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One Piece, Bleach, Element Hunters; Kimi Ni Todoke; Clannad
To become an English Teacher. To get a book published.
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Singing, Writing, breathing
Wednesday, January 10, 2007
*totally happy, starry-eyed fangirl look*

*girlish squeal of the word bishi* ...oh dear.... i'm appalled at my behavior....*tsk's self* so, i guess you're wondering exactly wqhy i'm acting this way? Everyone but you guys knows by now.... heh heh.... except him... Whoihc i take to be a very fortunate thing.... LOL....
so, this morning i went to school. I'm starting to act less sheepish around my bishi, so i ended up spending the last few minutes of second period talking with him and my two other yeah... ^^
rest of the day went as per usual....boring!....except math, i always liked's even better this year cuz my bishi's in the same class as me. He always asks me for help with his homework, the only problem is, he asks for help with the ones i've answered, but aren't certain about.... -_-...... my hands are yes... anyways yeah. i know this might be boring to listen to but i'm that way...
After school, i decided to get my papers done as fast as possible, in an attempt ot at least have a reason to say hi to him when i passed them..... but i freaked out while trying to get myself together inside, so i ended up missing a chance. I walked my dog three times around the block three times..... it would have only been two, but she insisted ona third go around...the fat lazy bum of a dog tried ot sit and not move right where it was most inconvenient for me..... -_-....
I invited Reaper12 over, and we played tennis outside in teh street. It was durign this that the reason for all my "starry-eyed fangirl" antics occured. ^^.... I swear, of all the directions i expected them ot pass my house from, i never expected them to go the illogical way around the block.... LOL.... anyways, i saw My Bishi, and My sort-of-friend walking towards the general vicinity of the bishi's house...LOL.. anyways, i said hi to both of them, and continued my "game" with kira.... ^^
I Then got online, and missed a chance to stalk one of my friend's boyfriend over the internet... LOL.... joking.... I don't stalk people. but i did have an entertaining time IMing with all my friends... ^^
I'm now borrowing 6 mangas from kira, volumes 1-4 or Ouran Host Club, and vol. 1 of two other mangas...LOL... I also got my christmas present from ty, DNAngel vol. 10... ^^ YEAY!
I've asked Shelby and reaper12 to meet me after school at my school so we can walk home together, since they get out early and all. that way i can tell dylan that reaper12's not his stlker... heh heh...LOL...
I've raised the idea of gettigna hair cut this summer in celebration of going into highschool. A test of maturity i would suppose, as well as a new look for a (i hope) new reputation... LOL...
I've decided to flood my school's art show with drawing from the tea-chan and squeaker art team ((AKA Reaper12 and myself) because i want to go out with an artist's bang! ^^ I'd enter the talent show, but last time i got up in front of the whole school, i messed up big time, so i'm gonna just ignore that. I also plan to do string art for the two most supported teams in my tow, The beavers (and string art featuring OSU in orange on black paper) and the ducks (a string art featuring U of O in yellow on green paper) ...i might try to make some more spectacular entries, but so far all i've got is aniem drawings and string art. If i was at all good with clay, (and if i had a nice way to fire it as well) I would enter a really nice vase or something.... LOL...
well, i'm a gonna go now, peace out , YO!
poll results: of the four comments we had....only 2 voted.... %66.7 say a manga with only two volumes is pointless, %33.3 said "I dunno"
song clue:
"And if you get to Heaven
I'll be here waiting, baby
Did you get what you deserve?
The ending of your life won't wait
Then your heart can't take this"
one of my favortite songs right now... ^^
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