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| star wars fan
Thursday, June 21, 2007
lol. still having a hard time to make time to post. well, today i helped my old 6th grade teacher and my ASB teacher from last year [the same person], pack up the things in her classroom because the district transferred her to go to teach at hillview high school next school's awesome because next year i'm going to foothill high and hillview high is right across the street. =] the reason being is that hillview is a repeat school, and foothill is a normal school. but things will change the year after that[my sophomore year], because then i'll be transferring to beckman high. i can't wait to go there! i have tons of friend that are going there, so that'll be awesome! but, the high school i want to go to most[which my parents will not let me go to], is tustin high. i really want to be in the M.U.N. program and i want to be with my best friend alecs. it just plain sucks. yea, i really want to go to beckman, but i'd love to go to tustin most. she's my best friend, and it just sucks that i can't go to the same school as her. the reason is, my parents don't like the school. they think i'll get shot. it's really odd because that's the reputation that that school just has, and nothing like that happens. people also think that it's filled with drugs, but the school in our district with the drug problem is foothill. wanna know why? because rich people go there who are bored and just wanna ruin their lives. then, people think that it has a bad education. that's also not true. if you look at the list for the best high school education wise, tustin high is actually #1. but, i'm okay with me not going anyways, because she'd be like the only person there that i'd know. well, her and her brother, but i don't know him that well. apparently he's #1 on the tennis team. but, it's okay. she'll beat him. =] not only that, but i know that we'll stay in contact. i just know it. why? because even though i'm not supposed to, i'm going to visit her at the library everyday she's volunteering there. also, i'm going to go see HP 5 with her and a couple of my other friends. yes, we're gonna be seeing each other a lot over the summer. and one school year won't be much. after that, i'm going to beckman, so we're obviously going to stay friends there because almost all of her other friends are going to beckman. so, i'll be okay then. well, i might post again, but for the mean time, i'm going to end this post. =]

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