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Monday, December 11, 2006

well, i don't know how it came to be late at night, and late enough to post, but it did....
i woke up this morning to the sounds of my dad infiltrating my room....-_-... he wanted to see my MP3 player... I wish tehy'd jsut buy me and ipod or somethign and get it over with..... I can only put like.... 67 songs on my current mp3 player, and it's gettign irritating....
then i don't knwo what happened, but soon i was watchign superman.... jsut goes to show how bored i was.... i don't even like superman..... -_-.....
Ty and i roleplayed for a while, and we've decided that we're going to skip a few years in our story type things time line, 3 year to be exact, and we are going to have most of our emo sect (including the daughter of the leaders) kidnapped by a sect that Taka and Lira (the leaders) replaced as council members. THE leaders fo the other sect (Jordan and Jason) will be holding everyone prisoner, and terribly hard to defeat. I'm thinking maybe we shoudl ahev some deaths, injuries are indefinite. I just thought of having maybe lira killed, and though some of my characters can bring the dead back, i'll make it so that she can't be brought back. so sad..... T-T.....
well, i updated a few of my stories, and i got a review on one of the ones that NEVER get reviewed... -_-.... i'm happy about the review, but mad at the people who don't review....LOL
I watched the last Escaflowne tape that the Albany library has that i haven't seen, how ironic is it that it was the first one? LOl.... I also read the manga i borrowed...
Kira came, got the naruto comic she had on order, and her present and left.... her parent's won't let her have any time for friends anymore.... -_-..... it's irritating.....then again, they never really let her have time for friends in teh first place...
*sighs*..... I'm bored now.... we're up to 36 GB entries... YES! ^^ I'm happy about that... ^^
...I odn't want to go to school tomorrow, but i need ot get soemthign back from Josh, i klet him trade me armwarmers on friday, and i'm jsut so worried that i'll never see my left red and black rock armwarmer again.... even though i knwo where he lives... Besides, the armwarmer he let me borrow in exchange smells funny.... -_-... then again, my scent is kind of minty because i live with cats, josh's scent is kind of a mix between old person smell, and second hand smoke smell... -_-....
I think i'm going to go back to talkign about RPing now... ^^....
as it is now, our EMo sect has at least 44 members, in the rping world we have, being emo is just like being goth, so yeah, we use the word emo because it sounds better with words like amte and sect than goth does.... LOL.... except we kind of take it to the extreme, our emos like causing trouble, and they won't hesitate to crash a preps birthday party...LOL
well, i think i'll go now, TTYL!
yesterday's answer: Ghost Of You by MCR
winners: none
trivia: which character am i planning to kill off?
A) Lira
B) Taka
C) Jordan
D) Jason
well good luck, talk to you all later!
HUGS! ^^
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