bleach, Element Hunters; Kimi Ni Todoke; Clannad
To become an English Teacher. To get a book published.
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Sunday, May 13, 2007
well, tennis with Kayren's Dad went well, i resorted to cheating with Kayreen halfway through because i was tired of not being able to hit the ball properly... XD
I watched Rose Red today. It was scarier teh first time i saw it.
I'll have to stay up late to watch bleach and samurai champloo...becasue they rock that way... =P
Well, I'm gonna go, TTYL!
Godesses: chapter2; part 4
“Here goes, better throw my hand in. Wish me happy landin'. All I gotta do is jump” Ellie and Bre sang as they jumped off the roof of the building, and ran to the fountain, Donald, Goofy, and Leon running after them. Sora was just about to close the Keyhole but was stopped by a Guard Armor.
“Damn, I hate these things!” Ellie cursed as they got in to their battle positions. They defeated the Guard Armor and Sora got the power Aero. Sora went over to the Keyhole and used his Keyblade to lock the hole.
“OK, now what?” Leon asked. Sora and Riku were curious as well.
Ellie looked at them and answered their question. “Now we go to Agrabah.”

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Saturday, May 12, 2007
probably not posting again this weekend....
i'm gonna be too busy...except on sunday....maybe...
I bought Avenged Sevenfold- City of Evil today.... I feel cheated because it has 11 songs on it... and i admit they're REALLY long songs.... and i paid fifteen dollars for it.... -_-....
I think i shall list my new mangas here:
-To Heart vol.1
-More Starlight To Your Heart vol.2
-Rebound vol.1
- War Craft: The Sunwell Trilogy vol.1
- Yotsuba vol.1
That is all for the manga... i also bought a CrossGen graphic novel called Meridian vol.1: Flying Solo
I also bought three posters:
-Green Day
-A wicked awesome puple poster with dragons on it
- Panic! At The Disco
Ah! I just remembered.... Davey havok and Jade Puget Have a side project from AFI now, it's called Blaqk Audio (not sure it's spelled right).
In spanish, My teacher is having us describe people... he asked us for suggestions of people for us to describe... i promptly raised my hand and suggested Gerard Way. Tehn, after thinking a bit.... i suggested Jade Puget. Why? you ask?
It was so taht i could write "El es muy guapo" (He is very handsome) for my descriptions of them... =D.... though, if it were appropriate, i'd ask mr.davis what the spanish word for Sexy is ... XD but i'd get in trouble.... ... *pouts*
I think i shall go for tonight... TTYL!
Goddesses: chapter 2; part 3
They both looked at him... “Who are you telling to shut up!?!?” said Bre. Ellie just sat in a dark, depressing corner...
“He told me to shut up...” Ellie had her head bowed and was pushing her fingers together, sniffling.
“Leon, she’s about to cry..” Bre began... “If you do not fix this, I will kill you, then bring you back. Then kill you again, and again, and again, and again, and agai-“
“OK ALREADY! I’ll fix it.” Leon went over to Ellie.
Ellie sniffled. “What do you want?” she asked.
“Look, I’m really sorry I told you to shut up.” Ellie sniffled some more.
“You really hurt my feelings” Ellie said.
“I know and I’m sorry. Will you forgive me?” Ellie brightened.
“I’ll forgive you. But only if you give me a hug.”
Leon smiled “sounds reasonable” Leon hugged her and Ellie smiled, hugging him back.
Snap! Leon and Ellie looked at Bre who had just taken a picture of them.
“Aaaaw! Kodak moment.” Said Bre smiling.
“I thought I told you not to take pictures of me” Ellie said glaring angrily at Bre.
“I have to have something to show the people on the internet. Your prettier then me, so I can’t use one of my pics.” Ellie growled and ran over to Bre to take away the camera.
“Eeeek!” Bre ran away from Ellie and they started chasing each other like InuYasha and friends in the second season. Everyone just stared at them as they did this. They suddenly stopped in front of Sora.
“Sora! Go ring the damn bell!” Ellie said to the poor boy hiding behind Riku for getting talked at in such a manner.
“Yeah Sora! Go ring the dang bell.” Bre said to back up what Ellie said.
Sora backed up toward the wall bringing Riku with him who was like “...”
Sora rang the bell once, making the wall next to the fountain (sorry! I don’t know what to call it!) change into something else.
“Ring it again,” said Bre.
Sora rang the bell again, making the wall change again.
“Again” that was Ellie, who was looking at said wall. Sora did it one more time. As the wall turned, the town Keyhole showed up. Every one gapped at the Keyhole as Ellie and Bre came over to grab Sora and Riku. They then ran for the edge of the building.

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Wednesday, May 9, 2007
For what it's worth....
YO! I've had a *wonderful* day today. first off, my braces are giving me hell. ((Hell=Pain; in this case))
Well, i wasn't quite prepared for being at school today. Mentally prepared that is. I spent all first period doing random stuff. Mrs. Bowen said we could look at the book fair. I'm going to be buying about $36 worth of stuff (6 books, two posters,a dn three book marks) books and posters are buy one get one free, and the books i'm buying cost ten bucks (MANGA!) and the posters cost $4.50. the book marks are 45 cents each.
I spent the rest of first period (since i only spent all but 15 minutes of class at the book fair)) i clicked on random links on wikipedia....I got from clinical Depression to Emo somehow... I learned a lot about Emo Music. =D
I was so intolerant during second period taht i read during Mrs. Bowen's stupid movie... >=(
I hate her movies...
anyways, the rest of the day went okay...
Cassie Walked home with me, so now she knows where i live. =D
I have a lot of homework.... or so i thought.... I counted up my math assignments, and i only have to do 2 assignments... XD
Godesses: Chapter 2; part 2
They ran through the Second District for the Gizmo shop, fought their way though the Heartless and got to the bell tower in record time. When they got up there they had to fight their way through more Heartless.
“okey, do the Red Trinity Sora.” Ellie said.
“Why do you get to give out most of the orders?” asked Bre.
“ This game is saved on my memory card, that’s why.”
Breanna looked over as Sora, Donald, and Goofy did the Red Trinity. Her eyes went wide.
“Eeek! Leon! Save me from the Yaoi-ness!” Bre said, clinging to Leon. Everyone just gave her a weird look as Ellie bonked her on the head.
“It’s not Yaoi you idiot!” Ellie glared at her. “Though Sora and Riku...I’m not so sure.....”
Sora looked at the 2 girls funny. “What’s Yaoi?”
Ellie is about to explain something when Bre interrupts her. “Ellie, you can’t! He’s to young and innocent!”
Ellie glared at her. “I wasn’t about to tell him that!!! I was about to tell him why he can’t know yet!!!!!!!!!”
“He can’t know ever!”
“No, he can’t know yet!”
They kept doing that until Leon decided he had had enough. “Will you both SHUT UP!!!”

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Tuesday, May 8, 2007
Yo. how's everyone? I'm fine, and ym day's been going well.
Well, there's not much to report, i got my new account. click here to see the profile. I ahven't got anything on it yet, since they have their dumb rules, but still...
Godesses: chapter 2; part 1
“ Have you ever heard of Maleficent?” asked Cid.
“Oh! I know! Pick me! Pick me! I know I know I know!!!!!!!!!” Ellie cried, jumping up and down waving her arm in the air like she was asking a teacher a question in school.
“OK....why don’t you tell the people who don’t know.” Cid said slowly, inching away from the hyper girl. NO ONE was this happy all the time!
“OK!” She takes a breath and calms down (she can do that!?!? O.o) “Maleficent is this evil faerie thing that came from Sleeping Beauty...’s world ^^....” she laughed nervously, scratching the back of her head.
“She’s a faerie?” asked Sora curiously. Everyone else looked surprised as well.
“Yeah, she was suppose to be one of the good faeries that grants a wish when a child is born but she went all evil...” said Breanna.
“Why is that bell ringing?” asked a curious Sora.
Ellie and Bre looked at each other. ”Bossfight” they said in unison.
“A what?” asked Donald, looking suspicious. He did NOT like these strange girls.
“Come on! We have to get to the bell tower! Hurry!” Ellie said grabbing Sora’s hand and ran for the Second District as Bre did the same for Riku. Everyone looked at each other, then ran after them. ‘What is going on?’ went through everyone’s heads.
Note: Shelby wrote this chapter. (which is why the writing style isn't the best)

