star wars fan
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Friday, April 18, 2008
omg. the last time i was able to update was over a month ago. wow. well, i guess i should take this time to tell you guys where ive been and where im going to be going. im grounded. so, yeah. i snuck on right now which is why im able to post this. so yeah. i have to go. bye guys
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Saturday, March 1, 2008
OH MY GOSHERS! you know how i was going to meet my bf's family today? well, i did and....theyre awesome to the max. like seriously. it was awesome. oh, by the way, i will not be posting this weekend because i will be extremely busy with band and i have baby sitting. grrr. but yessum. this suxors. eh. but yeah. i am making this a short post at that because i have to go to bed soon because i have to wake up early tomorrow for that band thing. ugh. i kinda dont wanna go, but i have to because its mandatory for all of the people who are like going to hawaii this spring with the band. so i have to go. but it is my bf and i's 4 month deal thingy so i guess that adds .05% excitement to it. haha. well, have fun over the weekend and all that jazz. =]

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Thursday, February 28, 2008
hello there friends. for some odd reason, i am not worried so much right now about the same worries that troubles me yesterday. i have no clue why. i am slightly nervous though. i am to meet my boyfriend's family tomorrow. i dont know why i am so nervous, but i just am. i have already met his mother who apparently likes me a lot, but i fear that they just wont. i even went shopping for a new outfit. pathetic, no? i think its that this is my first like really serious relationship where weve gone on dates and im meeting the family and stuff. i do feel that i am taking this too far as well. why lord, why? =| eh. ill leave it there. love ya guys!

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Tuesday, February 26, 2008
gosh. this place is so boring right now because no one's commenting or posting. it seems like some sort of fear till VV comes out or something. wtf?! its a deadbeat place. i feel like its one of those ghost towns in the old western movies where the tumble weed bounces across the screen or something. you guys do know you can post, right? my friend Keeper of Souls told me how. so for those of you who dont know, ill tell you know. okay. you know how they surgically removed theotaku from myotaku? well, all you have to do is log into theotaku and you're set. you can comment all the people you want. pappy? now for real news with megan. i had two big tests today, and i think i may have done good. the thing is, is that one of them is in science. the problem with that is that i did no hw in that class and we turned in hw packets.[its a packet with 10 assignments one the front that are signed off to the credit theyre fully worth and the actual assignments underneath that sheet.] i didnt do anything so i didnt turn in a packet. it scares me. i need to start doing the work now for that class or im gonna fail. did you know that it takes 5 A's to rule out one F in grading?! im so gonna get killed. im so scared that i wont do well or anything. but its also that its tough right now. my mom just got out of the hospital with having a tumor removed from her. she's put on bed rest right now so we kinda all have to do our best to take care of her. i mean, the only reason the doctor says she should get up is if she goes to the bathroom or is taking a shower in which case she has to sit down in the tub and have her bf wash her. so...yeah. i guess i have a small excuse...but not really. but it is hard. im afraid im gonna fail this class though. another thing. my bdays coming up here on march 19th. my pops is getting me an ipod. the thing is is that hes getting me a 4GB and i already have more than that on my itunes. he says in the case of this matter, i have to save up the $50 difference for an 8GB. the problem with that is that i was going to save up some money to go somewhere with my bf and his bro and his bros gf. theyre kool so no, it wont be awkward. i wanted to, but i wont have any money too. grrr. i dont know what to do! i mean, i dont have that much over 4GB so i could just not put some things on there. i mean...i dont know. ugh. so, yeah. ill leave it at that. well, ill be on and posting and commenting and PMing so feel free to chat.

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Monday, February 25, 2008
hey guys. im like bored and tired and yeah. im starting to do better in my classes! =D well, except science that is. i dont know why that class like hates me. whatever. eh. so do you guys like the new song? =D i love it. well, yeah. that's all i have to really post on right now. till next time, ttyl.

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Thursday, February 21, 2008
hey guys. just visited my mum at st.josephs hospital the other day because she had her surgery. it went well, but then she had some massive bleeding thing after. but they fixed that up then. other than that, school sucks. all my teachers have stuck me next to my friends in all of my classes so you can kinda guess it form there. i have like Ds and Fs in like every class except band and probably math. i know for sure in science because they stuck me with one of my friends on one side, and my bf on the other. stupid, right? ill pull through though...i think. hopefully. eh. i hope you are all well.

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Saturday, February 16, 2008
hey guys. apparently comments are down from what i hear. okay, i guess. eh. you have to expect these bumps in the road for the modifications of version vibrant [VV]. so after all of this going on, i still dont even know what VV is. its been on a notice at the top of the screen ever since ive joined which was years ago, but ive never really bothered to go check out to see what it is. i guess its just left for my imagination. xD well, nothing great has been going on i guess. nothing to really comment on, ya know? oh, by the way, happy valentines day peoples. i hope it was all chocolates and flowers and teddy bears and kisses and stuff. xD meh. i know a lot of people believe it to be a stupid hallmark holiday. well, mines was pleasant ill have you know. =] but yeah. i hope you guys are doing well. i will be checking messages and perhaps posting, but i was told comments are down. my apologies, friends. =]
xD like the second def.?

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Tuesday, February 12, 2008
hey guys. so apparently theyre like surgically removing theotaku to make room for version vibrant. to tell you the truth, i dont even know what version vibrant is. xD apparently its a big deal though because apparently its been under way for a few years now. im anticipating something good. =] oh, and i fixed things with my friend. so i guess things are going good now. so, yeah.

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Tuesday, February 5, 2008
hey guys. i dont really have a lot of time on here because im posting before skool and i haff to leave in 15 min. not only that, but i also haff to visit a few sites to post comments on. so...yeah. this post'll be uber short. well, theres nothing to post on actually. i guess i can just say that i got switched into geography instead of research and tech now because apparently thats just what happens and thats like some requirement to pass high skool. meh. i have my band teach as the geo teach. apparently he teaches both. thats rad. hes awesome. other than that, i just into this small fight with one of my friends. =[ shes was kinda being mean though. i was trying to help her with this problem she had, and she somehow decided to twist it so she could blame it all on me. and i tried to help her, ya know? so mean. psht. well, yeah. thats all i really haff to say. =] oh, and by the way loves, i obviously have a new song. i heard it on the radio, and i fell in love with it immediately. and i oddly dont normally like this band. but this was good.

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Sunday, February 3, 2008
well, i dont expect anyone to be on at the moment or till tomorrow that is. or at least if you're in america. tis the superbowl tonight. guess what? i dont really care. >xD yes, i am apparently evil. well, its just not an animalistic ritual in this house. we watch, but nothing huge. so, yeah. like the new page? i wanted for the song to be green finch and linnet bird from sweeney todd, but it cut off every bloody time. but that woulda been perfect. so...yeah. damn game. b/c of it, theres a shortage of people on AIM and gchat. damn game...grrrr. oh well. ill have to live with it. but when the game's over, i bet everyone's gonna be on to talk about it. psht. stupidity at its finest. eh. w/e.

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