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Wednesday, March 14, 2007
I have been bored all day....
Ty and i rolepalyed for a while. And I talked ot Wes. But i was still bored. I finally remembered the password for my gaia online account (actually... it was my computer who did the remembering... but still)
My Best friend in the State of Arizona has an accuotn here now... ^^... it's awesome... now we can communicate more quickly na deasily. We're also gonna use gaia online for that purpose as well.
well, i'm gonan go... TTYL!
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Tuesday, March 13, 2007
....feeling better now
...Hmm... i really don't knwo what was wrong with me earlier... LOL... I ahd a pretty irritating day yesterday, that's probably why.
I haven't been feeling well lately, and it was pretty bad today, so i stayed home. I've been reading a book since i woke up (around noon). Mom amd e me go back to bed because i wasn't feelign well when i got up this morning.
Well, I hafta go, TTYL!
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...i hate....
I don't knwo what i ahte... but i do....
Today was perfectly fine....
And yet.... i ahte....
Me thinks i need to see my Friends who werent' at school today...
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Monday, March 12, 2007
Saturday: First, i managed to finish my hoemwork at like 1 AM... so that was out of the way.
Then i slept like a rock until 9...woke up, wasted time until 1 PM, and then took myself, Kira, Ty, and Shelby-Kun to albany with me.
I checked out m' books, and then we went to anime club (a mere 50 feet from where ty and kira had previously been playing chess to pass the time). There were 33 people in attendance this month, can you believe that?
And the weirdest part? this guy who's a total jerk to me (well, not really, but i don't really like him) was there, i felt like he was invading my life somehow.... -_-.... anyways, my friend Aaron, his brother made him a Keyblade, and he was wearing a naruto head band (Leaf Village) .... OMG.... a keyblade weilder from naruto... LOL...
Anyways, anime club went very well, i had a ton of fun. Shelby said it was boring. then again, she wasn't beign the nicest person in the world this whole weekend.
We went to walden books after ward, and i got Dot hack Another Birth (I think ) Vol. 2 (tis a novel, like a normal book), Tsubasa vol.4, and The Gentlemen's Alliance Cross ( by Arina Tanemura) vol.1.
we spent a total of $84, which meant we pretty much saved about $21.... due to my 20% off coupon... ^^... Kira got naruto vol.13, Trinity blood vol. 2, Elemental Gelade vol.3, and naruto vol.2 (her old copy was falling apart), Shelby got Kindgom hearts vol. 1 & 2, and ty got her brother a manga because he didnt' have it.
We spent the night at ty's palce, and ty introduced me to the Wii... I'm a Wii addict i guess. Apparently you can play gamecube games on the Wii, so maybe i'll get one for a present someday, and my dad can have my gamecube... LOL... Me thinks i'm gonna be spending a lot more time at ty's place. LOL... Ty is a wonderful person, she's my Nee-Chan... ^^...
Shelby is acting all depressed (me thinks it was the thick black eyeliner i dared her to wear...XD).
aroun 2 AM we (In other words Everyone in the room vs. me) got in a debate about stupid political things. I kept my mouth shut on one, my thinks i did sesshy-kun proud though, they actually said they heard sesshomaru in me... LOL... I don't blame them, they were totally wrong if youa sk me, but that's jsut my opinion. I say that if there's a few coutries out there that want to eliminate anyone who doens't fit tehir specific parameters for people, then they can all.... never mind..... I'm not gettign into that argument online too.... Anyways, they have been as nice to me (by they i mean shelby) since then. probably because of my views on numerous subjects.
Okay, now that that's over, i didn't get good sleep at ty's, Shelby wouldn't effin' turn off the god's accused light, kira was using my leg for a pillow, and i only had one pillow I had one lousy blanket, and that light was effin' bright... If i wasn't so tired, i explode into a tirade of curses about how that light was so bright it kept me up almost ALL night.... -_-.... and when i fianlly do fall asleep, i wake up seven times before fianlly giving up. Do you knwo what kept shelby up ALL NIGHT LONG.... FMA vol 3-7.... curse ty's manga collection.... (wiat.... no, don't curse the manga collection, curse the god's accursed light)
I got home around 4:30, and somewhere between 5 and 6 i took a nap, unintentionally. (note to everyone, i only nap when i'm sick, not when i've lost sleep) when i woke up, i watched the Wicker Man (....*yawns*) with my parents.
I'm so happy to be alone again. It's jsut so much simpler, after all, i don't disaggree with myself. unlike OTHER people.
I was very happy to find that i have 50 GB entries now... yeay...^^
i think i'm gonna go now, TTYL!
Random piece of trivia : on average, japanese cars (the ones they drive in japan, not the ones made in japan exactly) get about 45 Miles per gallon. (American's cars only get around 35 tops)
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Saturday, March 10, 2007
Well, it's friday night for me, as i write this post.
Today was the last day i got to waste on randomness in first period, and my science teacher is starting a computer section (I'll SO ace taht... ^^.... After all, tehy don't expect ANYONE my age to be able to use a computer, even though i know better...LOL) Now if only the A project for the coming Trimest could be about computers...I have some extra credit I wanna work on in Spanish, so i'll be doing that this weekend. As we speak, i SHOULD be working on my Romeo and Juliet project, since i need to get that done this weekend. I also ahev my science homework to do.... not that it's that hard... i'll do that later... because i'm waiting for a music video to load on youtube, and i don't want to interrupt it too much. Which music video? All That I've got, By The Used. yeah yeha... i've seen it before, but i wanna see it again.
