Birthday • 1987-04-07 Gender •
Female Location • Member Since • 2004-12-22 Occupation • MOTION GRAPHICS ARTIST. (freelance); dance teacher; airbrush artist Real Name • Katie
Achievements • a lot. Anime Fan Since • dragonball Favorite Anime • do you really have to ask me that? How troublesome. Goals • to succeed. Hobbies • See talents. Talents •ART... dancing drawing acting singing writing drawing painting computer-ing.. pretty much any type of artsy thing.. ^_^ SsaiyanShinobi
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
random post
so i finally found the sexy no jutsu midi.. it was tough! good nar midi's here by party boy. He has like all the songs.. ^_^ awesome, eh?
so my dance teaching job is goin really good. i got more classes to teach, and that means more money! it couldnt be any better, considering its something i love to do, i get to be active, annd i get lotsa money ^_^ plus all the lil girls are so cute. I recently got older kids too, Musical theatre, modern and tap ^_^ theyre all so good! hehe..
so little by little my little sister is watching naruto, (woah i just said 'little' a anyways; she likes it. i think she likes it more now that she found out this boy in her class watches/reads naruto, he brought in a couple mangas to class the other day to show her ^^, she was excited, even though it was ones that i have already.. lol *_* her otaku name is Gaara Is My Idol if you wanna check it out.. ^_^
Sexy no Jutsu wins! ^_^ ty everyone..just couldn't decide! Any ideas for the next one? Kimimaro... Hinata..? or one of the others i listed..? ^^ lol..anyways see ya later Comments (0) |
Shika Fan Club
I founded the Shika Fan Club ^^
Just PM me, or comment on this post, if you want to join!
Go to my S.F.C site for banners, & a whole bunch of Shika stuff ^^
The Diehard
- You are The Diehard, the ultimate Otaku. You have seen practically every anime you can get your greedy little hands on. You waste all your spending money on DVDs, VHS, posters, cards, keychains, Mangas, Artbooks, T-Shirts, CDs and Models! You've probably cosplayed at least a couple times, and never miss a convention. You are unhealthily obsessed with anime. You live and breath it. All you're hard work pays off since you are ontop of everything that is Anime... But, being The Diehard comes with a price.. For one, it probably pisses you off when you've known about an anime for a long time then it comes to American TV and becomes "popular" (Gundam Wing, Spirted Away, CardCaptor Sakura, etc.). The Dubbie fans probably annoy you too, since they lack the anime intelligence to hold a decent conversation with you.. Sure you've got the experience, but try and be a little bit nicer to The Dubbies, I am sure you were one too, long long ago in a galaxy far far away...