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Saturday, December 2, 2006
......I get to go to a birthday party tomorrow... ^^

Yup yup... ^^ Kayren's turning 13...tomorrow.... ^^ YEAY! ^^
s see, today i got bored, and decided to play one of my dad's games for MY PS2...... Syphon filter Omega Strain..... anyways, It's kind of irritating, then mom got me on a "What video games taht i've beaten would i be willing to seel so that i could buy FFVII" mental state, and i strated playing a few of my other games to try and finish them.....
I don't think anyone will want me to be a cop in real life... My dad was playing his Max Payne 2 game, and i was helping him... When i had the controler, there was no mercy, and I liked throwing the stuff that catches the enemy on fire at them, jsut because it was amusing.... I saw them twitch, i shot them again.... I snuck up on one guy, and shot him in the butt...LOL... I jsut love watching the bad guys go flying in the air when a grenade hits them... it's so funny.... ^^
I think i've started to see what other people see in those games where you do nothing but shoot at people...LOL
I aheva feeling i know what my Christmas present is... My dad slipped, and said that I didn't have to buy inuyasha season 3 cuz i was watchign inuyasha, Had he been thinking, he would haev said season 2..... either that, or that was a deliberate slip..... Hmmm..... another thing is, I'm working on gettign them to buy me a copy of FFVII off Ebay, but they're beign slow about it.....
I want to paly somethign new now.... I want to rent a game from hollywood video or Blockbuster... But what would i rent?.... I dunno..... I'd have to decide when i got my chance.... *amused look*
I'm going to show up at kayren's birthday party in my most gothic looking clothes, i want to see what happens to me..... LOL.....
well, i'd better go, i want to get up early enough to get ready for the party real well, i still haev to wrap Kayren's present and i'm lettign one of my other friends who'll be there borrow some books... so yeah..... TTYL!
yesterday's answer: A) Constable
Winners:Shisu-Dono and Doose-Doe
todays clue:
"Whoa I'll never give in
Whoa I'll never give up
Whoa I'll never give in
And I just wanna be, wanna be loved
Whoa I'll never give in
Whoa I'll never give up
Whoa I'll never give in
And I just wanna be, wanna be loved"
good luck... ^^
PS: ......Yeay for Three Days Grace.... They're playing Pain on the radio right now... ^w^
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