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Monday, March 5, 2007
A Fresh Start
Well, tomorrow I'll be heading back up to school to start the sping quarter on Wed. I feel like I was able to get alot done during this break and I felt alot more relaxed this time around. As soon as I finish the last part of my costume tonight, I'll be ready to get started with my new classes.
I'm also really excited about going to Momocon in Atlanta in two weeks. I'll get to see several of my con friends whom I haven't seen since Nov.
But recently, ever since I finallized my cosplay list for the year, I feel like there are so many cosplays I really want to do. But I guess they'll have to wait til next year. Here are some possiblities for next year:
-Lacus Clyne from Gundam Seed
-Kaoru/Buttercup from Powerpuff Girls Z
-Orihime from Bleach
-Katara from Avatar
-Lina Invers from Slayers
-Hinata from Naruto
I know, it's only March 2007 and I'm already making my plans for 2008. What can I say? I like to plan ahead.
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Sunday, February 25, 2007
Spring Quarter Break- and my list changes once again!
Well, I only have two exams on Monday, then I'll be heading back home for my quarter break. Yeah, I know I just got back to school from Mardi Gras break last Wednesday, but that's Winter quarter at LA Tech for ya.
After I take the GRE next Wed, I'll have the rest of break to work on my Tsunade cosplay for Momocon. I'll also get a chance to visit with my dad and step fam for the first time since x-mas. I don't really get to see them that often since I've been in college, so it's nice when I do get to visit. I'm really looking forward to this visit, because I'm taking my little step-brother to his first anime con this year and I'm helping him with his cosplay.
Well, speaking of cosplay, do to some new turn of events, my list has changed once again, but not that much, I just needed to kick some off to make room in my budget for a bigger project.
Momocon- March 17-18, Atlanta, GA
-Tsunade from Naruto
-Tenten from Naruto?
Metrocon- July 6-8, Tampa, FL
-Honda Tohru from Fruits Basket
-Tenten from Naruto
-Sailor Jupiter from Sailor Moon?
-formal version of Kino Makoto
Anime Weekend Atlanta- September 21-23, Atlanta, GA
-Honda Tohru from Fruits Basket
-TJ Tenten from Naruto
-Sailor Venus from Sailor Moon
-Neo Princess Venus from Sailor Moon?
Anime South- December 28-30, Destin, FL
-Honda Tohru from Fruits Basket
-Sailor Venus from Sailor Moon
-TJ Tenten from Naruto
-Tsunade from Naruto
-Neo Princess Venus from Sailor Moon
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Thursday, February 8, 2007
Now all I have to do is pass Organic Chem
Well, I've tweeked my cosplay/convention list. Here's where I currently stand:
Momocon- March 17-18, Atlanta, GA
-Tsunade from Naruto
Metrocon- July 6-8, Tampa, FL
-Honda Tohru from Fruits Basket
-Tenten from Naruto
-Sailor Jupiter from Sailor Moon
Anime Weekend Atlanta- September 21-23, Atlanta, GA
-TJ Tenten from Naruto
-Sailor V from Sailor Moon
-Honda Tohru from Fruits Basket
Anime South- December 28-30, Destin, FL
-Honda Tohru from Fruits Basket
-Tsunade from Naruto
-Sailor Venus from Sailor Moon
Also I found a really good fabric shop here in the small town I go to school.
Now that I've got my cosplay plans set, all thats left is to pass my classes. Well, time to go study my organic chemistry.
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Monday, January 29, 2007
Cosplay List 2007
Okay, this year I've gotten awfully ambisious with my cosplay list this year. But I'm also going to more cons this year, so I guess it balances out. The following is a list of the anime conventions I'll be attending this year along with who I'll be cosplaying at each one:
Metrocon- July 6-8, Tampa, FL
-Honda Tohru (summmer uniform) from Fruits Basket

-Sailor Jupiter from Sailor Moon

-Tenten from Naruto

Anime Weekend Atlanta- September 21-23, Atlanta, GA
-Tsunade from Naruto

-Sailor V from Sailor Moon

-Aino Minako from Sailor Moon
Anime South- Date:TBA, Destin, FL
-Honda Tohru from Fruits Basket

