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Saturday, November 11, 2006
I can't believe this!

....How could the game be over already? I was stuck earlier, and then i got unstuck... It's 1:39 am pacific time, and i just beat the game.... and now my feelings are mixed up, i have the satisifaction of beatin the game, but that's mixed with the emptyness of knowing that I know what happens....-_-.... and i still want to learn more about Ramza....-_-....
....well, That makes about.....2 maybe three games that i've ever truely beaten....I don't count FFX-2, cuz i have yet to beat it with 100%...I don't count any pokemon games....they're too easy...
That reminds me.....I have yet to beat luigi's mansion.....I only have the last boss to go, and i'm done, but i've been stuck for a year or so...LOL
well, I'm about 1/4th of the way through The Great Tree Of Avalon: Book 2 (By T.A.Barron...^^
...the greatest guy author that i've read the works of so far...LOL(was that confusing?)), and so far, all i want to do is sit down and read it until i finish, but then life gets in the way.... LOL is cruel by the way....I had to deliver papers yesterday, right? well, It was raining, it was cold, i was soaked before i even delivered my first paper, and i couldn't feel my hands very much when i got home... I blame my mom....I kept expecting her to come help me, but Noooo.... she was at home being warm...-_-...
...I just remembered something....I haven't truely beat FF:T yet....I still have to go ALL the way through an optional dungeon...^^ Woohoo! ^^ ...and to think i was so Emo last night over the papers...LOL
...I can't think of anythign else to tell you guys, I'll inform you when i've decided on my next "victim(the next video game i'm gonna beat)."
....COOLNESS! (has just checked her email) Shelby Chan finally posted a story! ^^ ....I wonder how many typos and grammar errors and....(begins muttering incoherently)...well either way, if you want to read it, click here! ^^
yesterday's answer: Undone/ the sweater song by (none other than) Weezer
today's clue:
"We'll carry on,
We'll carry on
And though you're dead and gone believe me
Your memory will carry on
We'll carry on
And in my heart I can't contain it
The anthem won't explain it."
I love this song to death! ^^ *begins singing the song to self again for the fifth time*
yesterday's trivia answer: I think it was "D" ....yep... it was D....
the winners: Shisu-Dono answered correctly first, so she wins...^^ (Sorry Al)
the trivia for today: What is Shelby-Chan's Fanfiction penname?
A) Demonic War Goddes
B) IceKitsune
C) Dracona Dragon Baby
D) Icefox94
Good luck...^^
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