You wanna know about me!? You must be crazy to want to know about my life, but here goes nothing... First off, I have a tendency to refer to myself as Kybok, so if I do, don't let it take you by surprise. So, read up on the happenings of my life, and leave Guestbook signs! These make me happy! ^_____^

These banners are not my own. I luff forever the guy that made them, though...
Read my LiveJournal! Comment to be added to my friends list (that is, If I know you or something...)
Monday, February 14, 2005
Oh Gawd!
It's been AGES since I posted last! I am hereby declaring this... dead. The Weblog is dead. If you want to know about me, then I suggest that you shuffle on over to my LiveJournal (The link is in my intro), where I update regularly.
I was trying, for a while, to manage both of these, but then I figured... "What's the point?"
If you want to be on my LJ friends list, I only have a few requirements.
1. Don't make a habit out of "chatspeak." Please. You speak English, use it.
2. Let's share some common interests?
3. Comment every once in a while. Don't just lurk, or else I delete you.
Aside from general nicities, that's about it...
So, I'll leave this thing up, but it's now dead.
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Saturday, January 1, 2005
Happy New Year, everyone!
Well, I had planned on making a post at midnight, but I was watching a movie...
Anyway, the contest over at my Livejournal is still going and will be going until all of the songs are guessed, so hurry on over there and get your guesses in! If you're from this site, leave your username, and, once everything is correctly labled, I'll post who it was that made winning guesses. Probably friend them too! So, go, go, go!
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Saturday, December 18, 2004
Contest Time!
Having something of a song-guessing contest over at my LJ! Drop by and guess a song, and if you get it right, I might award you with a place on my friends list! (my journal is much more frequently updated than this... Almost daily...)
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Featured Quiz Result: