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myOtaku.com: SsaiyanShinobi

Thursday, March 24, 2005

im gradually trying to get to all of ur sites, (all my friends..) but i only got to like a third today! the first couple million of my friends list (alphabetical order..) these are the ones i got to today..
yamcha, a saiyans tale, adam, agentyuki, akayo kanachi, alionka13, als4137, angelicbeauty, animegirl2004, animehanyou13, animemkaku16, animeotakumewmew,
aura128, azngurl, baka brooke, bardockman, bebopinutrigun188, blackwings, blondeangel, cheshirecatgrins, chibicreator, chibiichigo, conneryalexis, crazykat, creamrose, darkphoenix, darkkiba, darkmindedsakura, david dudas, deltastrikex, doomweasel, dragonrider6, dtotheaimo, duomaxwell2o6, ed is sexy, evanescence3000, fangirlKND, finalfantasynut, fireicedemon, FMA-LJ, foxtail, frogger91, fury, gaaraismyidol, gaarashukaku, gama-chan, gamergurl666, generalchicken, ghostxi, & goatfish21...
ANNDDD i added all of your aim/aol names to my buddylist!!! ^^

I know i probably sound completely insane! lol.. i just wanna get to all of ur sites! it may take me 2 or 3 days!! lol...

So im about to sound like a COMPLETE dork.. Me and chelea went to see a movie today... are ya ready for it? Ice Princess!!! hahah.... it was cute.. ^^ we were like "lets not tell anyone!" lol.. its one of those movies that every girl wants to see...but u dont wanna actually admit it.. just like watching figure skating on tv, you know u love watching it..but u never say it!! ^^ lol.. well im gonna go


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