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Sunday, October 7, 2007
hey guys. so, yeah. last night i went to the carnival that was in town. it was awesome. i was skipping, dancing, and singing, and getting sugar high. =D wooot! i had two big things of ice cream, and i had a big thing of cotton candy. yaaaaaaaay! i mean, there were some awkward moments. i was hanging out with a pack of my friends, and one of the group was my ex. and quess what? a stranger asked us if we were on a date. >.< we were kinda like, "" hahahahahaha. but that was pretty much it. it was still kinda funny though. so, yeah. i stayed for like 6 hours. =] so that's pretty much it.

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Saturday, October 6, 2007
hey guys. i just got back from a parade like half an hour ago. ugh. we wear black wool uniforms, and in the end, there's sweat dripping everywhere...even in places you never knew existed. SO HOT!!!!!!!!!!!! i felt like i was gonna die! ugh. oh well. it was my first parade ever, and i will always remember it...and how it sucked. haha.

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Friday, October 5, 2007
ugh. i'm really upset right now. my friend started to have a crush on this senior guy, and he started to like her too.[and she's a freshman, mind you.] they were chatting online, and he asked her if she would make out with him like that day because he lived ten minutes away. she said no, and then he asked her for a blow job. she called me and she was crying so hard and she said that she couldn't believe that she ever liked him. guess what? i was at my friend mattie,s house, and we got a message. it was my friend. she said that she had made out with the guy that day. i was so angry at her for doing that after what he had asked of her. and then she said that they had "made up"[which means he lied to her to get what he wanted], and it was okay. then she told me that part of her was unsure about it while it was happening, and i told her that when that stuff happens, you have to push him off. you know what she said? "but he's just so nice though..." that was her first kiss and first make out. she just wasted it on a guy that just wants to get in her pants. she won't listen to us, and she hates me now. ugh. so, yea. sorry if i seem emotional, but i had to tell, yea. =[

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Thursday, October 4, 2007
hey guys. ugh. i have to get ready to go preform at a home game soon. i hate thursday games. why? because the next morning you have to wake up and go to school. not only that, but if we did bad we hear about it the next morning from our teacher. on friday games, he has the weekend to cool down. oh well. speaking of school, they blocked myo from the comps so i can't log on during school hours any more. i guess they finaly caught up to me. but then again that was pretty quick seeing as when i was in middle school they never caught me in the three years i was there. XDDDDDD oh well. i'll have to get back to posting at home. well, i have to get going so i can start getting ready for the game. bye!

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Monday, October 1, 2007
hey guys. the personal essay was okay i guess. =| but, yea. ugh. tomorrow we take band pictures, and i don't wanna have the heavy uniform at school. ugh. it bugs me. that thing is so hot, and it's heavy too. =[ evil is what i say. pure evil. they need to die. not only that, but right now we're starting our research papers in research/tech class. not cool. eh. well, i'm going get going now. ttyl.
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Sunday, September 30, 2007
hey guys. ugh. my english teacher assigned the class the difficult task of writing a personal essay. it's not the fact that she gave us an essay that disturbs me, but the fact that it's a personal essay which means i have to choose a freaking personal experience to write about. i don't want her to post that on the wall, and have like 10 people that i know walk up to me saying i'm a freaking emo kid or anything. yes, i have issues, but that's the problem. my issues are kinda too emotional to submit in an essay for the world to see. it just feels so uncomfortable...-_-' oh well. if kids ask i'll just tell them to bug off. but another thing i don't want to happen is for her to refer me to a psychiatrist or something because of "emotional issues". but then again that would be the point where i would just stand up to her and say no either that or just BS the counselor and say random crap to make me get out of there A.S.A.P. ugh. and what if my parents see that?! they'd want me to get professional help. *sigh* this is complicated. i guess i just have to keep in mind what happened and hwy i chose it because of how important it is to me. i'm writing about the events of what happened at the promotion party. i'll post the essay when i'm done if you guys want me too. okay. well i have to get going because my brother is badgering me about doing the essay. =| well, talk to you guys later.
also, i'lll comment back posts later. i need to go finish the essay first. so, yea. be back afterwards.

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Saturday, September 29, 2007
hey guys. today's been okay i guess. the marching band i'm in preformed at a pancake breakfast today to raise funds for us to go to hawaii. it was really hot, and we had to wear our heavy wool uniforms. two of my friends fainted while preforming. =[ i was really lucky though because i was the only person far enough on the end to where i got shade to stand in. but then again that's a bad thing because next week is our first parade, and i won't know what it's like in the heat. so i hope i don't go down in the parade. but then again, the people who go down are always really skinny and most of the time didn't eat or drink beforehand. oh well. i'm confident that that won't happen to me. =]

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Thursday, September 27, 2007
hey guys. okay day. we're on minimum day schedule today, so we get out at 12. =]]] well, i'm going to going now. hope you guys have a nice day!

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Wednesday, September 26, 2007
hola. good day. nothing else to report on. love you guys!

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Tuesday, September 25, 2007
hey guys. today was pretty good, with the exception of band. ugh. the upper classman saxophones are so annoying and bossy. i'm a freshman, so obviously i suck. but they always nitpick at me. >=[ gosh. i'm freaking sorry i'm not perfect. realize it, they need to. haha. yoda speak. well, that's all i really have to say. =] hope you guys had/will have a nice day.
more super junior!

i love super junior! especially the songs rokkuguh[there are about 3 ways to spell this on the web =|], and miracle.
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