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myOtaku.com: ssjSolarPrincess

Friday, September 2, 2005

I can't go home!
Well even though I can't, things should still be ok for the next few months. Today my mom is supposed to drive up here to Monroe to get me and my brother. This will be the first time I've seen her since last Sat. She'll then get me some more cloths and some bedding for my dorm room. I'll be moving into my dorm this Sat. so I will have a place to stay, plus my university meal plan should keep me from starving, thank goodness I already paid my fees for this quarter.

Well, now on top of everything else, I'm starting to get sick. I guess this is from all the stress and not eating properly for a week. That too should change once I get settled at school.

My mom and brother, once they get me settled in my dorm, will then drive to Destin, FL where they'll be living for the next few months. My aunt, my mom's oldest sister, has a fairly large condo down there that was recently fixed up after Ivan and Dennis. From what I hear, a good chunck of my family is going to be staying there, so it's going to get pretty crowded, especially for Thanksgiving, my first break.

Right now, all I consider still having are the things I have with me, which isn't very much, but at least I have my laptop, my cellphone, my digital camera, and some of my art supplies. I consider myself lucky to have these things.

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