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Tuesday, December 16, 2003
 You're a Waterbed. Many people like you, although you are a bit strange. You take just a little getting used to, but are a very likeable person.
What kind of bed are you? brought to you by Quizilla
Ah yes... I'm a waterbed. How interesting...
 Goddess of the Moon. Beauty, yet a sadness lurks about you at times. But hey, pain is beauty, right?
What element would you rein over? (For Girls) brought to you by Quizilla
The moon, hmm? Like the piccy!
Now, this, I must warn you about. It is only to be clicked on if you have a bit of time on your hands...

Well, if you hate me on account of that last thing, please don't. My mom's calling me to dinner, so GTG!
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Sunday, December 14, 2003
 You are a cut throat, calm fighter. So my crazyness didn't really get to you eh? And neither did my punctionation or spelling? v.v oh well there's always next time. Anyway, you always defeat your apponents with out mercy knowing it could turn on you. And you thought I was phsyco. (eye twitch)
What Type of Yu Yu Hakusho Fighter Are You? brought to you by Quizilla
 Gold! You have golden eyes. You tend to be quite distant, and may come off as depressed. In truth, you are, but once people get to know you, a smile or a laugh breaks through your emotion barrier every now and then!
What Color Are Your Anime Eyes? brought to you by Quizilla
Well, more personality tests! And, I'm so happy, as I'm finally done with this flu-bug! It's been almost a week, and it's been annoying, but I'm finally alive again. Plus, I've got another fanfic up on my site!
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Thursday, December 11, 2003
More Testing!
 HIEI LIKES YOU-- You know when hiei needs someone to talk to or when he needs to be left alone Hiei trusts you and isn't afraid to show his true colors to you. Even if he'd never admitt it.
If You Were in Yu Yu Hakusho, How Close to Hiei Would You Be brought to you by Quizilla
Well that was a long one to paste up here, but I liked it so much! I just couldn't pass it up! Really, though, I'm not a raving fangirl. I like bishies, but not to an extreme (Met on street= passed out bishie from glomping). Actually, people who do drive me crazy... Well, still sick as a dog, so G-T-G! Sign the G-book!
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Wednesday, December 10, 2003
Well, here we go with more of my backlog of personality tests! Sheesh... I take way too many of these... what's your cowboy bebop theme song? Mean lil fellow, arn't you?
What Monty Python Character are you? brought to you by Quizilla Okay, Okay, so I cheated on that one... It was just such a funny pic, that I had to! I was like "Ooh! That scary bunny! The second reason that rabbits make me fear for my life! The other reason will remain unknown to all but myself. You don't need to know or else it might pop up somewhere. Think pink, cartoon. And, finally, one more. Your Ein from Cowboy Bebop! intelligent,logical,and truthful
Anime Mascots! brought to you by Quizilla Yep! The lovable corgi! This is also significant, as I actually OWN a corgi! His name is Chester, named after my father, who has it as a middle name. The dog is a dumb as a board... Well, gues that about wraps it up! I've been sick as a dog myself for a few days, so I've got a bit of emailing to do...
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Saturday, December 6, 2003

The eternally lost boy.
Find out what anime bad boy you are.
This test taken @ theaerozone.com, where there is way too many other tests & things to keep you occupied, really.
Ohkay... So that's two. Well, I've got two more to post, but I don't want to make my posts too long for yall. Well, My best friend is coming over t'morrow, so I've got a room to clean! (And it's a mess!)
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Tuesday, December 2, 2003
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What Type of Villain are You?
Whoosh! Didn't know that I'm that scary when I'm mad, did'ja!? Well, the white elephant sale turned out to be fun, and I got a little gift for my friend. Another friend, though, got two plastic swords...-_-* Not pleased about this. I WANTED THEM!!!!! Anyway, I suppose that I'll be satisfied with the REAL one that I have. It's a real sword, but it's a 'I will not kill you' sword, like Kenshin's. It rocks! At any rate, must be going to check out the rest of the sites that I regularly visit!
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Monday, December 1, 2003
Attack of the Killer Sponges!
And, here I go again with another pointless post! That is utterly stupid! And, no, this has nothing to do with killer sponges... Just an interest catcher. ^_^ I'm off to a white elephant sale. Fun? No. Like an auction, but with junkier stuff. Auctions=Good. White Elepnants=Bad. Well, not all the time... sometimes they're fun, but not really. BTW, check out my account on fanfiction.net! I go by SSJ-KybokSilverfang on there. I'm not that great, but people seem to like the Golden Sun/Zelda/Gundam Wing stuff that I write, so check it out!
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Saturday, November 29, 2003
Day off!

Find out what bishonen you are.Well, I may not exactly be a guy, but the quiz was fun! Lucky me! I got another day off yesterday! Tomorrow, I've try to convince my mom to let my best friend come over... EEK! Well, here's SSJ Silver, signing off.
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Friday, November 28, 2003
School Resumes
 Thwack What's Your Anime Power? Check it out! I'm an interdimensional mallet of doom! However, in about an hour school will start, and I will reduce down to a mindless minion... Well, that's all for now!
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Thursday, November 27, 2003
Yoyoyo! It's been quite a while, but I think that I might start posting selector results here! I'm so obsessive, i know... I've been eating pot-roast for the past half of an hour, and I'm so happy that it's not turkey! Here, we get turkey a LOT...
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