Note on the picture: I thought it was cute. nothing more.... I hate yaoi so.... heh heh....
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Monday, May 7, 2007
Well, I've decided that i shall...
yes, i shall go through with my plan to create another account on for my co-authored stories. =D
Today was fairly un-eventful.
i talked to several people... online... for msot of today. XD
so yeah.... TTYL!
Godesses: chapter1; part 4
Then Elli gasped in surprise as Maleficent disappeared, leaving Riku in their presence alone. Riku looked around. “Where’d Maleficent go?” He asked.
“Maleficent left,” Breanna answered, her blonde hair had somehow come out of it’s pony tail, and was now in her face, she released Riku, and fixed her hair, watching his every move with her silvery-blue eyes. “Come on, let’s go inside, “ Breanna dragged Riku by his wrist inside. “Riku-kun’s here!” While Breanna glowed with happieness, Riku paled.
“Riku!” Sora said. “Donald, we have to let him come with us, he’s my best friend,” Sora said, opening up the argument again.
“No,” Donald answered, “And the other two can’t come either.”
“I, Elli, order Donald to say we can come and sign this convenient contract which states that no matter what he says, we can bring anyone we want with us,” Elli said, holding up a long piece of parchment.
“And, I, Breanna, order Donald to sign the document,” Breanna added. Donald, having been ordered by both Elli and Breanna, said they could go, and also signed the document, though he wasn’t at all happy about it.

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Sunday, May 6, 2007
Ok, not the happiest person....
Well, yesterday was GREAT. until shelby came over and decided she was getting enough attention. Well, she kind of wasn't, so kira and I stayed the night at her house. anyways, i skipped a big part of yesterday... LOL
Well, that morning was uneventful, i got online at about 10 am and talked to a bunch of my friends. (ok, so i only talked to three people, maybe four)
At noon, kira came over, and we pretty much did what ever we wanted, since we ahve this understanding that we like to ahng out, but we don't ahve to have eachother's constant attention. XD. My favorite kind of hanging out....
We worked on Arisa Wilder, but we didn't finish it, so i might resort to email writing. XD.... I email her what we've got, she writes, then she emails me back, and we write like a paragraph each. so yeah.
I have been thinking about creating a new account for stories that I've co-written, god (think i'll start using the word "Sesshoumaru" in place of god for a while. LOL)knows I have enough email accounts for it... XD
Oh, kira's half finished witha drawing of my OC from Arisa Wilder, and since the fics named after her, tis' shouldn't be hard to figure out...who she is.
We shall try to finish her, well.... technically, she's finished, but KRATOS, he's not finished. He in the drawing too, and kira was having a fuss over his outfit.
She did a drawing which should appear on this site soon, it shows things that defy gravity. You shall see soon enough.
Well, I missed Watching House, Bleach, Blood +, Samurai Champloo, and i can't remember the other one I ALWAYS watch on Saturday. This would be why i'm not very happy, my favorite routine to uphold and not deviate from was interrupted.
Kira's parent's wouldn't let kira stay at MY house because she'd stayed over at someone's else's house LAST weekend. *twitches* but they let her stay at shelby's because kira said shelby was feeling really depressed and needed some company.
Okay, so i shouldn't be mad about breaking my routine to help my friend get undepressed, right!?!? =D
Wrong! >=(
She was depressed, yes, but what she needs to do is get over her "they're not paying attention to me, i'm gonna go home and be depressed" mentality. (It just dawned on me that this is like... the first time i've ACTUALLY complained in depth in quite a while...)
Ok, shelby is a great person, i love her to death, she's like a sister to me. We ALL have bad days. Shelby just seems to have more bad days then me. Everyone gets tired of their sister every once in a while.
Shelby's definition of "hanging out" most likely has something to do with not paying attention to anything but the person you're hanging out with. Which isn't fair, because mine is clearly defined as:
Spending time with you're friends. not necessarily does this mean that i have to focus all my attention on my friends. I cna be on the computer, hanging out with my friend online, and hanging out with my friends here.
My problem being the fact that if the person i'm supposed to be hanging out with (usually against my own will, i can't turn people away at the door) doesn't attempt to make contact with me that doesn't involve kicking me (whihc only makes me continue to ignore me visitor, i hate it when people kick me. -_- So i mentally kick them back) i will generally end up ignoring them. Which is bad of me. I know, I can't help it.
ok, i'm gonna shut up about Shelby, and other things that upset me about her, save it for another day....
I woke up this morning at 7:30 am!!!!!! That's the earliest i've woken up (on a weekend)since ... i quite delivering weekend papers.... 0.o....
well, i'm gonna leave you here now, TTYL!
Godesses: chapter 1; part 3
Breanna’s cat ears flattened as well. “What? I don’t want Leon, I’m waiting for Cloud.” She walked over to Elli and looked Leon in the eye. “Don’t hurt her feelings, ever. I’m saying this because I’m not the one you should worry about if you do.”
“Who are you people, anyway?” Cid asked.
“I’m Breanna, and you must be Cid, right?”
“How’d you know?” most everyone asked, only Sora and Elli were quiet.
“I was looking for the owner of the accessory shop, that guy who is working behind the counter is incompetent,” Breanna replied. Everyone looked at her funny, and she looked at Elli, who had stopped glomping Leon to stare as well. She went over to Leon. “Ok, what’d I say wrong?”
“I don’t know,” He answered.
Breanna went over to Aerith, and poked her bow. “Aerith, don’t you miss Midgar, and your mom?”
“Er, yes,” Aerith replied.
Looking out the window, Breanna noticed that a tall horned figure stood next to Riku, she went over to Elli, and told her. They both inched their way out the door, gaining stares from everyone in the process.
Suddenly, out of seemingly nowhere, Maleficent found that a tall fox demon was leaning on her. The girl had dark hair. “Whatcha’ doin’ Maleficent?” Elli asked, holding a dagger to the evil woman’s throat.
“I’m corrupting this boy, now please go away,” Maleficent answered, turning her attention back to Riku and ignoring the dagger.
“Riku-kun, you heard her, you have to help Sora, not her!” Breanna said, glomping him from behind. “because if you help her, you be consumed by Ansem and then you end up fighting Sora and you and Sora will both be lost while Kairi goes back to your old world!” Breanna said this all in one breathe, and rather quickly, so it was hard to understand.

