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Sunday, November 12, 2006
....*sighs* god, i've been awake so long, it feel like it should be 3 am.....

I had to deliver papers this morning, because dad had to work...So A) I only got 3 hours of sleep last night, and B) I've been awake since 6 am.....
And yet i'm nto in the least bit tired.....
well, As you can see, my site has under gone some changes, I think i'm gonna try to mess around with it so that i have a miniature of my GB pic at the end of my posts...^^ after all, the best part about a BG pic is being able to see it....LOL
i couldn't find any fall/autumn/thanksgiving BG's or anythin' that i liked, so this month is just a cool pic from my collection...^^
back to the black and red motif (SP?).....I jsut like those colors so much.... Sometimes i wonder if my sense of color got mixed up with someone else's personality.... maybe there's a goth out there that likes every color except black and red? LOL (No offense....0.o)
If you'll also notice, I made my own site banner! ^^ I'm so proud of myself....^^ ((Of course i used a generator, but it's better than nothing...))
I'm gonna move on to another game.....FFT has lost it's charm now that i've beaten it....
I'm gonna look into maybe getting some ((begins rocking out as a Greenday song comes on on the radio... which i listen to religiously)) cool effects for my site.... maybe fallign snow or something..... we'll have to see what i can find....
I read a lot of the fanmanga on the otaku.... some of them weren't so good (The artists style was tto distracting) and in the case of one, it went from the middle of chapter 2 to the beginnign of chapter 6....fine by me.... as long as they put the rest of it up sooner of later....^^ ((And if you're reading, you know who you are...LOL))
I read a really funny Kingdomhearts/FFVII one... It was soo cute...^^ and really funny...^^
ok... umm....lemme think.... I've decided to write 1-5 final fantasy Fics. Recounting the lives of my main fighting group. I'm also Hyping up a ton of stuff..... Like the creatures living in the world... I'm adding elves and faeries/fairies.....and a plague....((Then again... there might have been only recounted in the game anyway......)) so... yeah....
I'm disappointed in Reaper12.....She hasn't read Shelby' s Fic yet... I find it hilarious that both shelby and i have begun stories with the smashing of an alarm clock...^^.... The enemy of all sleep-lovers......
Both me and Ty have been having troubles with our computers all day, and my com's finally being nice...LOL.... but we've still been RPing all day... th
That's all for today.....I have nothing more ot say....o.0?
yesterday's answer: "Welcome to the blakc Parade by My chemical Romance
Winner: Shisu-Dono (And Al beat her here too....LOL)
Today's clue:
"The whole damn world is just as obsessed
With who‘s the best dressed and who‘s having sex,
Who‘s got the money, who gets the honeys,
Who‘s kinda cute and who‘s just a mess
And you still don’t have the right look
And you don’t have the right friends
Nothing changes but the faces, the names, and the trends
High school never ends"
yesterday's trivia anser: D) Icefox94
winner: Shisu-Dono
todays question: What is my what is the worst enemy to sleep lovers, excluding mothers?
A) Dogs
B) Rats
C) Alarm clocks
D) Clock sterios
New Trivia polocy: The question'll be over something that's easy to find on my site....usually over something in the post.....
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