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Friday, June 22, 2007
yay! i made time to post today! woot! well, not much to write about today. i went back to my school to help my teacher pack, and help another teacher clean desks. ah, summer break. i won't be seeing them till august though because that's when i'll be going to my old school[the school i've been helping at] to help them stuff registration envelopes[which there are about 1,000 of] and helping out with running a program called W.E.B. wow. i feel like i work at my middle school even though i just got out of there to go to high school. =] it's so great because my middle school was like a home away from home to me. it was my sanctuary. i will always carry the memories that i created there in my heart. and i will always remember those who helped me get through my middle school years which were very tough for me. but, it'll all be okay in the end, it always is.
i'm also happy today because my friend named alecs and i have planned a little get together to go to see HP 5 with some of our other friends. and one of the other people who are coming with us is the guy i kinda sorta like...or have a crush on. whichever is your prefrence to call it. so, yea. he knows, but i don't care because he likes me too. i'm soooo happy!!!!!! =] he's going to beckman and i'm going to foothill, but that's okay because i'm going to transfer over to beckman in my sophomore year anyways if all goes well. yup. we're not going out, though. we just like each other. i'm just so excited because maybe he'll ask the night that we go if i want to go out with him. if so, i'll most likely post the longest post in the history of man the next day. because ya know, i've never wanted anything more in my life. he's just so awesome. and guess what? he likes anime and star wars and he plays video games! perfect for me. he's also smart and strong. he plays 3 instruments and he's one of the smartest kids on campus. and guess what? he's asian! =]]]] i'll post a pic in my next post. he's just awesome, and he knows that i think that. he thinks that i'm awesome too. *sigh* it's hard to describe it, i guess.
but of course, one of my friends whom wasn't invited found out about the entire thing and wants to tag along. so, i kinda had to lie to her in order to cover it up. -.-' no one wants her there, and it's kinda sad. she's nice to be around, but we know that she'd be nosy about us liking each other and she'd think that she knew everything about anyone when in reality, she knows nothing. oh well. it's funny because my friend alecs was thinking about inviting her, and i was thinking about inviting my friend sammy. but, alecs doesn't like sammy that much. they're friends, but she's kinda like my friend that i don't want to come. so, alecs and i made a deal that sammy wouldn't be invited if mattie[the friend that i don't want to come] wouldn't be invited. lmfao.
i'm also happy today because i'm leaving for vacation soon. my mom and i are gonna go on a road trip through northern california. it's gonna be so awesome! woot! we do it almost every year. normally my brother comes with us, but he's not coming this year. he didn't want to. eh. i guess he's just not the outdoors camping type. but that's okay because a lot of people aren't. my friend mattie is mad that i'm going though. because the thing is, she's in volleyball camp, and she has the july 4th, 5th, and 6th off, and i'm leaving on the 3rd. eh. oh well. but, i'm super excited about it! oh, speaking of my vacation, i'm leaving on july 3rd, and i'm coming back late at night on the 9th. but i guess you can basically say that i come back on the 10th because we're gonna be back late at night on the 9th. so, i won't be able to log on or post in that time. sorry. well, at least it's not like i'm forgetting like i normally do. so, yea. that's all for today. i guess it was a lot more than i planned. =]

