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Monday, May 3, 2004
I'm Back
I didn't update in a while for this reason. My computer broke down and my grandpa knows how to fix it but hes in florida with my grandma and my sis. So I will update when I can at my moms boyfriends house. Until my computer is fixed cya!
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Saturday, May 1, 2004
WEEEE! ! !
I had so much fun today, first I had a baseball game then my moms boyfriend brought me and my friend to a river and we went sea-dooing (water jet skiing). I fell off (Duh). Now i'm sitting here watching Comedy Central and there is some naked guy on t.v. running from the cops.
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Friday, April 30, 2004
Hey, Check out and go to the top where it says watch shows. There very, very, very funny. (if your in to like, little cartoon animals that don't look really having there eyes popped out and being stapped and stuff like that.
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Permalink What Inuyasha Hero Are You?
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Well, It's the last day for April, and that means only one more month and Ten days until i'm out of school if yours is different then just tell me. Mine actually should be One month and Four days but because where I live it snowed for like 20 days straight. So they changed it. Well today i'm not going to school anyways because I got back yesterday so theres no point in going back today so i'm going to sleep.
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Thursday, April 29, 2004
Well, I'm Back from DisneyLand and got some cool stuff from it too, but the catch was all of it (2 items) cost $120 so yeah but it was all fine with me because I didn't have to pay. Hey also if you didn't hear about the new ride in California Adventures: The Twighlight Zone Tower Of Terror, It doesn't open until May 5 but I got a special pass to go on it (for testing)and it was the best ride EVER i'm mean EVER see what it does is lifts you about mmm... 120 feet above ground then all of a sudden... BOOM your flying down free falling then you stop and the ride is so smooth you don't even know your moving then DROP you fall again when you think the rides over. it does that four times and it is SOOOO scary you got to check it out.
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Wednesday, April 21, 2004
Oh Well
Well, I got myself into the biggest trouble almost ever. My pricipal called and told me that I am suspended and now that sucks. But my parents still think that my school is over reacting so I still get to got to DinseyLand. Thank God {). Also I'm bored and I need to do something but don't know what so I think that I will stop here.
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Tuesday, April 20, 2004
Oh, Man. . .
Oh, man this is not cool today we were making thank you cards to people I didn't even know and then I decided to make mine funny by putting a "Pie in the face" joke in it. And my stupid teacher Mrs.Hauke saw it as a rude comment and is like,"well if you were an adult what would you do if you got a card like this?" I said i would probably laugh and she got all pissed then at lunch I was saying that i'm going to knock her head off with a metal bat, TO MYSELF, and SOMEONE over heard me and told then she cornered me in p.e. Thats when she sent me down to the principal's office and I told her my story and she made me go to the counselers office and he said that with the card thing mrs.Hauke was over reacting and now for my punishment I have to see the counselers office every tuesday.
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Monday, April 19, 2004
Starting from right now I only have 12 hours 55 minutes and 23 second and 5 days until I leave for DinseyLand so Thats not a lot if you think about it. . .
Well umm yeah...Cya!!!
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