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myOtaku.com: ssjSolarPrincess

Monday, September 5, 2005

   Murphy's Law
For those of you who don't know this law, it states that "Everything that can go wrong, will go wrong." Ok, so this isn't a real scientific law, rather a sarcastic way to explain why everything seems to go wrong at once, but it just seems like it's coming into play in my life. Let me explain: first there was the hurricane, as you all obviously know. Then, my dad rebroke his leg during the storm and ended up in the hospital, again! Also my brother's tire on his bronco blew out, not once, but three times! Plus on top of everything else, it took my mom and brother 12 hours to get to Destin yesterday, a trip that would normally take 8 or nine hours. I guess having to wait in line for gas had a lot to do with it.

Well, in other news, I'm offically moved into my dorm now. The only things I don't have that I'm really missing now are my car and my TV, but hey, you can't have everything. I'm really missing my mom right now, even though it's only been 24hrs since I last saw her. I guess I just really want to be with my family right now, but that just isn't an option for me now since with my current finacial situation, it's more vital than ever to mantain my current scholarships and make myself eligable for new ones.

Once my classes start next Monday, things should start moving at a quicker pace. My goal is once again straight A's, even though I probibly won't get it (Aim for the moon and you'll fall short. Aim for the stars and you's reach the moon.) I like that quote, and it's a pretty good philosophy to live by when setting your goals.

Well that's all I have for now!

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