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Saturday, November 10, 2007
hey guys. today, i have to perform at a parade. joy. this one is the most competitive one yet, apparently. oh well though because this is the last one before the christmas landcaster parade which is like a month from now. so i guess i don't mind much. the only problem is that it's a band review that feeds into a parade, which means that it's going to be long. eh. well, i have to go now because i need to start to get ready. perhaps i can kill my bro while i'm at it. he's annoying me so much, and i wanna kill him. ugh.

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Thursday, November 8, 2007
hey guys. ugh. report cards are coming out soon, and i know that i have a D in my english class. my mom's pissed. i had to tell her. better to tell her now, you know? there's one thing that i don't understand though. my bro used to hide his report cards and not tell my mom about report card night, but now he won't let me do that. why? because in his soph and freshie year, he got bad grades, and now he's a junior who gets really good grades. so he's making my mom know everything just because he has the good grades and to show that i have the bad ones. and i never told mom about when he did that! wth?! i help him, but he doesn't help me out or care. not cool. w/e. when he starts to drop, i'll be sure to rub it in. the only reasons why i have C's, 2 B's, 2 A's, and a D id because i never do my homework. for the past week, i've been doing it. therefore, my grades will soon rise. megan will be at a triumph. yay megan! *starts to dance like a fool* ...>.>...<.<...i guess not...haha. well, i'm happy about that.
on other news, my friend just broke her ankle. how? on a trampoline. her stupidity astounded me when she told me the entire thing. eh. it's too long for me to tell. but w/e. the thing is, i went to a band concert that night. i invited her to come with me and that she could even invite her bf, but she said no because she thought it would be boring, and she wanted to go somewhere else w/her bf. so, she basically sold me out for her bf, and guess what? the idiot breaks her ankle. shows the power of karma. hahaha. payback. i had to go to the concert in the end w/my grandma. =[ i was meeting up w/friends i haven't seen in a year [guys to be exact] and i had to go w/my grandmother. ugh. how embarrassing.but w/e. i had a good time, and did not break my ankle.

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Monday, November 5, 2007
hey guys. sorry i haven't logged on in a while. band's been really demanding and stuff, so i have like no time to do anything anymore. so sorry if i don't log on that much. i'm just swamped, you know? so sorry...

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Monday, October 22, 2007
hey guys. not much going on. sorry. i have a dull life. there's a fire in the town though. =/
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Sunday, October 14, 2007
hey guys. ugh. life just sucks right now.
1.this guy kinda..."touched" me inappropriately. yes, i mean i was sexually harassed.
2.i'm sick
3.the guy who i like and i thought liked me back(or at least that's what he said) has been ignoring me. friend decided to get drunk at a party with her senior and junior friends even though she's a freshman.
5.that freshman friend decided to not tell me and only my friend that happened to call her while she was drunk even though i'm, i mean i was, her best friend. this was also my friend who decided to make out with a senior this year.
6.Keeper of Souls, you know who i'm talking about. if you call her about it, it's my head on the line. she doesn't know i know. don't call her about it. as a matter of fact, she told mattie to not tell me. and to tell you the truth, i'm half tempted to call her mom by now, and tell her everything that's been going on. seems as though all of my friend hate me for no reason.
ugh. no happy time for me. =[[[ i feel like so depressed, and on top of it all, sick. oh, and to add onto that list, i've been having these insanely torturous nightmares because of 1. *sigh* and to even add more to this, i'm starting to fail because i can't do anything anymore. so i guess my teachers hate me too. oh well. to tell you the truth, don't expect me to log on that much throughout the next week.

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Saturday, October 13, 2007
hey guys. omg. weird things have been happening. okay. i haven't been able to really tell anyone, but on thursday at this football game, this guy touched me inthis way i didn't like. and ever since then, i've been having nightmares and stuff. what should i do?

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Friday, October 12, 2007
hey guys. i don't really have all too much to say this morning. ugh, i feel sick today. =[[ i was going to not go to school today, because it's just been getting worse and worse, but it seems as though i can't find it in myself to do so. i know, weird, no? i hate school, yet at the same time, i hate skipping it. why? because there's nothing to do on sick days. it's just so boring.every single time, i always do the same thing. i cuddle up on the couch with the dog, and watch the star wars movies. as much as i love star wars, i'm kinda getting tired of seeing them over again. well, i have to go now because i need o go to school. bye bye!

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Thursday, October 11, 2007
hey guys. guess what? i've officially decided to post in the morning before i go to school! =D

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Tuesday, October 9, 2007
you guys wanted news? well, some happened today. my bf and i broke up. yay! i was the one who did it. i like someone else...

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Monday, October 8, 2007
hey guys. what's up? not much to report on. =/ ugh. my life is slowly yet surely becoming really boring. =[[[ so...yeah. bye i guess...?

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