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One Piece, Bleach, Element Hunters; Kimi Ni Todoke; Clannad
To become an English Teacher. To get a book published.
Writing, Drawing, Photography, Music
Singing, Writing, breathing
Thursday, May 17, 2007
I just found out yesterday that i have ANOTHER week to finish teh inquiry project. 0.o And i ahev a whole BUNCH of TV that i have to watch on saturday.... in fact, i jsut found out yesterday that i get a channel that is showing Samurai 7 at around 5 am on saturday... i am determined to get up to watch it...XD
In PE we're learning to line dance.... er... not learning, but re-learning. And we have to come up with our own line dance as part of it. i have one word for it: LAME
anyways, i've already come up with it, and i've decided the song we're dancing to. the song is REALLY repetitive in that (i just looked up the lyrics) it repeats the same 11 words OVER and OVER again. but it's fun to dance to... XD
Tomorrow i have a field trip.... we're going maybe.... half a mile away from the school, so as to attend a civil war re-enactment.
On saturday i have anime club, i'm supposed to go shopping, and I'm gonna try to go to the local library so that i can check to see if tehy have Harlem Beat vol.2 ..... i bet they don't, but i really wanna read it because i'm hooked on teh Harlem Beat/Rebound manga series. tehy were originally the same series in japan, but tokyopop only published vol. 1-9 under teh Harlem Beat name, then they will publish vol. 12-29 under rebound. vol.10 and 11 are lost completely because tehy weren't a good palce to begin the "new series."
well, i ahfta go, TTYL!
Goddesses: chapter 4; part 2
“You know what Genie? My last wish, I’m going to set you free.” Aladdin said after a few minutes of silence.
“Really?” Genie asked. He couldn’t believe it. “Thanks Al!”
So, they arrived in the town plaza and went to the palace gates. They found Jafar and Jasmine there. They jumped down from the ledge they were on and Jafar did what he did best, be a real pain in the butt.
“Setting your sights a little high, aren’t you boy?” Jafar sneered at Aladdin. “Leave the princess alone. I will be taking her to more suitable company then a street rat and his pet monkey.”
“Jasmine” Aladdin cried.
“I’m so sorry, Aladdin.” Jasmine tried to get to Aladdin but Jafar wouldn’t let her.
“Genie, save Jasmine. Please.” Aladdin whispered as he rubbed the lamp behind his back.
“One more wish left!” Genie said as he picked Jasmine up. “You making this really easy, you know.”
“Oh, I’m so sorry boy. I’m afraid your second wish has been denied.” Jafar smirked as Iago carried Genie’s lamp over top him.
“I’m sorry Al.” Genie said as he disappeared into the lamp, Jasmine falling into a pot spider.
“Now I bid you all farewell. Attack!” Jafar disappeared as a pot centipede appeared behind them.
“I hate these, too.” Ellie muttered as she got out a pair of sais to fight the Heartless with. They beat the Heartless and discovered Jasmine was kidnapped so they go out to the desert to get her back.

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