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Saturday, February 2, 2008
hey guys! guess what? my finals went great! i got an A on my english final! i also got a B+ in math, a C in science, and A in research and tech. so, yeah. skool's good now. for the exception of sci, i am passing all of my classes. i have a D in sci still. =[ i just need to raise that now. its at like a 64% though. its gonna take forever. ugh. i feel so.....ugh. that like brings down everything. =[[[ but my rents got pizza for dinner to celebrate the others. so yaaaaay!

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Friday, February 1, 2008
hey guys. im baaaaaccccckkkkk. =D well, nothings really been happening, but i am baqk. =] so thats a good thing i guess. since i missed it...HAPPY BDAY KEEPER OF SOULS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! =D we haff to do something together, dood. but, yeah. im here...

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Friday, January 25, 2008
hey guys. im home sick today. ugh. it suxors. my whole body aches, and im not gonna even start with the rest of it. it just suxors. so yeah. i decided to hop online and shtuff. i dont really haff to worry about skool shtuff though b/c my bf is picking it all up and giving it to mah bro. so i guess thats good. b/c its all important study shtuff b/c finals are next week. theyre on tues, wed, thurs. theyre all minimum days. woot. and plus, theres no hw. so i guess thats all good. im not too worried about my finals except for sci and math. engrish will be easy, but im not too sure about those 2. so i am going to study all weekend for those. sci and band r on the 1st day, spanish and research and tech r on the 2nd day, and math and engrish r on the 3rd day. so i guess i have plenty of time to study for math, but i need to get a move on for sci. so, when do u guys have ur finals?

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Saturday, January 19, 2008
hey guys. wowzers. i havent posted in a while. haha. well, nothings really been going on, so theres nothing to really post about. lol. so, yeah. just so you know, i do log on and check me mail. so if you do wanna talk. PM me. and ill post when something happens.

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Sunday, January 6, 2008
i saw sweeney todd. it's like the best movie ever. im seeing it again next weekend. its so rad and gory. im not gonna tell you the plot and shtuff tho in case u wanna see it. =] but i highly recommends it especially to horror film lovers. the blood is excellent. i must say that i love the symbolism of the mainly black and white of the movie. okay. i'll shut up now. sorry. in a bitchy mood today. i dont wanna listen to my mum today. eh. screw it. im in no mood to listen to what she has to say about my music being toooo loud and stuff. i hate it when she does that. it kills me. its my music. i listen to it as loud as i want. and also they're my ears and i can ruin them as fast as i want to. >=P so she can stfu. heh. its the last day of break. she can let me be the lazy ass and the rude bitch i am on these days. seriously. would i seriously want to listen to her on my last day of winter break? fuck no. and i know this sounds totally terrible and dramatic, but i seriously think shes out to get me some times. she just wants to make my life a living hell or annoy the shit out of me. fuck it. shes not gonna make me any bit a better person. only worse and bitchier. stupid parents. not like they follow the god damn rules anyways. and when you ask, they're all like,"but im an adult." next time she does that, i'll be all like,"well you can kiss my ass." lolol. probably not thought because i will more than likely have a lack of courage at the last second. eh. my life. she can eave it alone. >=[ sorry. i just hate people who try to dictate my life. its so annoying and retarded. the thing is, people really only do that shit because theyre not satisfied with their own life. so i find it best to fight against it. eh. i'll just turn up my music even louder. mwahahahahaaaaa. eeeeeevvvvviiiilllll brewing in my head. >=]]]]] lol. my friends say that ill be like the next sweeney todd except ill like kill every parent in the world. why not? lol. actually, if someone did that, the human race would become extinct or there would be constant killing because in order for us to carry on, we must reproduce which would turn us all into i guess thats the major flaw in my plan. haha. well, i'll talk to you guys later.

