star wars fan
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Wednesday, December 5, 2007
hey guys. im actually posting today. haha. well, nothings been going on really. im sick and im grounded so i got hit with a double whammy. =[[ oh well. it happens to all of us. i hope you guys r well. and seeing as im grounded, im probably not going to be able to hop on much.
1. how old were you when you first fell in love?
2. do you celebrate christmahaunikwanzikah?[the mesh of christmas, haunikah, and kwanzaa all together.]
"who are you to judge the life i live? i know im not perfect-and i dont live to be. but before you start pointing your fingers, make cure your hands are clean."-bob marley

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Friday, November 30, 2007
hey guys. long time no post. haha. well, not much has happened since i last posted. the only news i have is that tomorrows my bf and i's one monther. =] not only that, but it's the longest parade the band's had yet. and guess what? it may even snow.
:D yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay. so happy. well, that's all.[btw, no song quote today. just a quote said to me that i thought was cute even though i have a bf]
1. would you rather be a penguin in a dolphin's body or a dolphin in a penguin's body?
2.would you rather die from it being too hot or it being too cold?
"my heart's missing a you fit?"-josh l.

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Sunday, November 25, 2007
lazy and hungry. thats how i feel today. ugh. i have to clean my room though and get a hair cut later. =[ oh well. my hair needs it. ugh. sooo long and puffy. =[ im trimming it and thinning it. after that im probably going for a jog with me mum. she says the reason why i get so tired is because i never really work out. makes sense. it's only been this school year, and i dont have p.e. hunh. i probably wont though. i dont wanna jog. eh.
some questions today as well come...
1-what would you do if your bf/gf cheated on you? [if this does not apply, then just pretend it does, please.]
2-what's your favorite band?
3-what's your fav kinda candy?
"build a wall of books between us in our bed, repeat, repeat the things that i know we both said."-back your head by tegan and sara

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Saturday, November 24, 2007
hey guys. the game was great. well, not really. we lost by 31, so we're outta the league play offs. oh well i guess. all glory ends, no? eh. i have to say that i have mixed feelings. glad b/c i dont have to go to games. bad b/c that's mah teeeeeeeem. ah well. they have 3 more years to get a championship. it kinda sucks though b/c all of the best players we've ever had are seniors this year. well, i hope we win. but, yeah. that's pretty much it. talk to you guys later! =DDDD
"don't sell your heart, don't say we're not meant to be. run baby run. forever will be, you and me." check yea juliet by we the kings

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Friday, November 23, 2007
hey guys. im so happy. i get the day off today. yaaay. =D haha. i just need to sleeeep. and im baking a cake for my mom's bday tomorrow. not only that, but im probably going to get my hair cut. and then later, im going to go to a football game to perform. yay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! that'll be the best part of my day. why? because my boyfriend will probably be there. yaaaaaay! so happyyyyyyyyyyyy. sprry. i know i probably seem like a total dork now. eh. i cant help it.
"i'm falling even more in love with you
letting go of all i've held onto" hanging by a moment by lifehouse

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Thursday, November 22, 2007
hey guys. ugh. im so tired right now. its like unbelievable i guess because when i wake up in the morning upon my own accord like this morning, i am usually not tired. but upon this very morning, i find myself more tired than ever. eh. im so hungry right now too, but my moms making breakfast burritos. i mean, they sound good, but they normally make me sick so i cant eat them. it sucks. eh. to my personal opinion, i make better eggs anywho. no meat though. we're vegetarians. =D meat free. and because i know im going to have this question asked, i would like to say that i am a health vegetarian, not a political vegetarian. and for those who don't know, a political vegetarian is someone who thinks eating meat is wrong, and like peta i guess. they just think its immoral. health vegetarians are vegetarians who just do it because they think its healthier and better for your body. so yeah. so i have decided to do a new postly thing like my postly picture. its gonna be a song quote that fits my mood. =D so yeah. talk to you guys later. HAPPY THANKSGIVING EVERYBODY!
"i'll stay forever and love whatever breaks my heart" semiotic love by blaqk audio

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Wednesday, November 21, 2007
hey guys. how's been your day? im doing soooo good. =D im just so happy these days. well, it was kinda a mix of both today. okay this is what my best friends been doing to me:
so, she broke her ankle and didnt go to school for 3 weeks even though she couldve been able to. she came to school yesterday for the first time since she broke it, and she was in crutches. so in that case, she didnt march. today when she was in the classroom while everyone else was out, she got all of the freshman's backpacks and flipped them inside out, grouped them together with tin foil, and left a note on it in big letters saying "freshman suck" even though she is one. the thing is, she got the foil out of my backpack b/c i had it b/c it was my friends bday so i baked a cake for her and brought foil for any extras.[wow. run on sentence much? xD] so since she didnt put it away, the roll and all the stuff was laying right next to my backpack. and b/c she didnt flip mines inside out, everyone thought it was me. she used me as a get away. and they didnt think her b/c she flipped her own to make it look like i did it.and while she was absent for those 3 weeks, she made me type all of her notes so she didnt have to do them and it'd look like she typed them. and even though i thought her everything when she was gone, she played stupid when she came back she didnt have to make up all of her tests. now her teachers that i have too like hate me and think i lied to them when i told them that i taught her. ugh. and then guess what? at lunch today, she walked up to me and was all like,"megan, i need to borrow a math book." and b/c i was mad at her b/c of when she did about the backpacks, i said,"that's nice." and then i walked out to go to the lunch line. i went to my math class in 6th per.[after lunch], and my book was gone from my bag. so then my teacher yelled at me in front of the class and in front of my boyfriend[which made me feel really stupid], didn't believe me, and gave me lunch detention. ugh.
i am like so pissed with her. my boyfriend got really mad too. he was all like,"that girl took your lunch time which is my time with you. that is like a direct offense to me, and not only that, but she tried to flip my backpack. i am so fxcking pissed at her." so i guess that makes things a little better....? haha. but this is why my day was good:
my bf and i are taking things REALLY slow, and its b/c im his first gf, so hes kinda learning b/c of me in a sense. well, yesterday, he held me and told me he loved me. =DDDDDDDDDD and guess what? today i kissed him on the cheek. this is just so oh my god right now. i am so happy and im just like jumping up and down screaming and just....ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!! im just exploding with happiness. yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay!!!!!!!!!!! go me...? haha.
well, yeah. that's how things have been lately for me. btw...

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Tuesday, November 20, 2007
hey guys. i've been so busy...ugh. i just got back from hanging out at my friend ethan's house with my bf and ethan's sister. =D it was so fun. we played pickle, and i got so freaking dirty. and my right heel has a cut on it now. xD good times, good times.
well, yeah. that's all i have to say. i'll write more later.

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Sunday, November 11, 2007
hey guys. well rested today and ready for action.
=D i could go for a few laps around the block. ha!
>=D *in master gai/rock lee mode today* come on beagle! *looks over to dog*...*dog looks up, stares for a few, lays back down, then sighs*. =[[[ fine. be that way. eh. i would do so, but today i have to visit my stupid friend who broke her ankle on the trampoline. tsk tsk tsk. eh. i'll probably call her in a few, and then find out i can't go over because her bf is going to visit. *sigh* no time for me anymore. one bf, and this chick is outta existence for anything else. eh. maybe i will go for a run then. i mean without doing p.e. and having marching band instead, i don't get as much as a work out. we just march around the track or in the field for 2 hours every morning on week days. and we march at football games and parades. eh. i could still use the exercise. >=D today is the day of megan! *goes into triumphant position* well, talk to you guys later! =]

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Saturday, November 10, 2007
tired. limbs hurt. hungry. this sucks.

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