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Friday, October 6, 2006
T_T Save me....T_T

Today was fine.... sort of.... well.... I now officially hate beign absent from school.... it seems like every time i am, I either do get moved, or i almost get moved in science....-_-....
Well, all that aside.... Today was good other wise.... Dyllan was here today...FINALL!!!!!!! even if he is cute, that is no reason for him to miss the first 2 days of school for the week...-_-...
Anyways During LA we read The Scarlet Pimpernel ..... and so far.... I hate it, and the audio recording of it.... in the same time it took the recording to read chapter 2 (which was 7 pages long) I read chapter 1 and 1/2 of chapter 2...-_-....
In Social studies, My group (Which consists of The cute yet absent for 2 days in a row, Dyllan; the quiet towards everyone but me (and she has good hand writing), Kayren; the good artist, yet really weird, Lucas; and the baka faker, Mike.....) took and hour to coem up witha good titile for our poster board...*sighs* It's sad, i know... But Dyllan and I were the only ones who were thinking up titles.... and kayren wouldn't talk... I was distracted a lot too... and i had a weird moment where Dyllan and i thought exactly the same thing at the same time....*would shudder if it had been Josh*... Kayren knows that i like she was probably very amused during class....LOL
ok, the rest oft he day went great.... We had pictures... (The school can go to hell for those thank you....-_-....) and during PE we didn't haev to dress down (THANK.........INUYASHA!)
after school, i stopped by Kayren's and she gave me my birthday present... 4 days early...^^
and when i got home, kira came over really soon after that....Reaper12 came over! ^^ I'm askign her to draw me a picture of Sesshomaru as a general in teh american revolutionary war, and Inuyasha as a yankee...^o^
ummm.... whiel she was here, Lindsay *shudders* came over.... and she didn't leave till 9:15....T_T... Luckily she was occupied by my video games..... THANK VIDEO GAMES!
Ok, that's today.... i still have homework, so i need to go... bye! ^^
Answer for yesterday's song: either: A) Linkin Park- Numb, or B) Linkin park, feat, and Jay-Z; Numb/Encore
I like the second one better... but they're both good! ^^
the winners: Shisu-Dono.... the only person to guess...^^
Today's clue:
“So what if you can see the darkest side of me?
No one would ever change this animal I have become
Help me believe it's not the real me
Somebody help me tame this animal
(This animal, this animal)”
good luck everyone.... Jsut so you know, I want you to guess the song, and the artist... that's all! ^^
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