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Thursday, January 3, 2008
hey guys. going to the movies today to go see the golden compass. eh. im not looking too forward to seeing it. last night i got in a fight with one of my friends whom im going with. joy, right? ugh. it sucks. oh well. so yesterday i went to my grandparents house to go and take the family holiday photo despite the fact that christmas was like 2 weeks ago. the freaking sun was right in my eyes, my little cousins[not babies. the youngest is 6] would not stop squirming and stuff, and of course we attempted to match, but we didnt. my grandmother said nice beige[wth is up w/these gay color names?! BEIGE?! JUST CALL IT TAN FOR CHRISTS SAKE!] bottoms with either a nice white or black top. i show up in a beige skirt[which she pre-approved of] and a black shirt. my brother did likewise. my bro and my grandma were wearing sunglasses in the pic, one of my cousins was wearing a white jersey, one of my cousins was wearing black shorts with a black shirt with a giant skull on it, and my grandpa was wearing a red sweater. we probably look like a retarded family who doesnt know how to match anything. how joyful that will be to send out. *rolls eyes* so then afterwards, one of my cousins friends kevin shows up randomly uninvited[the kid doesnt even live near there.]. they run around an shit and knock over like everything near them. so while this is happening, my bro, one of my cousins, and i play it safe by just sitting on the couch in the den and watch tv. so then the runnign around kids decide to join. they all wanna watch something different, so like everyones whining. amidst this all, i decided to pull out a piece of gum and chew it. its natural for me. im like addicted to it. so then i have like 10 kids look at me all at once and then they start whining about wanting gum. then i finally just yell no. then they start to whine more about that and about them not being able to watch the tv show they wanna watch. so then my bro and i get so sick of it that we go into the other room and just watch our show in there. but of course we have to hear from the other room about how wants to remote and who wants to see what and about why someone just bumped into someone else. may brother and i just looked at each other and started to laugh so hard. lolol. it was hilarious. then the one cousin who was with us before everyone came in from before runs in and automatically sits on my lap b/c im her fav cousin. the thing was, we were watching the show future weapons on tv[its either on discovery or history. i forgot.]. so i have to tell her that she should get out of the room b/c she was too young to watch it.[shes 6] then of course b/c shes a 6 year old, she starts to cry and she runs away. ugh. it was SO annoying and just stupid yet funny at the same time. haha. damn. this post is long. better end it here. thanks for reading it if you dared to read it. =]

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Wednesday, January 2, 2008
hey guys. what's up? hope you had a great new years. i didnt really. =[ new years was like the "monthaverssary"[thats what my friend mattie calls them] for my bf and i. her bf and her had it on the same day. they went out for a romantic dinner and chit. my bf didnt even contact me. he hasnt for the past 2 weeks since break. i know i sound clingy but i cant help but be a little jealous of her. oh well. so...yeah. btw, i was thinking of seeing the golden compass tomorrow, and i was wondering if anyone saw it already if it was, yeah. please tell me if what u thought of it.

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Tuesday, January 1, 2008
omg. the concert rocked hard socks! i love hellogoodbye! and guess what? my sister went to elementary, middle, and high skool w/them. she like personally knows them! =D omg. i asked her that if for my bday i could meet them and she said yes if they're not on tour. that means i could possibly get to meet forrest kline! omg. he is so cute. he is the only kinda famous person i have a crush on. =D well, gtg. ill post a pic of my dearly beloved.

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Thursday, December 27, 2007
hey guys. =D xmas was rad. i got a cellphone finally! yaaaay! well, i would do a list of the things i got like usual, but im really lazy. i'll be on everyday this week, but not posting most likely. so if you PM me, i'll know you did, and respond. oh, two of the gifts were tickets to one of my fav bands, hellogoodbye for tonight, and tickets to like my fav band, the bravery. so that's rad. i'll post up on the concert wither tomorrow or the day after. =]

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Monday, December 24, 2007
hey peoples! happy xmas eve. =] i wont be on tomorrow, [i might be if im lucky] so im saying happy xmas now as well. actually, i have to be getting ready to leave now b/c im leaving today too. ugh. eh. well, happy xmas!

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