As you might have noticed, i've change the Music video in my intro, it's now I'm Not Okay, by MCR (same band, different song). I love that video...if you do watch it, pay close attention near the end of the "I'm okay" part. ^^...
Well, Tomorrow is anime club, and i'm going to Walden Book while i'm in Albany (since my town hasn't got a book store at all... -_-...) and i have a 20% off coupon... ^^.... which emans that i can buy around threebooks depending on teh prices of the books.... I hope to gt +anima Vol.4, and teh second book in another series i have. Kira and Ty are coming too. Which is cool... ^^
well, i've gotta go, TTYL!
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Friday, March 9, 2007
.....I just found out that orange is a good color with this background.... so i think i'm gonna change my font color to that....LOL
Oh, and my friend, his last name is Walker, and his girl friends name is Sky... amusing, no?
Well, I'll see you later, bye! ^^
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Thursday, March 8, 2007
Hey everyone! ^^
how are you all? I'm fine, no, really, i'm okay.... *is half tempted to begin singing "I'm Not Okay" by MCR* ..... In fact, i'm almost better than okay...
Well, yesterday, while walking home from school, I saw Dylan, and he wasn't at school that day, so i kinda knew he was gonna be at school today because of that...
I just learned today that apparently one of my best friends, Marissa, is not gonna be comeing back to school.... I'm nto sure why, but my hunch is that it's because of the MIP charge she got...don't ask...eother that or her mom went all homocidal on her. i doubt it though....
I have 4 unread library book left, and i don't really wanna read any of them.... LOL... I was gonna start the naming, but i'm nto gonna finsih taht by saturday, so i'll just take it back...
I have an anime club meeting this weekend... i'm really happy about it.... ^^... I also have to work on the Romeo and Juliet Project this weekend...JOY... *sarcasm*....
...You know what really surprises me?... The fact that Jade Puget is 34.... and he's so cute.... LOL.... why is it that all the cute band members are like 2 times older than me?.... grr.... and Gerard *enters fangirls mode* Way is gonna be 30 on april 9th.... that's not too terribly bad... but he's still kinda old compared to me...LOL
Well, I shall go now.... Most likely to stare at a picturee of Gerard... TTYL!
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Monday, March 5, 2007
Yo! ^^
how are you guys? I'm fine. The girl I was Complaining about last time is now on good terms with marissa, and therefore on good terms with me.
So yeah. Apparently we ahve to deliver all of our sunday only papers on the paper routes today.... which sucks....
Well, I found out the evils of Spray on Hair dye. It makes your hair feel nasty... and it's impossible to get all the glitter out. my hair still doesn't feel right....
Shelby, Lindsay, and jenny stayed the ngiht at my house last saturday (3/3). We ahd a lot of fun.... thoguh by the time everyone left i was about ready to kill lindsay.
Lindsay has a problem with being normal. She's completely annoying. And We are trying to help her, our almost friend, act normal.
So yeah....
I'm borrowing Vampire Game Vol. 2 from Jenny, and it was really good. I'm also reading The Yanti by Christopher Pike.. Tis a very good book... it's the third book in the Alosha series....
well, i think i'm gonan go, TTYL!
PS: I shall continue the Confessions thing next time i post... so yeah...
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Saturday, March 3, 2007
well... not much to say...

Life's been boring as of late.....nothing unusual there....
There is one thing i must complain about..... this guy at my school, Kailin, Is dating this girl who is being a total bitch towards us girls who hang around with him... it's ticking all of us off...but suffice to say, we'll continue to grin and bear it until someone finally cracks...LOL...
We cna't decide what to call her either. Calling her Emo is an insult to the Emo people of the world.... calling her Ama is respectiful cuz its her name.... calling her Emu is an insult to the Emu's of the world.... so i guess she should stay nameless...
In badmitten (SP?) we were having trouble because Marissa and Kendall are not on good terms.... which isn't helping us be any good at the game..... though we still had fun... ^^
I had to stay after school and correct my math homework because i left it in my locker... LOL.... I think Mrs. Snow is one of the Best Teachers i have... ^^
Umm... what else....oh.... I watched House ... It seems like half of the shows i watch, where medical stuff is involved, The Wife neds up being the one causing the husband's ailment... usually via Heavy Metal poisoning.... so, i ask... that if any of you ever decide to kill your spouse slowly, try a more inventive aroach... LOL.... just kidding. No one out there should be killing anyone... right? ....
Oh, and I'm probably staying over at lindsay's house tomorrow night (AKA Saturday Night) so i probably won't be able to post.
Well, I believe i shall take my leave, good day/night/morning/evening/what ever time it is! ^^
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Thursday, March 1, 2007
Paine and Badmitten (SP?)

Hey guys, it's been a while, huh? well.. I'm fine. Nothin' much happenin' around here.
Well, In school i am doing fairly well... thankfully... ^^... and in PE we're palying Badmitten(SP?).. and i'm good at that... so yeah... ^^... best of all, we got to choose our teams, so i don't have to work with a bunch of jerks.... ^^
I was finally in the paper, like i promised, but i haven't posted since i was in the paper, so i think i'll put a link to the article (yes, it's online too) in today's post... ^^
Here's a link to the article online.
Oh, i've changed the theme again... ^^... Tis paine from FFX-2.... and the image you see at the beginning of the post is a smaller (sort of) version fo the background... ^^
well, I'm Gonna go now.
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