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Nevada, if you must know. Right outside of Las Vegas
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Fan/original fiction authoress • Artist • Student
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Wouldn't you like to know... Call me Kybok...
Besting the guys at Soul Calibur II
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To become a better writer and finish/publish my novel. It'll be up on FictionPress.Net soon! I go under SSJ-KybokSilverfang (hinthint)
Writing • Drawing • Spontaneous combustion in Russian mosques
Eating • Sleeping • Getting an unwanted fanclub • Falling over
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Friday, August 6, 2004
Hah! Beat ya, Raywing!
Uh... goes back to Raywing saying that I didn't post near enough. So, now she's the one who post next to... none... Not that I'm complaining or anything! I mean, she has a life! So do I, just not to the extent that she does. Owner of a message board... While I'm just the caretaker of a bunch of crazy animals. (5 cats, 2 dogs, 8 goats last time I counted, and a bunch of fish) And, yet, we manage to keep the house in a decently clean and non-stinky state. Anyway, on to the quiz results...
FOXY-LADY! You're more concerned with healing than fighting. Even though you used to produce illegal drugs...*cough, cough, opium, cough*. But that hasn't hindered the number of wolf-calls you get.
 I don't wanna...but I'll do it anyway What anime cliche are you? The Second time around.
Teh... Yeah. I get pulled into a lot of things that I'd rather not, but manage to stick it out...
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Tuesday, August 3, 2004
Yeah... I'm tired, but, what else is new? At any rate, at least I have my SoBes to keep me awake.
Though, I'm still pretty excited. The last weekend of the month, I'll be going to Reno, a city up in northern Nevada, for the state fair. Hopefully, there'll be anime stuff there... This time, I'm bringing a lot more money, too. My mom's not going, so I'm going with a friend and her family. A friend who doesn't exactly like anime that much (Just you wait till I tape you to the sofa and make you watch Gundam Wing!), but we're working on "converting" her... Anyway, here's a quiz...

Take the Anime soundtrack Quiz
Hm... Angel Sanctuary?
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Saturday, July 31, 2004
More quizzes...
Well, my quiz page is getting huge, so I guess that I'll just go back to posting them in posts... (considering how many I take...)
Yeah... I like Saiyuki...
 You are a little shy, or your kiss takes time to happen. It may take time, but sooner or later it happens!!! Well, the conquest game is really interesting, isn't it?
What anime kiss are you? brought to you by Quizilla
Um... no comment, though it's pretty true. I've never been kissed.
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Tuesday, July 27, 2004
New stuff...
Well... nothing much, but I just got a couple new things from the store. Like a pair of black pants, a belt (It's pretty cool; one of those ones with two rows of holes...). Plus, boots and a poster. This poster is, I think, taller than me! It's gigantic! Also, I signed up for a college math class!
Here's some personality test thingies...
Which Saiyuki weapon would you fight with??
Yeah... lotta Saiyuki stuff. Hakkai is so drool-worthy...
 Cho Hakkai
Which Saiyuki Character are you? brought to you by Quizilla
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Monday, July 26, 2004
Color Layout 3.0
Well, here it is. Really just a blue version of my last one, but I needed to do something to it before it got old...
Well, there you have it...
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Thursday, July 22, 2004
My mom is currently making me a shirt... It's quite cool! It's a black shirt with the new black transfer paper that doesn't make the colors look all funky. The desigen's going to be a dragon fighting a serpent, but it's gonna be all sketchy... ahh... nevermind... too hard to describe. I'll have to give a link to the image. Just picture this as photo negative...
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Saturday, July 17, 2004
Ouchies, part the second...
Well, here I sit, ice-pack on face, typing with my un-bloodsoaked hand... A lesson for you, kids: never underestimate the power of your oral surgeon. I was lucky, though, and got a really nice one. He put me to sleep and THEN pulled all four wisdom teeth... For most of yesterday, I was in a pain-induced sleeping-state, waking up every once in a while to eat these yummy mashed potatoes. Another thing... you can't eat or drink anything for eight hours before they torture you... That makes you preetty dang hungry... So, yes. I am in pain...
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Tuesday, July 13, 2004
Yep... another one of those
Call me whatever you want, but I really do support those who give their lives for our country. Here's a link to a really neat music video...
Just copy/paste it into your adress bar...
God bless our troops!
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Monday, July 12, 2004
Ugh... I just got mauled by two of out cats... at two seperate times throughout today... I forsee another incident. First time, my dad had the bright idea to introduce my cat to one of his cat's kittens. Well, Neko, my cat, was not pleased... In short, she climbed up my face. That, however was nothing compared to trying to keep a different kitten and my mom's dog from fighting. The kitten was across the room, and I tried to pick it up... Who knew that it would be so nasty!? It was across the room! Anyway, I would post a picture of my hand, but it might make some people sick... In lighter news, later on, my guitar teacher will be murdering me, as I didn't practice hardly at all this week... Well, at least I have my pocky and manga... Plus lots of soda to make the hurt go away. x_x
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Sunday, July 11, 2004
RK and GW!
Well I went into Vegas today and came back with volume 1 of the Rouroni Kenshin manga and Operation 1 of Gundam Wing... (dreamy sigh) Once I get done with these, I might buy the rest... In non-anime news, I got the book Watership Down and a couple of crystals, one of which is for a friend... Blitzy is gonna like it...
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