star wars fan
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Sunday, December 23, 2007
hey guys. i am like so bored right now. =.= kill meee. eh. since tomorrow's xmas eve, its my first half of xmas for me b/c my rents r divorced. my pops get xmas eve, and my mum gets xmas day. so yay i guess. i dont know, but xmas has totally jumped on me this year. like a few days ago on the news, they mentioned 'last-minute shopping', and i was all like,"last minute...?" then like a minute later, i was all like,"OMG! XMAS IS COMING IN 6 DAYS!" haha. my bro was cracking up on the couch. xDDD the thing is, since xmas for my dads house is tomorrow, i always get his xmas present first. i totally forgot till today, and i have to give it to him by tomorrow. xDDD nice, no? my mum and i are going out shopping for it later. eh. i dont know what to get him, as usual.

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Saturday, December 22, 2007
hey guys. i finally got an imeemy thingy.[i still have kinks to fix, and limit mah songs b/c i have like 70] haha. i know. im years behind everyone else. lol. i roll like that. lazy. loozerish. xD hunh. well, i should be posting like every day now b/c i just let out on break. yaaaay! not only that, but xmas is right around the corner. and tomorrow, im gonna go to mah friends house and celebrate late haunikah. i may not be jewish, but i celebrate them b/c i think the jews are rad. =D i know. im an odd one. haha. ugh. i am so bored. i have no clue why. eh hmmm...creating a play list thats more like 20 long instead of 70. lol. well, maybe like 30 songs. haha. well, ttyl!
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Wednesday, December 19, 2007
hey guys. nothing to really say right now. =| eh. sooooo sleeeeeepyyyyyy. btw, i wanna say this as keeper of souls did, a christmas theme is never coming to the site. i had one for a day, and then it drove me nuts. well, gtg to skool now. bb.
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Monday, December 17, 2007
wasnt at skool today. i wasnt feeling well[emotionally]. first day this whole year. so i have the right to, i guess. so, yeah. nething new?
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Sunday, December 16, 2007
hey guys. not too much to report on today. later im going to the mall unfortunately to go get a secret santa present for my friend jessica, and something for my friend bethany, and possibly something for my friend josh. i guess i dont have to worry much about my friend josh, because he goes to a different high school in our district called beckman. so i guess i t may be a little harder to give him his xmas present....well, haunikah for him. eh. i do have to get it though. i would feel bad if i didn't. =] i also have to start thinking of what to get my dad. he's so hard to shop for. my moms kinda easy, but dad's just difficult. hey, im not a guy. how would i know what he wants? jeez. my moms easy though. i guess its because shes like me inn the sense that a store like best buy comes before a make up store like mac. nerdiness runs in the family. my dad's not too nervous. hes like one of those surfer d00ds. so southern cali even though hes 50. o.O haha. i mean, a surf board would please him, but those are so expensive. >.< eh. well, im gonna stop blabbering on and let you guys go. ttyl!

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Friday, December 14, 2007
okay. in science yesterday, our notes session in class turned into a huge talk about global warming. then it moved into a talk about them cars that run on veggie oil. then i was all like,"they better not mass produce those. as a vegetarian, it worries. all the veggies will be gone. so why doesnt america get off their lazy asses and walk? i mean, i do understand some distances, but a lot, no. do this car thing and we get our veggies taken away. EQUAL RIGHTS FOR VEGETARIANS, FOO!" and then everyone started screaming,"screw the vegetarians!" and then it pretty much broke out into a war. xD that was like the best science class ever! i hope we have another today. on another note, i would like to say that daily quotes have ended. i am too lazy to find them.

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Wednesday, December 12, 2007
hey guys. comments are back up. =]] yaaay! i just owed comments. xD well, my illness is starting to get better. =] so, thats a great thing. other than that, i think you may have noted that the christmas theme is gone. i couldnt handle it. i wanna say it was too happy, but it was just too unlike me i guess. eh.

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Tuesday, December 11, 2007
ugh. comments are down and i owe comments. >=[ i hate matinence. its even worse when the whole site is under it for like everything. >=P meanies. it depresses me. well, if you havent noticed, ive been going for a christmas theme. a new banner and icon should be coming soon in my myo nearest to you. xD so, yeah. im still working on the banner. its more difficult than it will look. haha. well, its probably my impatience that'll make em think its harder than it is. hahahaha. thats me for ya. well, my illness has been getting a little better. =] and even in greater news, i'm moving. i'm going to be moving to this city called garden grove. eh. it's gonna be okay. and for keeper of souls, im still gonna be going to foothill. im really happy about it yet at the same time im really sad about it. it just kinda sucks all at the same time...
"they're not gonna be happy because they're not happy with themselves"-work that by mary j. blige

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Saturday, December 8, 2007
hey guys. yay weekend! uh. so tired. kinda happy though. my rents are out more seeing as they need to do christmas shopping. so i guess thats good b/c my bro is out a lot at his friend's house and that means i get to be home alone more. i like it that way. i hate it when they're spying for my every move. it annoys the hell outta me. i mean, it's not like i do anything bad, but its just annoying. im extremely sick right now though so i guess im even more glad they go out. ughhhhh. at first i thought i had a cold, but now it seems more apparent as a cough which is even worse in my book. this sucks mucho. eh. i'll live...hopefully. xDDDD well, i hope you guys have a nice weekend and get some rest from the stupid and tiring school. =]]]
"if you fall, i will catch you-i'll be waiting. time after time..."-time after time by quietdrive

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Friday, December 7, 2007
hey guys. not much to really report. the only thing i really have to say is that today one of my favorite bands, quietdrive, came to preform at my school. my friend johan and i were screaming, it was so awesome and amazing. no one else had really heard of them, but that was okay b/c we were in love. i was pretty much shaking and trembling. xDD i yelled,"can i have your babies?" xDDDDDD everyone was freaked out and they just laughed.

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