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Nevada, if you must know. Right outside of Las Vegas
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Wouldn't you like to know... Call me Kybok...
Besting the guys at Soul Calibur II
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To become a better writer and finish/publish my novel. It'll be up on FictionPress.Net soon! I go under SSJ-KybokSilverfang (hinthint)
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Sunday, April 4, 2004
It's alright now...
Alright... So maybe the last post was a bit extreme. I was in a really bad mood (memo to self: don't write posts right after arguments). Now, yes, I do still feel a bunch like Squall-sama, in that I have a lot on my mind, but realize that I love my goats like children, and I guess that my parental units are okay... Well, okay, so I DO love them... Just doesn't feel like it sometimes, but now I think I'm better thanx 2 a comment from a friend. Anyway, here's a totally L337 quiz! (L337 R0xx /\/\y \/\/0rL|) )
 Which Naruto Character are You? quiz by
(\/\/#007 ! 17'5 |< 4|< 45#1 ! :-) )
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Identity Crisis...
Yes, I am undergoing a major identity crisis. It's mostly over the fact that I don't have a normal life anymore, and that I am on the verge of hating both of my parents and either running away or zoning out into apathy. The latter is most likely. I have tons of animals running around my house, and my mom just got done ranting about how I didn't notice a cut on my goat's foot. How was I supposed to notice, since she usually just follows at my heels and I don't even glance at her much? And then they got upset because there were a few sticks floating in the water dish, and because the goat was cold and I didn't notice that either. Well, excuse me! I have a life more than the stupid furballs! At any rate, you can probably disregard any quiz results taken before now aside from those who are dark, relating to darkness, or just loyal/serious. I feel a lot like Squall (FFVIII) now, in that if I have too much on my mind to say it all, and if I did say everything that was on my mind, people would either take me as suicidal, or demand that I explain everything further, not believing that I have a busy life. My life, in one word, sucks. But, I keep on going because it's my job (not because I want to). If I left, I don't know who would take my place, and I don't want a lame monkey to do my job for me. Plus, I find comfort in killing stuff on video games. At any rate, comments?
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Sunday, March 28, 2004
Goodness... It's been a while. Well, this time I have a REALLY good excuse, in that I couldn't get my computer to work. I could only run it for like ten minutes before it would crash... Anyway, here's quizzes!

Which Final Fantasy (IV-X) Character are you?
by steevi
Always liked him... I took this much, much later than the one where I scored as Tidus...
 Yu-Gi-Oh. This is a very care-free, friendly group. You all care deeply about each other and would risk anything and everything for the other's saftey. Although some of you have some secret's to unlock, and some of you make fun of each other, this is a pretty well rounded group.
Which anime group do you and your friends resemble? brought to you by Quizilla
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Thursday, March 18, 2004
I am most displeased. Today, there was another incident of art theft. Act committed by sesshoumaru4me, the stolen piece was "Butterfly." The original artist was Drak Death (not quite sure on all of the capitalization in the username), and I just signed both guestbooks. Art theft sickens me, as it shows lack of originality and cowardice. To see my whole rant on the subject, go back a few pages, to the Milkycat incident...
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Monday, March 15, 2004
This is so nifty. This morning, around 8, my goat went into labor, and gave me two absolutely adorable kidd (Yes, that is with two d's) goats. It's a boy and a girl, named Isaac and Mia respectively. I'm so happy... <^_^>
 According to the Alien Abduction Test There is a 60% chance that I've been abducted by Aliens!
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Friday, March 12, 2004
This is just... peachy. I have a bunch of stuff to do this morning, and, here I am, banging my head into stuff and putting a nice, big, cut into my cranium. Well, actually, it's only skin deep, and I don't mind blood, but it's in my hair!!!!!! And my mom insisted on putting something on it that made my hair in that spot immensely greasy... It's gross... Well, enough talk about what happened to me... here's quiz results!
 The Dreamer
Escapes from society into a daydream where beauty and adventure are all at her fingertips. She still seeks to find aspects of her imagined world in the real one, childlike almost in her perspective, naive at times but genius at others, a thirst for new ideas, new information, new places all in the hope to find what she longs for, but as of yet can only find in her dreams...
A unique perspective on one's inner self: who are you? brought to you by Quizilla
 You are Blue.
Overall you're a pretty content person. At peace with yourself, you don't tend to over react. Although at times you can be quite harsh and cold towards others.
What Color Best Represents Your Personality? brought to you by Quizilla
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Sunday, March 7, 2004
A momentous day...
A truly amazing thing has happened! Three of my friends, who happen to be guys, and are normally not very loud (except for one, who *is* normally loud) became hyped on Skittles (taste the rainbow)! It was the most hilarious thing on earth to see quiet Devon bouncing off the walls! Anywho, here's more quizzes out of my backlog!
border=0 frameborder=0>
You're one of the Seven Dragons of Heaven! Your life changed when your mom gave you your sword from out of her own body...then she died. Kinda morbid. But then the battle began. You have problems, but who doesn't. Girls like you but you have a higher purpose. The preserve the humans' current state of living from the destruction of the Dragons of Earth.<
Well, I would HOPE that girls don't like me... that's like wrong. Other than that, pretty accurate. Uh, no. My mom is still alive and well.
 Sumeragi Subaru: sweet, kind and caring! Of course you can be a little naive, but that's not a bad thing! Just don't let it cloud your judgement...
Which CLAMP uke are you? brought to you by Quizilla
 Your charm is...Cute!
What is Your Attractive Charm? -- for girls brought to you by Quizilla
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Saturday, March 6, 2004
Got Converses?
Wow, my weblog friend is gonna be maaaad.... I haven't updated in soooooo long. Oh well! Here's some quizzies!
The Dante's Inferno Test has sent you to Purgatory! Here is how you matched up against all the levels:
Take the Dante Inferno Hell Test
Woohoo! I made it to purgatory!
This sword is a work of art from all aspects. The graceful craftsmanship is superb; the materials and the crisp fit and finish are excellent. Apart from the large size, the most striking feature is the number of reflective surfaces; every movement made results in a fleeting spark, flash or glint--direct sunlight scatters off the polished blade surfaces in an intensely dazzling dance of light. The pronounced fuller is a very impressive feature, providing strength while reducing weight; this combined with the laminated steel and authentic geometry results in a truly outstanding sword
!!!!!!!!!!->What sword will you use<-!!!!!!!!!! brought to you by Quizilla

You're Australia!
You're easy-going, relaxed, and yet somewhat tough and hardy all at the
same time. You can appreciate culture, scuba diving, and even safaris. This
makes you pretty interesting and intriguing to others, though also really unpredictable and
even wild. Your knowledge of nature is unthinkable to most of those around you, even
though your respect for it is sometimes less than perfect. People really like your
accent. Take
the Country Quiz at the
href="">Blue Pyramid
This was the coolest quiz! It has six (SIX) questions that you must answer, but it's one of those nifty things where the next question is based on the previous set!
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Tuesday, March 2, 2004
Welcome to version blueness! Well, not that it wasn't blue before, but now it's blue-er!

Take the Kingdom Hearts personality quiz, and visit Castle Diqueria.
 You are Espeon, pokemon of the light. You are quiet and understanding, you have a knack for knowing what other people are thinking and always know just what to say.
Pokemon: What Eeveeloution are you? brought to you by Quizilla
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Sunday, February 29, 2004
Ah... smell the morning's dirty socks!
Well, we're off to see the wizard! Acutally, just to try to get a bunch of seven-year-olds to sing... Here's some memes!
Check out how different this is than the one before!
Ain't it weird how inconsistent these are? Well, They're still fun!
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