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Saturday, February 24, 2007
....Tis Saturday.... I am fairly happy...

Be that as it may, I am not going to get an A in science this term... Oh well...Tell me, does anyone oout there stand with me when i say that it is unfair for teachers to take away an A froma student who has one because they didn't do an optional project?..... Sounds a bit unfair to me.... I think that project should only apply to those who HAVEN'T got an a already....-_-.....
Let's see...The research on Willie Mays turned out to be THE BIGGEST waste of class time i've ever seen. There was no report, nor was there a biography... No, instead we had to make a posterabout them.... it has to be COLORED.... and we ahve to present the stupid things,.....-_-.... I swear.... I think i hate Mrs.BOwen jsut because she waatse my school time, and if i'm gonna be forced to go there, i at least want to do somethign CONSTRUCTIVE..... *begins mumbling incoherently about stupid lazy teachers*
anyways, I had to get up at 4:30 because my dad had work. There seems to be no way to connect the two, right? Well, i'll tell you why i had ot get up at 4:30 (AM). Anyone who's ever ahd a paper route SHOULD know.... anyways, on teh weekend, the carrier has to have the papers delivered by 7 AM.... which is a big pain in the ass...My dad and mom usually do them because THEY are used to get up taht early. But dad had to work, so WHO gets top be DRAGGED out of bed to deliver papers? ME...... *mumbles incoherently about the papers being completely unreasonable about their weekend deadline* oh, AND i have to do the same thign TOMORROW morning....-_-.....
Have i ever told you about teh msot annoyign creature i've ever met? His name is Andrew Gregory.... I emplore you guys... stalk him....-_-.... He won't leave me alone.... he KNOWS that i don't like him at all...and now i cna't get rid of him.... because he's friends with Kayren.... Which is ok with me, as long as he stays the hell away from me....
Did i ever mention to you guys that they moved teh last day fo school to the 15th of June? No? well, they did.... they also cancelled one of our off days.... April 29th.... why? Snowdays.... I Hate them.... I hate the school district too...It's run by IDIOTS.... I mean it...They would probably die if they ever had to cancel their precious sports programs...they are such losers.... No offense to anyone who plays school sponsored sports.... In fact, i know a lot of people who do, msot of them are nice people. But the school doesn't ahev to shove the sports down the intellectual people throats every three seconds... They do that too... *sighs*... okay, i'm calm now.... anyways... My town is full of losers, there are very few people i've ever met who weren't so caught up in being "Normal" that they were willing to be different. (Examples of these people: Mark, Dillan, Me, Kira, and Kayren)
Well, I hope you all werent' too terribly offended by my ranting... tis not nice for me to do that i suppose...then again, what do i care if it's nice or not?...tis my opinion, and no one will change it. now, i bid thee farewell. For i shall be sulking in my room. Good Day!
PS: I found out JUST now that my gods-accursed father isn't coming home until tomorrow... there goes my sleep for the weekend.... *begins cursing my father, his job, and the sunday paper* .... In case you didn't know, i use my weekends to catch up on lost sleep for the week.. and now i've lsot that for this weekend....-_-.....
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