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Wednesday, October 4, 2006
Is too much of a good thing bad? OF COURSE!

I shall reveal the reasoning behind my statment in a few moments...
this morning i COULD have missed school...possibly... my mom had a doctor appointment, and had to leave by 7:30... so if i hadn't have been ready by 7:20,one of 2 things would have happened:
a) I stayed home, because the onyl other way i would haev to get to school would be to walk... and it would take an hour...
b) get taken to school unprepared, possibly without my homework... and most definitely with out having ym contacts in, or my hair brushed...
knowing my dad... (who left right before we did...) He would have made me go to school... btu as i said, he left right before 7:00... so he would have ahd no say int he matter...
anyways, i did go to school...and i dreamed of the outside world during all 6 and 1/2 hours of being in that conformative prison...
...I got moved in Science class... now i have to sit next to the BIGGEST idiot in class...if he thinks i'm going to help him with his homework, he's got another thing comin'... especially after attempting to stick me with the other idiot... so that he and his "Friend" could talk...while we were supposed to be working! The nerve!
I found out that the distance from the tip of my pinkie to the tip of my thumbe is 22cm... or roughly 8 1/2 inches... ^^ and that makes DaVinci right... I'm 68 1/2 inches tall... and 8 1/2 times 8 is 68... so...yeah...^^ social studies we're doing group projects on the revolution.... (BORING! it's review for me)...and today we still had oen person from our group absent...
now i must say, our group is VERY odd.... but at least i like all of them as friends...excpet Dylan... He's too cute....^^ And he's NOT a jerk... unlike the cute guys from my previous experiences...-_-... *mutters incoherently* Blake...-_-....
ANYWAYS.... Dylan was absent... and he'd better be at school tomorrow, or i'm gonna.... I don;t know what i'm gonna do... but it won;t be pretty...LOL
After school, I didn't have to do papers... THANK ANIME! but i did end up watching TV all night... (I did my homework in front of the TV)
Oh, and Reaper12 came over.... I couldn't help but inform her of the fact i mentioned 300+ total visits, and my 25 GB entries....
We had fun...^^
ummm... I'm gonna start randomly selecting songs and giving you the chorus to them... if you can figure it out... You're smart... this starts tonight...
Oh, and I am gettign sick and tired of people telling me what they think i should do with my hair... My beautiful, slightly-curly, long, blonde-brown hair will stay the way it is until i die! ....or until I DECIDE to get it cut or straightened... or dyed... WITHOUT beign told by other people that i should do so....
ok... since that's over.... the most embarresign part of my day.... PE The evil one known as Mr.Burt.... made us do the flex arm hang... ANd i haven't got the strongest upper body strength...
AND he made an example out of me because i "stayed in the game" (Even though i was jsut staying out on teh field because i was trying not to fail the class completely) when other people...(i shan't tell you that a certain prep...scratch that...bratty prep...quite because no oen threw the ball at her....) quite because they weren't gettign the ball.... Me on the other hand... I was AVOIDING the ball...LOL
ok... that's it for today...
Today's song quote:
"So kiss me goodbye
Honey i'm gonna make it out alive
Kiss me goodbye
I can see the venom in their eyes."
So please guess... I wanna see how many people know this...
Good luck everybody! ^^
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