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Friday, February 16, 2007
Valetine's day

Well, I have successfully amde it through the day with many names, (Valentine's, Single's awareness, The day of doom...ect.)
My father bought me flowers....though anyone who comes over in the time before they completely die will get the story of my home-schooled boy friend....just kidding.... i'm half tempted to do that though....
I have had a bad day, first off, I msut explain that rain makes me depressed, so i get irritated easily. And so, goignt o school and being around some fo teh msot annoying people i've ever met, and nto having Marissa or My bishi there to distract me from the annyoign ones, i was not exactly ahppy.
I got home and had to deliver the papers in the rain.... and then there wasn't anythign on TV.... and I have a little home work, and everythgin is working to make me want to scream today.... On top of that, I get a hed ache every time my head changes altitude....-_-..... I took tylenol earlier, and they wore off... T-T....
I ahte a lot of things facyt, you could say i ahte the world..... Except all you guys... my friends..... and japan....anime, manga..... sesshy.... my bishi.....good books..... rootbeer.....the color black.... the color red....pineapple.....MCR....Threedays grace.... The Vincent Black Shadow.....My MP3 palyer....cats...neko.... kittens..... some dogs..... My bicycle..... money......the lsit goes on.... but those are msot prominent in my mind right now.
I suppose you can add the USA to my list of exceptions, as flawed as the country is..... please don't be offended by my disposition.... i'm jsut nto patriotic... After all, how great is a country where a science teacher isn't allowed to show a doccumentary about global warming...hmmm? .....By the way, i'm referrignt o an incident near where i live about how some religious fanatic said taht global warmign was sign from god that the world was meant to end....
Anyways, yeah.... i'm gonna go now.... i appologize once again for not being very patriotic.... ^^....
Confession 5:
Referring back to the height requirement, which would result in Konoha’s eventual downfall, I started drinking milk. It helps build strong bones! I would grow 3 inches to meet that darned height requirement! And then just another 3 to make them feel bad! Bwahahahahaha!!!!
(It was not until a year later, when I noted with annoyance I had not even grown 3 centimeters, that I learned it doesn’t matter how much milk you drink if you don’t have the Vitamin D to go with it so your body can absorb the calcium properly. Curses. So I promptly went out and bought 20 years worth of Vitamin D supplements, since the deprived world I live in hasn’t had the brains yet to put the Vitamin D in the milk in the first place!)
Note: I would like to reaffirm that the reason I drank all that milk was so I could grow in height, and not so I could deter osteoporosis. Despite my mind blowing grace and beauty and charm, I am not that girly. Okay, maybe just a little...
I liked this one the best.... ^^.... I need to email kira so i can get whatever more she's written.... i only have up to 9 ....
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