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Saturday, May 5, 2007
Guess who's back, Back again. Shady's back, Tell a friend.
YEAY! A certain person fianlly got his computer fixed. ^^.... that's happyful....very happyful.... was strange....
I did nothing all day, until i had to deliver my papers. And then i met up with Mike while i was doing so, and he needed to borrow someone's bike. So we went to Dylan's. Umm... He ahd his hair tied back........(dylan did) and.... it was weird... he looks better with his hair out... anyways, mike couldn't borrow his bike, because Dylan's mom wouldn't let him, so me an' mike parted ways.
Then we went to albany. blah blah...blah... Then we came home.....
My dad wouldn't stop bugging me to help him with Castlevania: Curse of Darkness. He's hopeless.... He can't play games on his own. at least, not without dying several times before beating a boss. But taht happens to all of us, right? He's sjut impatient, he dies one time and he's all. "SQUEAKER ( he uses my real name though)" and continues shouting at me until i help him....-_-
he's hopeless...
AH! Guess what!?!? Kira's doesnt' get to stay the night because her mom is over-protective.........but she can come over tomorrow. So, since i need her help, we shall work on Arisa Wilder, and she shall do some of those drawings i asked her to do....^^
well, i shall go now, TTYL!
Godesses: chapter 1, Part 2
“But we’re here, now we can help Sora defeat Maleficent, and we can glomp onto the pretty boys!” Breanna replied in her own defense. She pointed to Sora. “You told me that if you ever got to be in this game, the first person you glomp was Sora, well, there he is!”
“SOOORRRAA!” Elli exclaimed in mock-girlishness. Before Sora could blink, the tall girls had hugged him and he was now standing there like an idiot.
“Umm.... Hello...” Sora said, confused as to why they knew his name, and why they were hugging him.
“Oh, excuse me, I must seem very rude for not introducing myself, I am Breanna,” Breanna said with a boyish bow. “And she would be Elrana, my best friend.” Elli just waved like a princess.
“Umm, How do you know my name?” Sora asked. “And why did you hug me?”
“We are goddesses, released from our...uh... imprisonment...yeah, that’s it, imprisonment from the other side of the portal thingy,” Breanna answered, grinning. “And we know you name because we are goddesses whose only control is over you, I’m just not sure if our powers work here, anyways, we hugged you because we were happy to be free.”
“We would be honored if you would allow us to accompany you on your journey,” Elli said, dragging Sora by the wrist to the small house on the edge of the third district. The others found that Elli had already dragged Sora inside by the time they got there, and they went inside as well, only to find Leon being glomped by Elli. “My Leon!” she said to Breanna, flattening her fox ears and lashing her tail angrily.

