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Friday, July 13, 2007
hmmmmmmm...i'm sorry because i know that that is rather annoying, but i was tagged by Keeper of Souls...again. *death glare* so, lemme see to it that this is the last time.
3)my friend alecs
4)death note
5)dogs[in general]
7)star wars
there. >=[ i did your dirty work. i'm not gonna tag him back though[or anyone for that matter] because this is just gonna continue.
also, sorry i haven't been visiting sites lately i have been very busy doing things. so, yea...sorry.
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hey guys. sorry i didn't post. i've been unfortunately busy. so, yea. it appears to me that i was tagged again by Keeper of Souls and i have to list 7 other of my favorite things, so...
1)sofia[a dog]
2)simon[a dog]
4)Kepper of Souls
7)skeeter[my worthless beagle]
there. so in turn[now that i found out you can retag] i tage inda2, Keeper of Souls, and noirassasin. hahahahaha! let the evil...BEGIN!
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Wednesday, July 11, 2007
well, it seems as though i was tagged yesterday by noirassasin so i need to write down 7 of my favorite things.
3)my friends
7)mexican food
i know the 7th one is off topic and a little random, but it's only true. i love mexican food. oh, and in turn, i tag Keeper of Souls, kutekittykyo, and LittleFunnyThing. you guys have to post 7 of your fav things.
on a different note, there isn't much going ton today. i'm going to go see harry potter 5 with my friends parth, jhankhana, nidhi, their cousins, and possibly alces. we tried to call her but she never picked up....typical. miguel was to come, and i called him 2 times till i finally remembered that he's on a cruise right now. hahaha. he's gonna turn on his cell and get messages saying,"so, are you going to HP5? we need to know like soon." and things like that when he's not even in the state. hahahahahahahaha. i forgot to call him and to tell him sorry for sending them, so he'll think i totally forgot about the cruise.'s gonna be o awesome!!!!

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Tuesday, July 10, 2007
hola!!!! i just got back from vacation last night at 1 in the morning. ugh. getting home was a nightmare. we had to drive down the moutain and wait for my mom's friends and we were all gonna meet up, but my mom's friend "didn't get cell reception in that town" so he drove ahead like 50 miles. then, he tells us after my mom and i were waiting in the "no reception" town for an hour and a half! and the reason why i'm putting it in quotes is because him and my mom have the same cell company and she got cell reception. ugh. so after at least 12 hours of driving, we get to my mom's friend's house[the ont with "no cell reception"]. we used his car[because it's nicer than ours] on the way up, so we had to transfer our stuff to our car. then, when we're excited that we get to finally go home, we turn on the car, and it doesn't work. her friend lives about an hour and a half away from our house, so we had to wait for my mom's bf to pick us up there in the middle of the night outside and right up close to the beach. my mom and i, being girls, started crying our eyes out. but, her bf came and we took the hour and a half car ride home. so.....yea.
now, on another note, i have found out a yaoi couple i'm really starting to like...light and L from death note...even though L should be with me. :sigh: it's sooooooooo awesome.
:a few min. later after looking up tons of L and light yaoi:...ugh. i hate it when they have the little clouds and blurs and stuff. or when they cut off the pic right at the good part.

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Tuesday, July 3, 2007
hey guys. leaving for vacation today. i wanted to post one more time. i'm gonna miss you guys, and i'll post when i get back, kay? it's gonna be awesome! i'm gonna go hiking, swimming, listening to a lot of live music...=]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]. although, i do have t admit that i will be missing the electronics...a.k.a my compo. but, i also have death note, ouran high school host club, naruto, FMA, buso renkin, my iPod, and my sketchbook to help waste time on the drive up. my mom says that over all, the drive takes 2 days. ugh. oh, yea! and if you guys don't already know, i'm gonne be gone from the 3rd[today] to the 9th. well, i gotta go. bye.

