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Tuesday, October 17, 2006
Back to school... again...I hate monday....and Volley ball

today's lesson: "Always come through the front door when you come home...."
i woke up this morning to the sound of my mom... once again...I turned over and tried to put off gettign up as long as possible. Eventually i had to get up, there was no getting around i got up, and prepared for school, eating breakfast and all that, and finally leaving the house dressed in my spare black hoodie, a rarely worn halloween t-shirt, and jeans...
On the way to school, I listened to the radio... and heard no good music...
at school, I waited for 10 minutes for my mom's cr to get anywhere near the drop off area, the line moving slowly as usual.
During first period, I learned we ahd a substitute teacher... whihc meant that listening to my mp3 player during class was a trivial matter... I eventually decided against it, And nearly got my head bit off when i refused to recite the preamble for ym best friend... didn't help that i had no i dea what came between "we the people of the united states, in order to form a more perfect union..." and "...ensure the blessings of liberty..." and "...Do ordain and establish this constitution of the united states of america.)
Well, in tScience, i soon learned that Mr.Pheyffer has a strange definition of the word "homework." We got homework for our parents... the questions being :
1) "what information do you believe that i need in order to reach and teahc your child?"
2) "what would you most like me to do for your child?"
3) "may i call you, and will you call me to make sure these objectives are met?"
My first thought was: "great, now i'm going to have my mom go crazy over this....-_-"
in art, I played "teacher's assistant"... not really... I just wanted to keep the teacher FAR away from our table... so i helped my fellow tables mates out...not as easy as it sounds....
I soon found out that Kayren had forgotten her lunch... and was doomed to starvation... I would ahev shared, but she was allergic to almost everything in my lunch....V8 juice (tomatoes), a peach parfait (peaches) and apples (apples)....
During PE, we had to play volley ball....terrible sport in my opinion... I'm a tennis player, i'm used to lettign the ball bounce first, and i'm also used to have 2 feet of extra reach... nto to mention the fact that the ball is not "soccer ball sized" and i'm nto used to the pain that comes from "passing" a volleyball....
in math, I finished my homework by the end of class by working while the teacher was talking... It was mostly review anyways...
i got home, the internet was on, dad came home, i was just about to go out to do my routes...I got in trouble, he "grounded" meand left.
I tore out the front door when the meanign of what he said hit me and watched him leave...."you weren't even supposed to come home!" I yelled after him....then i noticed the strange car in front of my house...."And why the hell is there a van in front of my house!?!?" I shouted to no one in particular, kicking the fence next to the porch. Then it hit me... (does anyone remember the slight car injury my mom's car had a while back?) Mom's car was in the shop, and the insurance company had rented out a van for her... I quickly ran inside so I could get the key and check out the car.
Inside the car it was SO roomy... I was elated... I listened to the radio, and messed around with the controls...heh heh.... I loved every second of it... then i went back inside, back to my doom and gloom...
i was summoned out of my room once again to find that i had to help my father fetch "dinner and a movie" so i did....we got the pink panther, because dady didn't want to ewatch a horror flick... the idiot...i wanted to get silent hill.... of course had they had the FMA movie... I would have forced him into gettign em that...^^
I returened to my little chunk of doom and gloom, and got online... but was soon forced to go to my roomed cuz my mom got ticked off, and accused me of jacking up my computer... AS IF! It's never worked right! always coming up with programs that are performing in illegal operation and such....*is tempted to shoot my computer* I'm half tempted to steal mom's hard drive in the middle of the night....or rather switch out hard drives if i can...
And then i got summoned out to here to discover why mom wanted the internet at 7pm... turns out, she was going to email my science teacher... she wasn't able to answer the questions...i was amazed.... I read her email, and not only aggreed, but added a few words...LOL
Maybe i'll post it sometime...^^ and that pretty much brings us to right here and now...^^
have a good day everybody! ^^
Yesterday's answer: AFI; Love Like Winter
winner: none...
Trivia answer: C) California
the winner: None... I can understand people answering a, since they are probably more popular in England, and their Billet in a Bible tour was in England... I think....
well, g2g! ^^
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