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Sunday, December 10, 2006
yeay! ^^

I got to go to albany today... ^^....
yeah, I woke up, and me and my mom had a nice long talk, about what we're gonna do about our money problems.
first off, my dad can't get health insurance, so if he gets injured, we have to pay for it, and if he gets injured in one of those injuries where it cost hudreds of thousands of dollars to save him, mom'll be liable, so they have to get divorced... but they'll still be living like they were married. i'm okay with it strangely. LOl... I guess it's just the fact that things won't change much when it happens.
my father is like a big black hole that only works on food and money. he spends money like it grows on trees, even though he knows better.
but i'm not going any farther into that, don't want to bore you.... heh heh.....
anyways, I went to walden books, and the library today.... sadly, i couldn't get the newest Tamora Pierce book at either, mom wouldn't let me buy Terrier.... -_-..... but i did get ym christmas present for Shelby, Kira, and Kayren, and mom and dad picked up a little somethign for my littel cousin.... she's 6 i think.... and cute, yet strangely irritating at the same time... LOL... i guess most little kids are that way...
but i did manage to borrow DNAngel vol.98 from teh albany library... and i know the third book in a trilogy i was reading is actually written... ^^ ...
I've decided that i'm goth, even though i have brown blonde hair..... Mom won't let me dye it.... so.... yeah.... thanks to..... i think it was ELven ninja who had the little banner on her site.... i dunno...
I got a new pair of arm warmers at Claire's, they're red with a fancy black design runnign down them... ^w^
I HAVE to stay up until 3 am, because i want to watch the 2 hour long episode of No. 1 Countdown on Fuse.... It's the rock genre one, so it's gonna be good! ^w^
I have christmas lights runnign down my hall way near the ceiling on both sides, and i hung up one of my fancy garlands around mom's TV... ^^.... I'm thinking of putting my pretty white one in my room... ^^
The albany library FINALLY got in the next book in a series i was reading; THe Keys To The Kingdom By Garth Nix
I finally get to read Sir Thursday, I know it sounds strange, and the series is REALLY strange, but it's awesome, just like his trilogy .... Sabriel, Lirael, Abhorsen...
but enough about books... i've been told i read too much.... LOL.... my room is a mess... I'm gonna have to clean it tomorrow.... -_-..... good thing it's mostly blankets from when kira and shelby stayed the night....
anyways, i'm gonna go watch Paranoia Agent, so i'll see you later! ^^
results: zelda: 2 Final Fantasy: 1
huh.... Well, I like final fantasy because it leaves me with lots of questions even though i've only truely beaten Tactics...LOL... ((BTW: I'm listening to the Welcome to the black parade music video from my intro as we speak.... it's on another window though...i think i could hear that song 300 million times, and still not tire of it...LOL...))
Today's clue:
"At the end of the world
Or the last thing I see
You are
Never coming home
Never coming home
Could I?
Should I?
And all the things that you never ever told me
And all the smiles that are ever gonna haunt me
Never coming home
Never coming home
Could I?
Should I?
And all the wounds that are ever gonna scar me
For all the ghosts that are never gonna catch me"
huh... ind of a long one, huh? well, It's a pretty good song anyways... ^^
PS: i watch bleach, and it went by like that! *snaps fingers* ..... but it was SO awesome! *sparkle sparkle, happy happy.....LOL* anyways, c ya!
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