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Monday, July 2, 2007
hey guys. can't be on for long because i gotta pack, but i'm over him. yea. he was being a little biotch to my best friend, and him and i got in this huge fight over the phone. something else happened, but i'd rather not talk about it. but it has to do with someone else...i will however, tell one person. i don't know who, but i'll tell. well, i have to go. bye.
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Wednesday, June 27, 2007
hey guys. sorry i didn't post.alright. here's what happened. i went to the library, and the second i walked into the door, i realized something. i realized that i was too nervous to do anything. so, i stayed in the teen section[all the way on the other side of the library] the entire time and the only time i went even remotely near that area, it was to go to the bathroom. i think the other people who were working thought i was phyco though. haha. the reason being, is after i went to the bathroom, i walked in front of the door[like past it] like 4 times trying to see him. i figured that if i maybe saw him, or he saw me, i'd get some motivation. but, of course, i was all too nervous to do anything. after my dad picked me up, i got so mad at myself that i didn't go through with it. i don't get it. he's my friend. i shouldn't be so nervous, yet i am. ugh. when i told my friend alecs later, she was all like,"no worries...we have all summer. =]" and i was all like,"yea. more like all summer to forget about me. =[" ugh. and i was thinking about it last night, and it's just that i've decided that i shouldn't be so "omg" about this. well, i guess to state that out more, i'm giving up. yuppers. i'm just not even gonna try anymore. if he asks, that's nice and i'll say yes. but, if nothing happens at HP5[harry potter 5] i'm just not even gonna try. forget it. it's just useless. but, if by chance something does happen, i might try...i dunno.
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Monday, June 25, 2007
hey guys! okay, here it's kinda 10:48 in the morning, but nevertheless. i figured that i should post before i went ahead to the library even though i'm going there at 4:15 in the afternoon. =] also, i wanted to say that i love what kutekittykyo said about me being a fangirl. i'll take that into consideration and tell him that you said that. haha. well, i have to go to the library because my friend alecs is pushing me to go. i just hope tha"omg, would you STOP worrying?!", but people do sign up for shifts and often skip them. =[ i'm gonna feel like a loser if i show up there and he's not there. i'd also have like nothing to do. oh well. it's better that i try than not. and not only that, but i'm pretty sure that he'll come. he's a nerd. he has to go. lol. well, i can't really dis him on that, because i'm considered a nerd too. :sigh: i'm so excited. i don't know why, really. i mean, yea, i'm excited to see him when i do, but this time just seems more exciting. i think it's because i'm on summer break and i haven't seen him in over a week. i dunno. just a random guess. eh. oh, and also, i haven't talked to him all summer. i guess that's considered a good thing and a bad thing though. it's a good thing because i'm slowly but surely becoming less attached to him. but it's a bad thing because he might get a little upset about that. but, then again, he can't get angry because i have technically talked to a message. yea. now i remember. i sent him a message last week. so, if he gets mad i'll tell him that it's his own stinkin' fault that he doesn't log on more. hmmm....well, i'll be posting tomorrow on how it goes[or technically how it went] today. so unless he doesn't show up, it'll more than likely be a long post. well, see ya! =]

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Sunday, June 24, 2007
hmmm...i guess today is kinda an eventful day. i just got back from the dog beach with my mom, her bf, and obviously my dog. while there, she[as usual] sniffed the butts, dug holes in sand, ran, and did not go in the water because she's a pussy. it's the usual thing for her. =] other than that, i am going to be going to go see Ocean's 13 today because my family and i are big fans of the Ocean's movies. so, that's gonna be fun. i hope the new movies is as good as the first two. but, i think it is so there's no problem with that. also, i seriously think that i am going crazy with the HP 5 thing because i've already planned what i'm going to look like. =/ but, that's it. and it's nothing too fancy or abnormally pretty looking for me either. i didn't want that, really. i figure since he does like me, i shouldn't really have to change. also, i'm taking everyone's advice and i am going to go and see him at the library tomorrow. it'll be a little weird, but i'll do it. and if he thinks that i'm clingy, oh well. it just lets him know that i care. besides, if i do need any excuse, i could just say that i wanted to see him before i left on vacation even though i would be leaving a week later. hehe. a weird excuse, but an excuse nevertheless. and, for emphasis that it wasn't a major thing to me, i will perhaps go to starbucks beforehand so when he sees me, i'll be drinking a mocha frap. well, i'm gonna get going for now. we apparently need to start getting ready. i'll post tomorrow and tell you guys how it goes. =]
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Saturday, June 23, 2007
zomg. i swear that i'm freaking obsessed with the fact that i'm going to go see HP 5 and the guy i like coming...maybe. apparently he has to ask his momma, but nevertheless, he'll probably be able to go. =] i've been so happy, nervous, and jittery about it. i'm probably going to be until we go. which is also sad because we're going to go see the movie after i come back on vacation. yea. i also might see him on monday. he volunteers down at the library some days over the summer in the volunteer program. it's kinda sad though because i did the same volunteer program every year but this year. =[ i would've signed up if i knew that all of my friends and him were in the program. he doesn't know i'm going there though. lol. it's a surprise. but i'm still not sure about going to the library though because i'm debating on whether or not he'll think that i'm clingy. but he does like me too, so he'd probably like it. not only that, but it'd be a few days before i leave for vacation. so i guess i should go and see him. just a few minutes. nothing long. =] we'll see. i mean, i'll go, but i am slightly afraid that he'll think that i'm too clingy. but, then again, i just need to relax because he likes me for me and if i were someone else, he wouldn't like me. alrighty...i guess i'm just gonna try to take a chill pill and not be so conscious about it. alright...alright. oh, yea. and here's his pic because i promised that i'd post one yesterday.
pic of him

to Keeper of Souls
long time, no chat, my friend. i don't know about you because you're home schooled, but i'm out for the summer. =] we need to chill together. i can't july 3rd through 9th, but other than that we must arrange a time for us to hang out together. oh, and there is one day in july that alecs, migs, jhanki, parth, nidhi, and i are going to go see HP 5, so i can't really chill that day. i would invite you, but ever since the last time we hung out and the magnet kids saw us[even though it was just as friends], i'm not going to take my chances. but i do need to at least talk to you because there is loads to talk about. like the bf i mentioned the last time i talked to you? i dumped him. we were going out for almost 4 months and i dumped him. the reason why is sad though. not sad as in actually depressing, but embarrassing. so, yea. at least PM me because we do need to chat and we need to hang out together, okay? =P
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