-Sailor Venus from Sailor Moon

-Tenten (timeskip version) from Naruto

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Friday, January 19, 2007
Happy Birthday to Me!
Well, this sunday, January 21st I will be turning 21. That's right, I will be officially legal in less than 34 hours. I'm heading back home to New Orleans to celebrate, since the parish I live in is "dry" on sundays.
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Sunday, January 14, 2007
Starting the New Year Off Right
Well, it's been a while since I posted anything here, so here it goes...
Happy 2007, everybody! Hope everyone had a great break and holiday. In light of the new year, I've made several resolutions, some of which I haven't kept, but here they are and how I've kept up with them so far:
1) Keep my room clean- I cleaned it just yeterday
2) Start going back to church- missed last week, but am going tonight
3) Study more- so far so good
4) Finish 5-6 costumes for 3 conventions this year- 33% complete w/ the 1st
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Sunday, October 22, 2006
I Can't Wait!
Well, so far this quarter, things have gone pretty well. I was originally taking Organic Chemstry, Sociology, Genitics, and Horse Training (as an elective), but I had to drop Genetics since the teacher sucks.
I moved into my new apartment last month and living off campus is great; so much better than the dorms. My roomie surprised me with a sorta house warming present, a ribbon snake. His name is Ayame (yes, as in Ayame Sohma from Fruits Basket).
The other day I got another pet, this time a ferret and I named him Yuki (starting to notice a pattern here ^_-
For the past few weeks, I've been studying and working on my costumes for Halloween and Anime South, a con in Destin, FL the weekend after. The cosplays I'm planning are Kagome, Kagura, and Cagalli. I really can't wait til Nov. but I gotta make sure I keep up with my studies -_-'
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Friday, September 1, 2006
The return of the AWOL princess
Ha! Ha!
After several months, I finally return, better than ever!! Ok, maybe not that much better, but I am back. Well, so as not to bore you too much with what I've been up to the past 6 months, I'll sum it up in a few short sentences:
Finished 2nd year of college. Quit horrible RA job. Got MUCH better job at vet clinic. Moving into a new 4-bed/bath apartment next week.
Well, the aniversery of Katrina came a went, with all the bells and whistles (enphasise on bells). At first I though about going down to St. Louis Cathedral in the Quarter and one of the bell ringing memorials, but when I woke up on Tuesday, I just didn't feel up to it. I was just so sick of hearing about the slow recovery effort, FEMA's endless list of pitfalls, and the perpetual hurricane blame game.
I remember 4 years ago on the 1st aniversery of 9/11, I wrote here that we were all affected by the events of that day. Well, if I was "affected" by 9/11, then Katrina was a literal slap in the face. Everyday as I drive around town I am reminded of that disaster. I really can't wait till I go back up to school and get away from all this.
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Wednesday, March 22, 2006
The Newbies Make my Brain Hurt
Okay, recently I've been getting back in the habit of frequenting OB's Arena forum. That's where all the RPG's and such take place. And I've noticed an increase in new member activity. Now for the past few years, I don't think it's been too bad, for the most part, newbies read the rules and/or keep a low profile until they figure things out. But recently the newbies have been very active and despite several of their substandard threads getting locked, they still refuse to read the rules and keep litering the Adventure Square and Adventure Inn forums with poor post quality and spam.
I really wish these new guys would just listen to the mods and read the rules. They're making my poor brain hurt.
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Tuesday, February 14, 2006
My Choice
Well, Valenetine's Day is once again upon us. For many of us, especially those of us with significant others, it is the day of love. For the past few years, I've tended to be a bit bitter and resentful, like many single folk. But this year, I've decieded to take a bit more possitive approach to this cupple-exclusive holiday.
I've recently made the desision to remain single. I've really have tried to date, but it just feels too forgin to me. I would rather not push to the point it hurts. I also know I can live a perfectly happy life without getting married. My family has yet to accept my decision, but I really don't care about the traditonal family life.
I would rather be a romantic daydreamer, but I know that fairy tale romances are nothing more than a fairy tale.
So to break away from my somber mood, here are some more funny anime examples of why love hurts:

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