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Nevada, if you must know. Right outside of Las Vegas
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Fan/original fiction authoress • Artist • Student
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Wouldn't you like to know... Call me Kybok...
Besting the guys at Soul Calibur II
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To become a better writer and finish/publish my novel. It'll be up on FictionPress.Net soon! I go under SSJ-KybokSilverfang (hinthint)
Writing • Drawing • Spontaneous combustion in Russian mosques
Eating • Sleeping • Getting an unwanted fanclub • Falling over
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Wednesday, May 19, 2004
yEs, FoR yOuR iNfO, eMuS dO rUlE tHe WoRlD!
Uh, yeah... attribute it to my randomness...
Woohoo! Death to Tea!
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Monday, May 17, 2004
Wolf's Rain Rox0rz my box0rz!
Oh, wait... Wrong phrase! Don't have boxers! However, i did manage to tape and watch Inuyasha, Wolf's Rain, Trigun, Fooly Cooly, and Cowboy Bebop! I distinctly was confused by Fooly Cooly, but I did like Inuyasha and Wolf's Rain. Kiba rox! So does Toboe! (or however you spell it). Cowboy Bebop and Trigun, I was indifferent to, although Legato is sooooooo kewl! (huggles him to death)
Ano, now, I post soemthing that I don't think that Raywing BLitz is gonna like too much... Hah! I got her guy!
Squall is so yummy! Laguna's 20x better, though! (waving little Laguna flag)
How cool is this one?
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Thursday, May 13, 2004
So, yeah, I don't sleep enough...
Whorl, sue me... I try to sleep, but it doesn't work well. This human invention of sleep is soooo yesterday.
 Vincent Valentine: Vincent: Dark, Mysterious, Passionate, and has a tendency to transform into a raging beast. Need we say more? Vincent doesnt share almost at all, but this is probably because most of his memories are quite painful. Its a good thing you have a tender heart to care for him. Vincent has learned from his past mistakes. As soon as he falls for you, hell never leave your side.
Which Final Fantasy Man Is For You? brought to you by Quizilla
Yep, so I like him... He's cool!
You should wield Kazaana!
Find out Which
weapon from Inu Yasha should you wield.
And, doesn't this rock? Oh yeah...
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Thursday, May 6, 2004
You guys have to watch this!
Someone put together a flash presentation with music from Ricky Skaggs with an overlay of a little girl talking to her Dad who is a soldier.
Now, I happen to be very supportive of the war in Iraq, and this really puts into perspective the sacrifices that are being made every day to keep our world free from terror. Even if you don't support the war, support the men and women who go over there and risk their lives for their country,
Support out troops!
Amreica bless God and God will bless America!
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Monday, April 26, 2004
Yeppers! Tired again!
At any rate, Though, I think that I finally found a guy that I might like! Now, I know that only Raywing Blitz would understand the signifigance of this, probably, but this is like an amazing thing. I don't just "fall in love." It's one of those things that I tend to be rather confused about though... Anyway, if you ask me who it is, only Raywing would know him, but it's kind a weird experience... I keep thinking that I'll mess things up big time! Not to mention, I don't really know how to just "be myself" because I'm still trying to figure out who "myself" is... Well, advice would be a nice thing, but this is just one of those things that is really odd, so I thought I might post on it...
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Friday, April 23, 2004
Legolas- You are the calm spirit of any group. Nothing really fazes you, but you tend to worry about the big picture. This usually involves a certain fatalism, so try not to concern yourself so much about it.
Which Member of the Fellowship of the Ring are you? brought to you by Quizilla
 Heart of Glass
What is Your Heart REALLY Made of? brought to you by Quizilla
Yeah, I know that the Quizilla stuff doesn't work right, but I'm still posting it because I have lots of time on my hands in the mornings, and I wanted to post something else.
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Thursday, April 22, 2004
Yes. This is the imfamous Deathclock (tm) link! Find out how long you ahve to live!
And, here is the greatest link on earth! Megatokyo!
It's a webcomic. (duh)
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Wednesday, April 21, 2004
Ev'rything's Back to normal!
Well, I'm Back to my normal, crazed self! Well, s I'm not that crazed. Just when I play video games and Yami-S comes out... Anyway, here's a quiz that my psychotic yami took! I've been letting her out more often...
Check it out, man! Dare you even attempt to match my rank in evilness?
Be afraid...
And, here's one that I took!
Is this not strange? I don't even like his pharoh-ness that much! Well, ok, so I tolerate him, and he is pretty hot looking... It's just that Bookie (Bakura) doesn't like him, so neither do I!
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Saturday, April 17, 2004
Back from Logandale... Well, actually, I returned on Sunday... Yeah, I know, I'm lazy and I need to update more, but, while I was there, I bought two of those laser-crystals (The ones with stuff inside of them), three decks of cards - Two Gundam Wing, one for me and one for a friend, and a Final Fantasy VIII one that rocks! - I also loaded up on fair food... Great stuff, that it is.

Which flock do you follow?
this quiz was made by alanna
Well, 'tis all, fellow fans!
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Tuesday, April 6, 2004
Goin' ta Logandale!
Now, Raywing Blitz is like the only one that knows the significance of this, but, Logandale is a big fair that's in, you guessed it, Logandale Nevada! There's ANIME there! LOTS of anime! It's like got more booths for anime than can be counted, so, no posts will be here Wednesday through Sunday, and maybe not even Monday. But, I plan on buying stuff there, especially looking for Duo Maxwell merchandise for my best friend, Raywing. It's gonna be so great. So, actually, you might see me there, Just go over to the small animal barn and look for a girl, small chest, slate-grey eyes, medium height, blue jeans or camouflage jeans, and a bright green shirt with 4-H on it. Or, I might be wearing a yellow "Got Goat?" shirt. I'll be over by the pens, dirty blond hair, boyish cut, can't miss me. So, I might get to meet my fans in person? That would rock!
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