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Friday, May 4, 2007
Randomness! =D
Well.... I finished the PFAP (Personal/Future Action Plan) for my inquiery project.... now jsut to finish the rest of it...
I am planning to go over all my fafictions and re-write anything I don't like.... except A Theif's Tale.... and Arisa Wilder.
So far I've decided to start over from chapter two on Jeylissa, because that's exactly where it begins to stem into pointlessness. I'm also going to write the endings to my stories, it helps me concentrate on the eventual goal. Of course, I have to kill people along the way, tis good for the writing. =D
I might start posting a couple paragraphs of my stories here. But until I've decided whether or not I'm gonna do so, you'll just have to wait.
Kira *might* stay the night tonight, I am unsure about that. I think we aggreed on tonight, but I might be wrong.
Ah! I Just Remembered, I've been reading lots of fanfiction lately. Of course, for reasons knwo only to me, they were Reno/Elena pairings, and they were in the humor category..... *shifty eyes* anywho, I have yet to finish FFVII, but I have to have it finished by october, because my mommy's making me sell it.... -_-....
I have anime club on the 19th. ^^ Wes is supposed to drag cassie and Zayke there too....XD
On the 12th I have to play tennis with Kayren's dad at noon.... Fun fun.....
I think I shall go now, TTYL!
Oh, fine, you can have an excerpt fromt eh first chapter of my KH fic....
Breanna watched as Elli defeated several more heartless in Traverse Town’s third district, close to the flame door. She made her way out into the open. There was a cut-scene, where Riku met up with Sora at last, and then disappeared just as quickly. After that, Elli was supposed to get control of the game back, but there was another cut-scene.
“Donald, what’s this strange floating box of light?” Sora asked.
“I don’t know,” Donald answered, though it was hard to understand him.
“Gawrsh, I wonder if those two girls are trapped,” Goofy said.
Sora reached out to touch the box, at about the same time that Breanna decided the TV screen looked just a bit too realistic and at the same time, it’s didn’t looked solid. Soon enough, Breanna and Sora’s hands collided in the middle of some wet filmy type thing. With gasps and shrieks of both surprise and glee, they both fell backwards from the portal. “Elli-chan, we can go through and be in the game!” Breanna said, grabbing Elli’s wrist and dragging her thought the TV.
After going through that terrible filmy substance, they were in Sora's company, and when they turned around, the portal was gone. “Way to go, Breanna, we’re stuck here!” Elli scolded.

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Thursday, May 3, 2007
Staying home today....I have a project i ahve to work on, even though it's not due for three weeks.
It's quite intimidating. The instructions are around....50?... pages long. I'm doing mine on Depression. So's Kayren. Dylan's doing his inquiry project on Lime disease.
Sadly, these projects have to be on a health topic, and we're doing this for L.A.
I already know i'm gonna ahve to take geometry next year, I don't need a black spot on my math record for highschool.
I'm gonna go now, TTYL!

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Wednesday, May 2, 2007
Today was boring...
I gotted cool shoes yesterday.... they're orange pink and yellow.... and they're flip flops.... and they have three inch heels....XD
We finished that god's accused book (Great Expectations) and now we're working on an "inquiry project" ...... it's rather intimidating, since we ahev to do thsi on a halth subject, and it's for L.A.
*sighs*......Mrs. Bowen doens't want me to finish that book, i just know it.... (i'm reading a hard to get book)
I updated A theif's Tale... ^^.... it's got seven chapters now.....and the last chapter is finally what i wanted the story to be....
Dark and disturbing in some parts, and humorous in others...
i gotta go, TTYL!
oh, and this month is random anime guy month..... =D

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