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if only i had one.
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i do nothing.
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Anime Fan Since
i would have to say pokemon.
Favorite Anime
death note, naruto, fullmetal alchemist, bleach, rurouni kenshin, one peice, and buso renkkin.
i'll inform you about it the day i have one.
listening to my iPod, going on the compy, and hanging out with my bandos
Talents BAND!
| star wars fan
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
hola!!!! i just got back from vacation last night at 1 in the morning. ugh. getting home was a nightmare. we had to drive down the moutain and wait for my mom's friends and we were all gonna meet up, but my mom's friend "didn't get cell reception in that town" so he drove ahead like 50 miles. then, he tells us after my mom and i were waiting in the "no reception" town for an hour and a half! and the reason why i'm putting it in quotes is because him and my mom have the same cell company and she got cell reception. ugh. so after at least 12 hours of driving, we get to my mom's friend's house[the ont with "no cell reception"]. we used his car[because it's nicer than ours] on the way up, so we had to transfer our stuff to our car. then, when we're excited that we get to finally go home, we turn on the car, and it doesn't work. her friend lives about an hour and a half away from our house, so we had to wait for my mom's bf to pick us up there in the middle of the night outside and right up close to the beach. my mom and i, being girls, started crying our eyes out. but, her bf came and we took the hour and a half car ride home. so.....yea.
now, on another note, i have found out a yaoi couple i'm really starting to like...light and L from death note...even though L should be with me. :sigh: it's sooooooooo awesome.
:a few min. later after looking up tons of L and light yaoi:...ugh. i hate it when they have the little clouds and blurs and stuff. or when they cut off the pic right at the good part.

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