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Sunday, January 18, 2004
Check this out!
I kinda found this... Gotta love it! All you do is type in your name in the little box and then hit the button!
Cool, ne?
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Saturday, January 17, 2004
yep... tired again
Aw man... This is hopefully like so the last week that I'll be so tired! It's miserable! Well, enough with my ranting, and here's another quiz! My backlog is gone! (must take more quizzes!)

What's your Battle-Cry?
this quiz was made by Aroihkin of PlanetKulitron
Well, enjoy your weekends, people! Leaving guestbook signs always makes me a happy little authoress!
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Thursday, January 15, 2004
I've gotten REALLY far on my Final Fantasy X game, and I'm itching to find out what happens next! I just beat Seymore and Anima, his aeon, and I had to stop there! It's so depressing! Well, anyway, though, here are some quiz results for your time...

What Anime Type Are You?
 Your soul is bound to the Yellow Rose: The Gentle.
"I've travelled through the land of surrender and seen it all. I throw my heart out and keep my head up, and now I travel through the land of peace."
The Yellow Rose is associated with friendship, intuition, and fun. It is governed by the goddess Hestia and its sign is The Intertwined Rings, or True Friendship.
As a Yellow Rose, you always look out for your friends. You would much rather have strong ties with friends than a single tie with a lover and your devotion to your friends is clear. You may have great intuition and be able to read emotions clearly, but sometimes you can seem distant yourself.
What Rose Is Your Soul Bound To? brought to you by Quizilla
Well that's all I've got! Till next time!
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Wednesday, January 14, 2004
It's 2:26 in the morning... go back to bed...
Yeah... more quiz results and not much else. By all rights, I shouldn't be awake...
If I were a Neopet... I'd be an Aisha!
Aishas are strange creatures with special abilities.
They have acute hearing and a penchant for magic. |  |
| Which Neopet are you? Click here to find out!
Funny... I used to be like so obsessed with Neopets and had the massive amounts of neopoints to prove it, but now, I could care less. I have better things to do, I suppose.
Here's another one.

What Magical Girl Are You?
Yes, I've been bored... I've still got a backlog of about five or so... Well, I'm probably going to experiment around a bit with that new style editor! ^_~
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Sunday, January 11, 2004
Yeah... I'm obsessed...
 Awwwww, poor Hiei! You melted his heart and now
he doesn't know what to think! You help him kill kuwabara, heal his wounds, and know when to talk to him! ^^ You have him confused. Don't you feel special?
Could you melt Hiei's icy heart? brought to you by Quizilla
Oh, and check this one out! Isn't he cyute!?

Who's Your Anime Boyfriend?
Okay, so those were two more off my backlog of quiz results... Well, GTG!
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Wednesday, January 7, 2004
Archeologists rock! (no pun intended)
Yep, I know that it was a weird post subject, but, It's season 7 of Stargate, so Fluffy's back! (Fluffy is Daniel Jackson, my fave character)
 Congrats! You're "Embracing the Knife of Ice"! (Kurama's song) You like hanging with friends and doing good deeds. You're kind of sweet and love the simple things in life. To you, life is a wonderful gift! Go here for your song! (You'll need a Quick Time Plug-in): http://wildwind22.tripod.com/sitebuildercontent/sitebuilderfiles/knife.mid
Which Yu Yu Hakusho song are you? (Includes pics, real songs and the titles to them! Also tells your personality!) brought to you by Quizilla
Ah, yes. Very nice. and, here's another one. Enjoy!
 You are Bastet! You love the sun and find healing in its rays. You love hot places, and though you are gentle, you are very dangerous when crossed.
What Egyptian Goddess Are You? brought to you by Quizilla
Well, GTG! C-ya all later!
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Tuesday, January 6, 2004
Yesh... We are de Ashgard
Knew I always loved those guys...
 You are the Asgard! Protectors of developing planets, one of the members of the Great Alliance, you're always looking for a "stupid" idea.
What alien race from Stargate: SG-1 are you? brought to you by Quizilla
And, another one...
What is your anime occupation? (pics) brought to you by Quizilla
Well, that's it for now! My computer's been down, so it's been kind of difficult to do anything...
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Tuesday, December 23, 2003
Ph33r m3
Ugh! I can't believe that I wrote something in the hacker dialect... It drives me crazy, actually... Well, got all of my friends's presents done except for 1! ^_^ Here's another quiz for all a ya to take!
 Waves, sand, seashells... you are an ocean dweller. You are thoughtful and very sweet to your friends, but unforgiving and imposing to those you think little of.
Which Other World Are You Secretly From? brought to you by Quizilla
Well, the rest of the world is calling! C-ya all next time!
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Monday, December 22, 2003
I'm not even done with my friend's presents, and here I am entering something in my journal... I should be so ashamed... Just saw LOTR: ROTK!!!!! It soooooooooo rox, and, after Christmas, the soundtrak is so mine!
 (Hiei's surprised you actually got this result!)
Congrats! You'd make an excellent friend for
Hiei! You know when to stay out of his way and when to not! Go you!
Could you be called Hiei's friend? (With pictures!) brought to you by Quizilla
?? Which Of The Greek Gods Are You ?? brought to you by Quizilla
So, there are two new quizzes. Enjoy!
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Thursday, December 18, 2003
Hysterical Flying Rocks!
Yep, SSJ Silver is weird... I've officially lost my mind, whatever of it I had left... Here I am trying to explain Stargate SG-1 in a little phone conversation! It would take pages and pages of essay to do this, and I should know it! Yee-arg! Not insulting my friend, but myself, for thinking that I could do this. It simply can not be done...
Anyway, on to my quiz results!
 Therian: You are human, more or less, but you have very strong emotion ties to the wolf, and you share a common spiritual bond with the entire lupine species.
What Breed of Werewolf are You? (Images) brought to you by Quizilla
Had this one laying about for a while, but never put it up...
And, here'a another one...

yup. That's me. Well, GTG! Just got a new pool table, and itching ta use it!
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