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Saturday, December 9, 2006
YEAY! ^^

I had a lot of fun today... but best to begin correctly...
This morning, i had a strong urge to stay home, and then i got to school, and Dylan wasn't there... weird huh?
in science, Mark was gone, (Not too surprising really, i figure mark and Dylan might have been skipping...) so i had ot sit next to Connor, and he wouldn't stop bugging me the whole time.... -_-..... I hate him!
art was ok.... health was okay as well, and math was so-so.... math is a lot less likable when Dylan isn't there... I kept expecting to see Dylan in the halls all day.... LOL....
I temporarily lost my glasses this morning, so i had to wear my contacts. I think i'm gonna start wearing them all the time agian.....
anyways, i didn't have to do any papers, and i went to marissa's Birthday party, and had a blast... ^^
I kept bugging Connor (a different one, this connor is nice, i'll refer to the other one as Stupid head...LOL) because when i ahd my 3 inch heels on i was taller than him. And i had a lot of fun, we didn't really do anythign but hang out, but it was still a lot of fun.... Who knew socializing outside school could be so much fun? LOL
Sadly, at the end Cassie felt left out, and was all sucked, but she kind of steal the attention all the time anyways, so ... yeah....
as it stands now, i'm typing up my post, and my dad is in my room, playing Castlevania: Lament of innocence, He still hasn't beaten it...LOL.....
so yeah... I plan to stay up really late and watch Power Fuse, but i don't know if i'll be able to maintain my awakness for another 4 and 1/2 hours..... LOL....
Mom woke me up last night in the middle of the night, because apparently i fell asleep with my lgiht on, the TV on, and my glasses on, which is why i couldn't find them this morning.... -_-.....
I asked my parents to get em the CD's, but they're all like "can't you dowload the songs off Itunes?" and i was all like "If the computer crashes again, I won't have them anymore.....-_-" Not to mention the fact that i WANT the cds, not just the songs, i want the cds.... T-T
well, g2g, TTYL!
Yesterday's answer: C
today's poll: Which is better? the FInal Fantasy series, or the Legend of Zelda series?
my vote: Final fantasy.... ^^ ((I used to be a nintendo lover, but i've switched my devotion to PlayStation...LOL))
PS: I saw Josh again today... ^^
PSS: Hugs for everyone! ^^
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