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Friday, May 4, 2007
Randomness! =D
Well.... I finished the PFAP (Personal/Future Action Plan) for my inquiery project.... now jsut to finish the rest of it...
I am planning to go over all my fafictions and re-write anything I don't like.... except A Theif's Tale.... and Arisa Wilder.
So far I've decided to start over from chapter two on Jeylissa, because that's exactly where it begins to stem into pointlessness. I'm also going to write the endings to my stories, it helps me concentrate on the eventual goal. Of course, I have to kill people along the way, tis good for the writing. =D
I might start posting a couple paragraphs of my stories here. But until I've decided whether or not I'm gonna do so, you'll just have to wait.
Kira *might* stay the night tonight, I am unsure about that. I think we aggreed on tonight, but I might be wrong.
Ah! I Just Remembered, I've been reading lots of fanfiction lately. Of course, for reasons knwo only to me, they were Reno/Elena pairings, and they were in the humor category..... *shifty eyes* anywho, I have yet to finish FFVII, but I have to have it finished by october, because my mommy's making me sell it.... -_-....
I have anime club on the 19th. ^^ Wes is supposed to drag cassie and Zayke there too....XD
On the 12th I have to play tennis with Kayren's dad at noon.... Fun fun.....
I think I shall go now, TTYL!
Oh, fine, you can have an excerpt fromt eh first chapter of my KH fic....
Breanna watched as Elli defeated several more heartless in Traverse Town’s third district, close to the flame door. She made her way out into the open. There was a cut-scene, where Riku met up with Sora at last, and then disappeared just as quickly. After that, Elli was supposed to get control of the game back, but there was another cut-scene.
“Donald, what’s this strange floating box of light?” Sora asked.
“I don’t know,” Donald answered, though it was hard to understand him.
“Gawrsh, I wonder if those two girls are trapped,” Goofy said.
Sora reached out to touch the box, at about the same time that Breanna decided the TV screen looked just a bit too realistic and at the same time, it’s didn’t looked solid. Soon enough, Breanna and Sora’s hands collided in the middle of some wet filmy type thing. With gasps and shrieks of both surprise and glee, they both fell backwards from the portal. “Elli-chan, we can go through and be in the game!” Breanna said, grabbing Elli’s wrist and dragging her thought the TV.
After going through that terrible filmy substance, they were in Sora's company, and when they turned around, the portal was gone. “Way to go, Breanna, we’re stuck here!” Elli scolded.

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