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i do nothing.
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i would have to say pokemon.
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death note, naruto, fullmetal alchemist, bleach, rurouni kenshin, one peice, and buso renkkin.
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listening to my iPod, going on the compy, and hanging out with my bandos
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| star wars fan
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Friday, August 31, 2007
hey guys! not much to report on today. woke up, took a shower, ate...the regular nothing. yup. talked to none of my friends except my ex. odd? not really. we talked on the phone for over an hour and a half. he's a pretty cool guy to talk to once you get to know him. =] so, yup. that's all i have to say.

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Thursday, August 30, 2007
hey. first post in forever. well, band camp is over. i like someone. they like me too. oh, and 2 other people like me, and one person might. the two people are christian[my ex], and my friend johan. johan asked me out. i said sorry, but that i was pretty much already going out with someone else. and christian says that he's not gonna try because joel[the guy i like] and i have something. but yea. i feel really bad about turning down my friend johan though. why? because just last week we were playing truth or truth, and he asked me if i would ever date him. i said i would.
here's how it went:
him: hey do you want to do something fun?
me: ...what?
him: online truth or truth
me and alecs play it for hours
me: okay
him: u go first
me: what is your schedule?
him: i don't have it yet. i'm going to the make ups
me: oh.
ur turn
him: ok....
would you ever date me?
me: yup
him: you would???
me: yea. you're a cool guy.
him: aww.. that's so sweet
i've asked about 100 girls the same question and they say no
me: really????
him: yeah
i <3 you!
me: i <3 u too.
him: i would always ask sam the same question and she said that only if like pigs flew
me: awwww....sorry jomo.
him: yeah i would go out with you but wouldn't it be a little too soon?
me: i guess.
him: yeah i'll wait a little while
me: okay.
yup. that's what it was...well, part of it. so, yea. i'll post tomorrow. bye!

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Thursday, August 16, 2007
hey guys. still anticipating going to band camp next week. =| but the good thing is that i'll be going to my best friend alecs's birthday party next saturday! yaaay! i haven't been to the beach in so long! i'm probably going to look like a huge dork. most likely i'll be running down the beach and just fall down. i know that doesn't sound too realistic, but that's what almost always happens to me. but at least i'll ve with my friends instead of my family who would normally just sit there and laugh at me. but i guess i really shouldn't say anything because i laugh with my friends about it. the only problem is that i don't know what to get her. =[ go figure. this always happens to me. what i'm thinking about getting her is...
-2 pairs of wrist warmers
-a hot topic gift card for $25.00
-a bunch of candy
yea. i think she'd like that. who wouldn't? well, the wrist warmers, i don't know if everyone would like those but i think everyone would like everything else. *pause* other than that there's not much to talk about.
*5 minutes later*
hahahahahahahahaha! xDDDDDD my family is watching that show "so you think you can dance" and in the dance, the girl had to slide between the guy's legs. well, in practice, she didn't bend back far enough and her head hit right there on the guy. xDDDDDD that's funny.
i never particularly liked those shows. i don't know why.i don't like a lot of TV these days. i know, i'm not the average teenager. most teenagers spend hours in front of the television...
that's all i have to say.

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Wednesday, August 15, 2007
hey. i've been away for a while. my posts were messed up. hopefully they're fixed now. =] it's gonna be a little bit more difficult to post now a days because next week i'll be heading off to band camp. i don't know why, but i'm a little excited for it. also, i got my hair cut. =]]] so, yea. it'll be harder to post...

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Sunday, August 5, 2007
hey guys. sorry i haven't posted in a while. well, i hate to break it to you, but i really don't have anything to post on. i am going to check it as much as possible though, so even if i don't post, i will be getting online.

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Friday, July 27, 2007
hey guys! sorry i haven't posted lately. i've been dragged around by many people. ugh. well, i do have good news. i'm getting my worker's permit and i already found my first job! =]] i'm super excited. it's at this place that's kinda like a jamba juice. it's called "juice it up!" so, yea. oh, and minimum wage is $7.50, so i'll be getting good pay for a teenager on my first job. yup. i'm going to get the permit next week. i hope i get it all!
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Saturday, July 21, 2007
hey guys! omg. i love the song in my vid! i dunno's so girly. but i love it. so...yea...this is probably as much HP as it's gonna get. i love the icon though. =] so, yea. i'm going to my grandparents today, ad that's really it. my grandpa just came out of the hospital, and it's my aunt's birthday. it's so awesome that i get to see her! i haven't seen her in years! she lives in arkansas. so she's kinda long distance seeing as i'm in california.
pic of the day to replace ?'s of the day for today!

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Friday, July 20, 2007
hmmmmmmmm... it seems as though people wanted to know what i am sewing. well, it's gonna be hard to explain although i'm pretty sure Keeper of Souls will know what i'm talking about seeing as he used to go to my school. well, i got an old pair of my P.E. shorts and cut out the top netting layer[there's a layer of netting and another layer of actual shorts]. so, yea...i cut out the net layer so now it's this weird yellowish, brownish, silvery color.. then, on the bottom of the right leg, i was bored so i made my own design out different fabrics and sewed that on.
here is a bad paint drawing. the yellow is actually gold and the grey on the heart is actually silver because i decided to use silver thread.

so, yea. i'm not done yet. i'm thinking about adding a big thunder bolt on the @$$ and writing "Dr.Thunder" on it for laughs. hahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! yea. i've decided to do my page harry potter. i'm not going to change the stripes, because they're ravenclaw stripes if you haven't noticed. so, with that, my page will be in the theme of ravenclaw and also the marauders by tomorrow. =]]]]]
oh, yea, what do you guys think of the lightning bolt idea. xD
-to keeper of souls-
yes, i will be sleeping with harry potter. =]
-random ?'s i feel like asking today:-
1)do you like harry potter?
2)what is your fav house[in hp]?
3)what's your fav color?
4)if you could wipe out the existance of one thing in this universe[it doesn't have to be a creature or living], which would you choose?
5)if you were in harry potter, would you join the death eaters or the order of the phoenix?
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Thursday, July 19, 2007
hey guys! ughhhh... boring day as usual. went to the store called micheals to get some sewing thread, and started my own little sewing project. reading my comments, i'd like to reassure corn that i am not going to stalk any of the harry potter actors, actresses, or J.K. Rowling. so, don't worry. i will on the other hand, be getting harry potter bed spread soon. =] not sure if i should do my page in harry potter, though... what do you guys think?
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Tuesday, July 17, 2007
hey guys. sorry i haven't been posting. i've been very busy being harry potter obsessed. i must go now. kay? i'll post tomorrow. bye!
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