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Tuesday, March 1, 2005
New Layout ^_^
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Monday, February 28, 2005
Pic from my show rehearsal

Me in the back w/long sleeve shirt on, and other girl is Kristin. ^_^ We're practicing "America" from West Side Story. my friend Chelsea took this pic ^^
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I made a Naruto quiz! Its AWESOME! pls take it if u love Naruto!
 | You scored as Tsunade. You’re the 5th Hokage of the Konoha. Besides being the Hokage, you also have another nickname - The Legendary Sucker, for always losing in gambling. You can also be vain, as you use a special technique to conceal your age. You’re a part of the Legendary 3. You were also the first medical ninja to be on the field. You’ve an obscene amount of strength, & "one good hit" will kill anyone, as Kabuto puts it. With Naruto’s help, you found determination to be the Hokage of Konoha. & a side note, your summon Katsuyu doesn't seem to talk much.
Tsunade | | 89% | Shikamaru | | 78% | Naruto | | 78% | Neji | | 78% | Kakashi | | 72% | Hinata | | 72% | Rock Lee | | 56% | Kimimaro | | 56% | Sakura | | 50% | Jiraiya | | 33% | Gaara | | 33% | Orochimaru | | 6% | Sasuke | | 0% | Konohamaru | | 0% |
which character from NARUTO are you?? created with |
I worked hard and long on this quiz!! Pls take it! Sure you gotta be fluent in "naruto" information to take it, but what the hey! take it anyways! ^_^ Theres 14 characters you could end up getting, all with profiles & awesome photoshopped pics for the results ^_^ I hope you all love it!!
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Sunday, February 27, 2005
Noobie Friend ^_^
Heyy everyone check out Heath's O and friend him! hes brand new to otaku.
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New Animes!
Heres the animes i tried out today: in order of appriciation:
1- today i watched the first ep to Full Metal Alchemist, and i LOVED it!! good anime. is the main guy, the FMA, the same voice actor as the girl who does Narutos voice? Its so similar!! well i know ill continue watching this one..
2- i also watched the first ep to Rurouni Kenshin, it was good. i didnt like Kenshins It was good though.
3- And also Ninja Scrolls, it was okay. a bit too much happened in the first ep. prob wont continue with this one.. :-/ unless u people comment and tell me its amazing. lol
~_* tt everyone later!
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Friday, February 25, 2005
i <3 blondeangel!
Known as BlondeAngel to most people, ItachiIsCool made a site for all your html needs! Check it out!!
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Visted Today
Kitsune_Foxfire, ChibiCreator, Yamcha, BardockMan, DuoMaxwell2o6,
Dark Phoenix, J Tag, Sakura Hyuuga, Steptoussai, Venomous Kitsune,
SmoothLady15, SakuraHarunochan, Princess of Mer, Son Goku Jr,
Marz, Blonde Angel, Baka Brooke, Raven8763, Renachan101,
bebopinutrigun188, OzymandiusJones, & DarkKiba!
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new wps
new naruto wps..But Spoiler Alert.. ^_^
My Wallpapers
The show is getting so good :)
And a LOT of other wallpapers too.. Kinda bored with this snow day :-/
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I love these things! Got this one from DuoMaxWell2o6...THINGS NARUTO CHARACTERS WOULDN'T SAY...
Naruto: “Shut up, Sakura I don’t want to be Hokage today”
Naruto: "Ramen again?!?! Dont you have anything else to eat?!?!"
Sasuke: “I'm sorry Itachi I don’t feel like fighting today”
Sasuke:-looking in the mirror- "Okay, got to look good for my fan girls!"
Sasuke: "Sakura, i love you!"
Sasuke: "Hey...I am a pretty boy!"
Jiraiya: “Oh man not another naked chick.”
Jiraiya: “Do you guys think of anything besides women?”
Jiraiya: “Ahh the fourth was not anything special.”
Jiraiya: “That’s right I'm a virgin and proud of it.”
Jiraiya: “I Jiraiya solemnly swear never to look at another boob.”
Jiraiya: “I love big butts and I can not lie.”
Ino: “ Who cares about looks.”
Ino: “Eww I hate purple.”
Ino: "Sakura you win, i suck.."
Itachi: “I’m so weak I wish I wasn’t such a woman.”
Itachi: “Violence isn’t necessary can’t we all just get along.”
Itachi: “I want my mommy….”
Itachi: "I've missed you bro..."
Shino: “Oh my god, did you see the size of that bug?”
Shino: “Eww get that thing out of your mouth you don’t know were it has been.”
Shino: "EWWW! A BEETLE! KILL IT! KILL IT! (screams like a girl)
Tsunade: “I hate being young I wish I didn’t have this jutsu going.”
Tsunade: “Mmmmm grubs slimy yet satisfying.”
Gai: “That’s it I'm shaven these ugly eyebrows.”
Choji: “I lost 300 pounds on the subway diet.”
Choji: “Oooooh no not another bite.”
Choji: “No thanks Shino I'm not hungry.”
Gaara: “I hate sand I think I'm allergic to it.”
Gaara: "Temari, Kankurou do you love me?"
Gaara: "I dont feel like killing anyone today.."
Gaara: "Do we have to fight? Why cant we like play house or something?"
Orochimaru: “Ok lets pretend I'm straight for one minute…..”
Orochimaru: "I hate snakes..they are so creepy!"
Kankurou: “Hey Gaara, can I build a sand castle with your sand?"
Hinata: “I love you Neji.”
Hinata: "Come here and kiss me, Naruto you nine tailed bastard!"
Neji: “I love you too Hinata.”
Neji: "Lee is so much stronger than me"
Shikamaru: “I'm sooo hyper lets run laps around Kohana for a hour.”
Shikamaru: “Ino I hate you, your such a bitch. Yet you’re so hot marry me?”
Shikamaru: "Clouds suck."
Shikamaru: "I feel like doing something productive, that takes a lot of effort!"
Kakashi: “I think I'm going to show up for training early today.”
Kakashi: “Man my partners died.. oh well better them than me.”
Kakashi: "Why am I reading this book? It's so nasty!"
Sakura: “Screw this, this ninja thing ain't for me I just wanted to be near Naruto.”
Sakura: “Damn Sasuke you’re even uglier than I am.”
Sakura: “Damn Sasuke get a hair cut.”
Sakura: "Sasuke why are you so annoying? Why cant you be more like Naruto?!?!
Haku: “ I hate you Zabuza shove it.”
Haku: “Wow I make a pretty good looking girl… pass the lip stick please.”
The third: “This village sucks I'm moving to Hawaii.”
haha, check out Duo's site, its all Shikamaru'd out!! ^_^
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Everyone check out Darks O,Dark Phoenix! and the Feb 25th post! ^_^ Posted my naruhina! ^_^
<3 katie
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