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Friday, October 20, 2006
Welcome To The Black Parade

Another random title.... Then again... it probably is caused by my sudden obsession for My Chemical Romance...^^...
Well... I woke up this morning and did NOT want to go to school.... I swear, If i have to endure that that....BOOK! one more day, I'm gonna die....
And then in S.S., we're studying Lewis and Clark....Lemme think.... so far... I've learned absolutely nothing in that class, except the preamble.... and i already knew the first part....-_-....9th grade class? I think not.....
In science, we're learning density... that's so 2 years ago.... so.... yeah....
Art.... the only class that i'm actually not learning something all over agin....and i hate it.... how ironic? It's not the class, it's the teacher.....she wrote on ym progress report (whihc had 3 b's on it.... great....-_-) "Has artistic ability" Not the best description of my "talent" "a pleasure to have in class" That's probably only because i'm alwaysquiet, and i help ohter students who are having trouble.... and then she put "Grade is A plus" which is no where near grammatically correct....Funny thing is, I'm pulling a B in Math, and my teacher wrote "Grade Is A Plus" LOL....
In PE, it's the smae old Crap, Mr. Burt being his normal full of himself, every-one-can-run-for-three-minutes self....and i'm not participating.... and probably still gettign credit for participating.... amazingly....
In math, we're re-learning stuff i learned in the 4th grade.... and it's supposed to be a 10th grade class....-_-....
(My school district's run by retards....)
After school, I delivered papers...amazingly.... (as if....-_-)....and it tried to rain... and it seemed like all of the people on this one street (except 3) conspired to be outside when i delivered their paper....just wonderful...-_-....I also found out that i deliver the paper of one of the 6th grade teachers at my school....I don't know his name, I never had him, but i know he's a my school....
yeah... I came home, and had a few hours of peace... and no home work... (Yes! ^^).... which i think i spent watching TV.... btu i'm not sure... I definitely know i checked my site a few times...
Oh! I now hav 30 GB entries...^^ I feel oh so very popular...^^
ok... sorry for going all random again, but i so saw the #3 song for Fuse celebrity Playlist "Jet" episode... It seems like everytime i see the show, they always have this song..."London Calling" by The Clash... or something like that....
once again... I haev to go random... I have chocolate scneted lip balm, and when ever Reaper12 comes over, she alwas asks if she can eat it...*shakes head in bewilderment*....She's crazy.....
ok... i'm done...ummm... so...yeah....
They're always complainin,
Always complainin
If money is such a problem,
Well they got mansions,
Think we should rob them?"
I love this too...^^
Trivia:What's my least favorite teacher's name?
A) Mr. Burt
B) Mrs. Novik
C) Mrs. Bowen
If you've read most of my last posts, you'd know...0.o
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