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Thursday, June 21, 2007
lol. still having a hard time to make time to post. well, today i helped my old 6th grade teacher and my ASB teacher from last year [the same person], pack up the things in her classroom because the district transferred her to go to teach at hillview high school next school's awesome because next year i'm going to foothill high and hillview high is right across the street. =] the reason being is that hillview is a repeat school, and foothill is a normal school. but things will change the year after that[my sophomore year], because then i'll be transferring to beckman high. i can't wait to go there! i have tons of friend that are going there, so that'll be awesome! but, the high school i want to go to most[which my parents will not let me go to], is tustin high. i really want to be in the M.U.N. program and i want to be with my best friend alecs. it just plain sucks. yea, i really want to go to beckman, but i'd love to go to tustin most. she's my best friend, and it just sucks that i can't go to the same school as her. the reason is, my parents don't like the school. they think i'll get shot. it's really odd because that's the reputation that that school just has, and nothing like that happens. people also think that it's filled with drugs, but the school in our district with the drug problem is foothill. wanna know why? because rich people go there who are bored and just wanna ruin their lives. then, people think that it has a bad education. that's also not true. if you look at the list for the best high school education wise, tustin high is actually #1. but, i'm okay with me not going anyways, because she'd be like the only person there that i'd know. well, her and her brother, but i don't know him that well. apparently he's #1 on the tennis team. but, it's okay. she'll beat him. =] not only that, but i know that we'll stay in contact. i just know it. why? because even though i'm not supposed to, i'm going to visit her at the library everyday she's volunteering there. also, i'm going to go see HP 5 with her and a couple of my other friends. yes, we're gonna be seeing each other a lot over the summer. and one school year won't be much. after that, i'm going to beckman, so we're obviously going to stay friends there because almost all of her other friends are going to beckman. so, i'll be okay then. well, i might post again, but for the mean time, i'm going to end this post. =]

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Friday, June 15, 2007
wow. first post in months. i'm sorry, but i've just been so busy with school and friends that i totally forgot. my apologies. well, it also appears to me that my page is also boring. so, i'm going to be taking the initiative to change it within the next few days. sorry for not posting...again.

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Saturday, April 21, 2007
hey guys. what's up? hmmmmmm...i'm gonna be dragged out of the house in a few by my friends to go to the block. we're going to go see meet the robinsons. do i want to go? no. that has got to be the last movie i want see. i personally want to go see either blades of glory or teenage mutant ninja turtles. oh well. maybe there's a store there that sells better comp. mouses. this one sucks. like everything on this new comp pwnes but the mouse. i swear on my almost non-existing life that i will destroy this thing. oh well. i have to live with it for now. till the next time i post; adios!
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Monday, April 9, 2007
new page and stuff. i decided that it was time to bust out some rock, yea. i'm soooooooooooooooooo boreeeeeed!!!!!!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!

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Sunday, April 8, 2007
hey guys! happy easter!!! woot woot!

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Saturday, April 7, 2007
hey guys. lol, i forgot how my oven worked. so, i burt a batch of cookies. but, i learned how it worked, and now everything's okay. the reason why i'm baking is because tomarrow's Easter and i'm baking cookies and cake for the brunch. so, yea. i've been kinda slaving in the kitchen for a few hours now...well, happy easter if i don't log on tomarrow!

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Thursday, April 5, 2007
sooooooooooooo bored right now. no one is home and i am in no mood to go to my friends house...oh, but i made my first banner thingy on paint. it's naruhina, of course. ^^ their my fav naruto couple. but, yea. i'll post a clickable thumbnail below. but, for some strange reason, the pink turned to this purplish color when i was saving it...oh well. ttyl!

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Tuesday, April 3, 2007
hey guys! my week got way better. i got a new iPod video, and i'm going to go see john mayer in concert. w00t! so, yea. ttyl.

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Friday, March 30, 2007
ugh. this week was supposed to be a good week for me. ya wanna know why? my birthday. my birthday was 2 weeks ago, but because of everyone around me's plans, any celebration got postponed till this week. and, guess what? this is the worst week of my life. i lost my cell phone, my dad put my jacket in which my iPod was in the pocket in the washer so my iPod's ruined, and now i can't go to knott's berry farm with my friend because she got grounded, and my other friend who i invited can't go because she's going on a cruise. nothing's going good and i give up. i told everyone that i didn't want to do anything this year. but, because i turned 13 last year, and that got ruined, they insisted that this be the best year ever. but instead, this year is even worse. and, when i complain one small bit about it, i get yelled at. i hate my birthday. i hate my school friends. i hate my parents. they ruin anything and everything for me. ugh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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