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i would have to say pokemon.
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death note, naruto, fullmetal alchemist, bleach, rurouni kenshin, one peice, and buso renkkin.
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| star wars fan
Thursday, January 3, 2008
hey guys. going to the movies today to go see the golden compass. eh. im not looking too forward to seeing it. last night i got in a fight with one of my friends whom im going with. joy, right? ugh. it sucks. oh well. so yesterday i went to my grandparents house to go and take the family holiday photo despite the fact that christmas was like 2 weeks ago. the freaking sun was right in my eyes, my little cousins[not babies. the youngest is 6] would not stop squirming and stuff, and of course we attempted to match, but we didnt. my grandmother said nice beige[wth is up w/these gay color names?! BEIGE?! JUST CALL IT TAN FOR CHRISTS SAKE!] bottoms with either a nice white or black top. i show up in a beige skirt[which she pre-approved of] and a black shirt. my brother did likewise. my bro and my grandma were wearing sunglasses in the pic, one of my cousins was wearing a white jersey, one of my cousins was wearing black shorts with a black shirt with a giant skull on it, and my grandpa was wearing a red sweater. we probably look like a retarded family who doesnt know how to match anything. how joyful that will be to send out. *rolls eyes* so then afterwards, one of my cousins friends kevin shows up randomly uninvited[the kid doesnt even live near there.]. they run around an shit and knock over like everything near them. so while this is happening, my bro, one of my cousins, and i play it safe by just sitting on the couch in the den and watch tv. so then the runnign around kids decide to join. they all wanna watch something different, so like everyones whining. amidst this all, i decided to pull out a piece of gum and chew it. its natural for me. im like addicted to it. so then i have like 10 kids look at me all at once and then they start whining about wanting gum. then i finally just yell no. then they start to whine more about that and about them not being able to watch the tv show they wanna watch. so then my bro and i get so sick of it that we go into the other room and just watch our show in there. but of course we have to hear from the other room about how wants to remote and who wants to see what and about why someone just bumped into someone else. may brother and i just looked at each other and started to laugh so hard. lolol. it was hilarious. then the one cousin who was with us before everyone came in from before runs in and automatically sits on my lap b/c im her fav cousin. the thing was, we were watching the show future weapons on tv[its either on discovery or history. i forgot.]. so i have to tell her that she should get out of the room b/c she was too young to watch it.[shes 6] then of course b/c shes a 6 year old, she starts to cry and she runs away. ugh. it was SO annoying and just stupid yet funny at the same time. haha. damn. this post is long. better end it here. thanks for reading it if you dared to read it. =]

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